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Nobby Solano as centre midfield


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Not right now, as there is no-one else I trust at right back, whereas I have faith in our central midfielders abilities, just I have no faith in the manager having them tactically organised.

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Guest Ice__Mag

Not for me.


He's doing well at RB. When we're on the attack he joins the midfield and gives us another quality option that Carr wouldn't.



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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)... is there a midfielder of Nobby's size/abilities established in the centre of any Premiership team?

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No. Doesnt have the legs, stamina, etc, for central midfield. Also, his distribution seems to have gone downhill in recent months.


Hes on the wane, sad to say, and central midfield is no place for a winger to be when hes in this state.

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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)... is there a midfielder of Nobby's size/abilities established in the centre of any Premiership team?


How about Julio Arca? He hasn't got much physical presence though he is not tiny by any means. Nor he is fast. But he has football intelligence and passing abilities, so far he's done a very good job water carrying for Boro despite being a left back by trade.


But Solano probably doesn't have the stamina and leg to run the midfield whole match. How I wish Solano is 10 years younger!

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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)...


the same questions were raised when he was asked  to play emergency right back but he aint done too bad ;)

He's play right-back before and it's not too different from right-midfield. Plus he's got great postional sense. He could possibly play 'in the hole' at a push but not as a conventional centre-mid imo.

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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)...


the same questions were raised when he was asked  to play emergency right back but he aint done too bad ;)

He could possibly play 'in the hole' at a push but not as a conventional centre-mid imo.


agreed ,he definitely has the ability to play in that position due to his vision to play in clever passes which we seem to lack! I don't think the EPL is suited for this type of player/formation though......esp not us when Bambi and co just punt balls upfield

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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)...


the same questions were raised when he was asked  to play emergency right back but he aint done too bad ;)


Were they? I certainly don't remember being at all worried when he was put there.


He's certainly done "bad" at right-back on quite a few occasions, yet most people seem amazed at having a full-back who can sometimes pick a pass and read a situation, so he gets away with it.


Should not be first-choice next season at right-back or central-midfield.

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No physical presence, not much tackling ability, no pace, limited ball-carrying ability (always looks for the pass)... is there a midfielder of Nobby's size/abilities established in the centre of any Premiership team?


How about Julio Arca? He hasn't got much physical presence though he is not tiny by any means. Nor he is fast. But he has football intelligence and passing abilities, so far he's done a very good job water carrying for Boro despite being a left back by trade.


But Solano probably doesn't have the stamina and leg to run the midfield whole match. How I wish Solano is 10 years younger!


Arca is certainly quicker, taller and he has more stamina than the Nobby Solano of today. Nobby has never been a player who can play in limited amounts of space, which is why his move to right-back has increased his performances when he hasn't been under constant pressure from the opposition.


However, in central midfield this would be a completely different story and you seem to have glossed-over the fact that dribbling is one of Arca's main strengths, whereas I personally haven't seen Nobby go on anything resembling a "dribble" for seasons now. Nobby's game is all about receiving the ball in a bit of space and picking out a pass ahead of him, or being involved in neat link-up play (provided he has a lot of movement around him - his "partnership" with Dyer is testament to this.)


Central midfield is the most competitive area on the pitch and he would simply be closed-down, closed-down, closed-down (like he was away at AZ) meaning that he'd constantly have to surrender posession by hitting hopeful passes (as he did away to AZ).


He's a great player given the time and space to play, but he simply cannot beat a man one-on-one (Arca can, easily) and so only has one option. In a team with such a lack of movement as ours has, I simply could not see it working.


Solano has already been found-out at right-back in my eyes, it would take even less time for him to be "drowned" if he was put in a more pressurised position. Also, I think he and Arca are very different players when considered from every angle.

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