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Roeder Q&A: Contracts for Edgar & maybe Bramble, Vocal minority are kinda idiots


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I'm going to Newcastle's training ground on Friday morning to interview Glenn Roeder and thought it would be good to give you the opportunity to ask your own questions given everything that has happened in the last week.


If you have something you would like to put to the United boss please leave a comment on this site before 9am on Friday morning and I'll select a couple and ask them for you.


Hopefully Glenn will answer them as honestly as he can and I'll put the replies, along with the names of the people whose questions were selected, up on the site on Friday.


Get your thinking caps on and please tell as many people as you can because the more questions I get the better.


- Luke Edwards.


So, go to Luke's site and get those questions in. Not sure "why are you such a shit manager etc etc" will fly, but there are plenty of questions that could be put to him.  :knuppel2:



Answers so far -


Sorry about the wait, but here are the answers to some of the questions you asked me to put to Glenn Roeder on Friday. There were more than 4,000 words from Newcastle's manager so look out for the rest of it in The Journal in the coming days.


Once again, thanks for the magnificent response to my request for questions and they make fascinating reading, even without answers. Believe it or not, I’ve always been under the impression that it is the views of the fans that really matter. All we journalists can do is prompt debate and offer our own opinions.


I’m just sorry I couldn’t ask any more of them, although it’s something I’m hoping to repeat in the future. I'm just as interested to know what you think about Roeder’s responses.


Please could you ask him if David Edgar (whose contract expires this summer, I've been told) will be getting a new deal?

James Collins


Roeder said: “We’re in talks with him about a new contract. He is one of the young lads who I only thought would make their debuts this year, but they have gone on to play 14 or 15 games this season. I expect David to be here next season.”


Luke says: “There is more on this to come, but you will have to wait until Monday’s paper. Edgar appears to be in Roeder’s plans, although I appreciate that doesn’t explain why he hasn’t been involved with the first team for ages.”


How can you offer Titus Bramble a new contract when he clearly isn't good enough?

Mark O’Keefe


Roeder said: “If he wants to stay here he's got eight games to prove he should. He is fighting for his life and he has to finish the season strongly.

"He is a very frustrating player because when he is good, he is very good. But, one of the responsibilities you must fulfil as a defender is consistency in every minute of every game because it only takes a second to score a goal.

"There is a lot to like about Titus, but again, he does have those lapses in concentration. I'm sure he goes out trying to make sure that doesn't happen.

"But no decision has been made. The chairman and I have not discussed it with these eight games to go. If Titus wants to stay, he is fighting for his life.”


Luke says: “A little strange as Bramble’s advisors were due to meet Shepherd last week to discuss a new contract but the meeting was cancelled. It doesn’t look too good for Newcastle’s number 19.

“As we know, Bramble divides opinion among supporters, possibly more than any other. I’m in the pro camp, but how many more chances is he going to get? The player can earn more by moving, but wants to stay.

“It was difficult to read Roeder’s response, but my gut feeling, given what he has said about him in the past, is that he will get a new short-term contract.”


How do you react to the negative fan reaction that the team has been receiving in recent weeks, is it justified? What do you have to say to those fans?

Dean McDonald


Roeder said: “As painful as it is, people have got to be realistic. I think the fans have been fantastic because the majority understand what has happened to us this season. In life, not just football, it's always the loud minority we hear. It's never the silent majority.

“The silent majority are the decent people in life. That's not just in football, that's in life, politics, everything. The silent majority understand the situation but the loud minority don't understand how difficult it is.

“I don't really expect them to understand and we will just have to put up with. But I think the majority of supporters understand the situation we have been in this season.

“The injuries aren’t excuses, they are facts. The teams that do well have consistency. They don't have changes week in week out, they play with the same 14 or 15 players in the league.


Luke says: “He has a point, but is it strong enough to persuade people to part with season ticket money again? The injuries have been a problem, but why wasn’t there better cover?

“I’m not sure what he means about the vocal minority? Isn’t it the people who want to have their voice heard who care passionately about something? Isn’t it the silent majority who don’t really care, who go with the flow and follow the herd? Maybe the silent majority agree with the vocal minority but can’t be bothered to say anything about it.

Actually, come to think about it, is he talking about me? I like to think of myself as a decent person and I’m pretty vocal!”

“It’s easy to write off criticism as the actions of a vocal minority, but the vocal minority can also claim to represent the views of the silent majority in the same way Roeder can claim they understand why this season has been such a disappointing one. Wow, that was some sentence. I think this debate will rumble on for some time yet.”



Glenn, you have been through two transfer windows as manager, so how can you can you justify not spending any money on the defence in that time? Especially when it has been clear for a long time that the defence is our main weakness.



Sorry, Guy, you’re going to have to wait for Saturday’s Journal to read this or read it on Journal Live and then tell me what you think afterwards



Who’s the best West Ham, Charlton or Orient?



Roeder said: “Orient! Charlton? I effin hate them. South London scum, effin orrible ....

Orient and West Ham, two completely different animals. Orient, in that part of London, is everyone's second favourite team. Support Spurs or West Ham, you have a soft spot for Orient., No one has a bad word to say abut Orient and I certainly haven't.

“They gave me six fantastic years as a boy, great fun as an apprentice. We had a good youth team who were runners up to Ray Wilkins Chelsea youth team. Without Orient, I would not be here today.

“West Ham is a much bigger club, expectations are much higher, They are a club I sometimes watched as a kid, but I didn't particularly support anyone.”


Luke says: Erm, sorry people. You send in all sorts of hard-hitting questions about Newcastle and I ask him about Leyton Orient! Unbelievable I know, but he’s right of course, we are everybody’s second favourite team in North London.

“As for those of you who don’t rate/like him as a manager, all I can say is sorry again as, without Orient, Glenn wouldn’t be where he is today. Of course, if you do like Glenn, it’s our pleasure to have provided his formative years.


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Guest Gemmill

Why hasnt Edgar been given a look in?


second that, Ask him about David Edgar


I can think of more pressing concerns than why some 18 year old who may or may not even be any good hasn't had a game.  Like how much does Stephen Carr's cannonball head weigh.

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Guest shaun11177

Would he consider taking into account the injuries that finishing 11th in the premiership and getting knocked out in the last 16 of the uefa cup that the club have underachieved this season.

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Guest Gemmill

Should the fans have any hopes for the summer transfer window given the ineptitude displayed in the last two?


What does Terry McDermott do?


When you say you modelled yourself on Arsene Wenger........it's the glasses, isn't it?  You're talking about the fact that you wear glasses too?


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Guest Gemmill

Do you really think that constantly referring to the injury problems we've had and then saying "....but I'm not going to use that as an excuse" doesn't qualify as using them as an excuse?


On a similar note, talking about another manager's player and then saying "....but I don't like to talk about other manager's players" doesn't negate the fact that you just talked about another manager's players.  That's not a question, Glenn, it's just been annoying me.

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Guest Toon83

I asked -


what is your reaction to the negative fan reaction the team has been getting in both the press and on the street in the last month or two, culiminating in the rection to the Alkmaar surrender? what do you say to those fans and reporters?


I also asked what has happened to Edgar and why Milner didnt start against AZ or even come on when he has been our most potent attacking threat this season?


hopefully he'll answer some of these

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Guest ChickenKiev

f*** knows if this interview will really happen but its pointless people asking questions like some of them in the thread. As if the lads gonna ask him stuff like why don't you leave.


I'm being serious.

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How is it possible that mere fans are able to predict with wearysome regularity your teams and tactics?


How is it you often seem oblivious to the obvious?


How do you defend peoples belief that you seem utterly unable to change a game and that your teams under perform, and fail to display any sort of drive whatsoever?


Remind me again what Terry Mac does for his wedge?


Has Nigel Pearson had quite the impact you initially predicted?


Did you or did you not meet with Woodgate, if not why would Woodgate say otherwise?


Did you call Tommy Craig to congratulate him on his cup success?

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Do you agree that the performances while you were caretaker were more down to Souness leaving than you becoming manager and do the performances this season prove that?

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Guest LucaAltieri

Due to injuries you've been forced to play some of the younger players more often than you'd have expected to, back when you were in charge of the youth setup would you have considered those players ready for the first team?

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