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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:


who is ?


Once again, you are presuming everybody else is "better" than us, without naming them ...  mackems.gif Similarly all those teams that are "better" than us yet you can only name 4 who have qualified more for europe over the past decade.


It actually doesn't matter if they are local lads or not, in fact, its better if they are. You'll be saying next that Carragher for instance was a lucky break for Liverpool - or maybe not. Good scouting by someone else and a lucky break for Newcastle. Righto, if you say so Jon  mackems.gif


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ?




Well off the top of my head I would say Spurs, Liverpool, Arsenal, Bolton, Manchester United and Everton have a better set up than us. Villa have a fair few home grown lads coming through and looking the business. Reading either have gotten very lucky or have some good scouts on their books.


[start repeat]


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ? [/end repeat]





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Fair enough ignore everything else. Well he obviously had a contact with Newcastle. Does this mean we should just not bother with scouts and hope lawyers start spotting players on a more regular basis?

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Bollocks, no other manager would have done better. I can think of a few who probably would have done better. Maybe he meant no other manager that actually wanted the job would have done better. We lose to all the crap teams. All the big teams we have drawn against or beaten have been through luck. Anytime he has had choices we have lost.  I`m starting to dislike the man more than I did Souness. At least we won with him when we had players fit and lost when we had no one fit. It seems to be the other way round with GR.

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Bollocks, no other manager would have done better. I can think of a few who probably would have done better. Maybe he meant no other manager that actually wanted the job would have done better. We lose to all the crap teams. All the big teams we have drawn against or beaten have been through luck. Anytime he has had choices we have lost.  I`m starting to dislike the man more than I did Souness. At least we won with him when we had players fit and lost when we had no one fit. It seems to be the other way round with GR.


I think you're being too kind to Souness (spit), he was no better than Roeder, I think time heals.

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Bollocks, no other manager would have done better. I can think of a few who probably would have done better. Maybe he meant no other manager that actually wanted the job would have done better. We lose to all the crap teams. All the big teams we have drawn against or beaten have been through luck. Anytime he has had choices we have lost.  I`m starting to dislike the man more than I did Souness. At least we won with him when we had players fit and lost when we had no one fit. It seems to be the other way round with GR.


I think you're being too kind to Souness (spit), he was no better than Roeder, I think time heals.


Maybe, lets see where we finish this season.  I think Souness was hated more because he ruined us where as Glenn has steadied us but not actually improved us.  Like you say i`m probably thinking this way because of the fading memories.  

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Fair enough ignore everything else. Well he obviously had a contact with Newcastle. Does this mean we should just not bother with scouts and hope lawyers start spotting players on a more regular basis?


No. I am curious as to who this - presumably French - lawyer was and what his connection to the club was. I am quite surprised that a presumably French lawyer recommended a player like Zoggy to Newcastle, as we have such a shit youth system and club, how could he have heard of us, especially as Arsenal have a French manager and had lots of big French players throughout Wengers reign ?


You do realise that it was under Sir John Hall's chairmanship that the youth system was abolished don't you - or rather Keegans, or was it Shepherds, or is it the same board sometimes, and not at other times ?


Newcastle United won the FA Youth Cup in 1985, they won 4-1 away to Watford in the 2nd leg final, I was there to see Gazza score 2 goals. Sadly he was the only player from that team who even made a dent in the premiership. Joe Allon scored the other 2 goals. What does it prove ? Pass.  It may prove that it means precisely nothing really. Or rather it may prove that NUFC sold their best players back then, and brilliant they were too, some of them. Neither Waddle or Beardsley played in that team, nor the youth team at all.


On a more serious note, not that my points above aren't serious, because in reality they are, Newcastle United have always lost local youngsters, in fact the mackems always had a superior youth set up - which proves something too if you think about it - but sold their most of their best players too ie Colin Todd, Denis Tueart, John O'Hare, Jim Montgomery and despite winning the FA Cup with 2 of those players playing, they were a 2nd division team, took 3 years to get promoted afterwards, and signed their best player of 1973 for 100 grand from Rotherham instead of nurturing him through the juniors.


Where was I ? Oh aye, on a more serious note. Yes, well - here's a novel idea. Why not give credit to the current board for at last trying to do something about it and improve things ? Shepherd and the rest of his directors for building the new training complex, hot on the heels of the development of the stadium, both of which had been on the drawing boards for about 80 years, and Roeder for seeking to get a better system on the playing side of things ?


Just a word though. These things take time. Its no good shouting to sack the manager after 6 months, nor complaining if it costs money, to the detriment of the needs of the first team.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

you forgot we're still the 5th best side of the last decade


Smashing post, Vicky mate, well done.




I learnt from the master when it comes to using irrefutable statistics to win arguments

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you forgot we're still the 5th best side of the last decade


Smashing post, Vicky mate, well done.




I learnt from the master when it comes to using irrefutable statistics to win arguments


the only stats that matter, points, and league positions.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

you forgot we're still the 5th best side of the last decade


Smashing post, Vicky mate, well done.




I learnt from the master when it comes to using irrefutable statistics to win arguments


the only stats that matter, points, and league positions.





yes quite right. Tears well up in me when I remember us collecting the trophy for being 5th best club averaged over the last decade. I remember how the other clubs looked down at us in 14th with total envy in their eyes, and how hard they tried to head hunt Fat Fred to be their chairman

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Well done to the board and Roeder for suddenly realising we have one scout.


Enough praise?


Excellent response again, Jon.


What was that about this French lawyer again, I must have missed it



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Well done to the board and Roeder for suddenly realising we have one scout.


Enough praise?


Excellent response again, Jon.


What was that about this French lawyer again, I must have missed it




What do you expect me to say?

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Well done to the board and Roeder for suddenly realising we have one scout.


Enough praise?


Excellent response again, Jon.


What was that about this French lawyer again, I must have missed it




What do you expect me to say?


that you didn't know ?  ;)


Actually, the correct answer would be, if you think about it, is that the lawyer thought it would be a good club for him. But I seriously doubt the ability of many people to admit to that.



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Or the lawyer knew someone at Newcastle. Doesn't exactly say a lot for our scouting though does it? Which was basically the point.


It looked a good move for him yes, although maybe he isn't thinking so much at the moment.

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Or the lawyer knew someone at Newcastle. Doesn't exactly say a lot for our scouting though does it? Which was basically the point.


It looked a good move for him yes, although maybe he isn't thinking so much at the moment.


I thought the fact that the club fought for him through court would have suggested to him that he would be wanted a lot, and also good judgment on the part of someone at the club, probably Bobby Robson.


Whatever, I don't know. Reading through this whole thread, I have to be honest and say that it is difficult to know what to believe. Dalglish restored the youth system, and brought in Alan Irvine to set it going. John Carver was promoted from youth team up through to first team coach through him, gullit and Robson, so the youth team obviuosly existed, meaning someone was watching youngsters. Roeder himself was youth team coach. So whats he talking about ? Bobby Robson also had one of the best youth schemes in the country when he managed Ipswich, so he most certainly would not have neglected it. You can beat the club with a big stick if you think we have not brought in as many good youngsters as you would have liked, and you would be right.


It isn't as if we don't want the club to find more Gazzas and Shearers, everybody does, but as I say, at least someone has seen the worth of it after all this time, you are going back decades and decades here, so its their predecessors you should be slating, not so much the current regime. To me, this is all part and parcel of how poorly the club used to be run. Basically, no f**cker was bothered.



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Or the lawyer knew someone at Newcastle. Doesn't exactly say a lot for our scouting though does it? Which was basically the point.


It looked a good move for him yes, although maybe he isn't thinking so much at the moment.


I thought the fact that the club fought for him through court would have suggested to him that he would be wanted a lot, and also good judgment on the part of someone at the club, probably Bobby Robson.


Whatever, I don't know. Reading through this whole thread, I have to be honest and say that it is difficult to know what to believe. Dalglish restored the youth system, and brought in Alan Irvine to set it going. John Carver was promoted from youth team up through to first team coach through him, gullit and Robson, so the youth team obviuosly existed, meaning someone was watching youngsters. Roeder himself was youth team coach. So whats he talking about ? Bobby Robson also had one of the best youth schemes in the country when he managed Ipswich, so he most certainly would not have neglected it. You can beat the club with a big stick if you think we have not brought in as many good youngsters as you would have liked, and you would be right.


It isn't as if we don't want the club to find more Gazzas and Shearers, everybody does, but as I say, at least someone has seen the worth of it after all this time, you are going back decades and decades here, so its their predecessors you should be slating, not so much the current regime. To me, this is all part and parcel of how poorly the club used to be run. Basically, no f**cker was bothered.




Good post.

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Or the lawyer knew someone at Newcastle. Doesn't exactly say a lot for our scouting though does it? Which was basically the point.


It looked a good move for him yes, although maybe he isn't thinking so much at the moment.


I thought the fact that the club fought for him through court would have suggested to him that he would be wanted a lot, and also good judgment on the part of someone at the club, probably Bobby Robson.


Whatever, I don't know. Reading through this whole thread, I have to be honest and say that it is difficult to know what to believe. Dalglish restored the youth system, and brought in Alan Irvine to set it going. John Carver was promoted from youth team up through to first team coach through him, gullit and Robson, so the youth team obviuosly existed, meaning someone was watching youngsters. Roeder himself was youth team coach. So whats he talking about ? Bobby Robson also had one of the best youth schemes in the country when he managed Ipswich, so he most certainly would not have neglected it. You can beat the club with a big stick if you think we have not brought in as many good youngsters as you would have liked, and you would be right.


It isn't as if we don't want the club to find more Gazzas and Shearers, everybody does, but as I say, at least someone has seen the worth of it after all this time, you are going back decades and decades here, so its their predecessors you should be slating, not so much the current regime. To me, this is all part and parcel of how poorly the club used to be run. Basically, no f**cker was bothered.



Good post.


thanks mate, and I've just realised something in it too. Cox worked hard for the club, and concentrated on youngsters, he actually worked hard with the first team too, with little money too, what he did for the club, he did through hard work, and good judgment and trying to build a foundation of the club again. But he pissed off, just when it could have resulted in a good side, with 3 future big England players at the club. So it isn't true to say that nobody bothered for all that time, Cox bothered during his time, if nobody else did. He got loads of flak in his first 2 years or so, then suddenly, what he had been working to do, came through.


Credit to him, because I would say he tried.



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"There aint anyone in any way, any manager, who could have kept Newcastle in the top six this year," he told The People.


Moron. He got the job because he was supposed to have done a great job last season, and was set to continue that, since it "wasnt a fluke", and he was going to do as well, if not better, since hed sign more of "his" own players. Quite clearly, it was a fluke and hes failed to do that which he was appointed for.




How many FIRST TEAM players did he have out for the Charlton game? Owen, i can think of. Can't think any of the other absentees that are premiership quality, and its this clueless twat who failed to replace them.


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Toon accused of not using agent Aug 8 2004



By Sunday Sun



Newcastle have been accused of using a lawyer - rather than a FIFA- registered agent - in their swoop for French wonderkid Charles N'Zogbia.


And the president of the player's French club Le Havre fears his country's reknowned Academy system will crumble should United succeed in their attempts to sign the 17-year-old.


Reports last week claimed Newcastle had completed a deal for the left-sided player, but Le Havre were quick to point out that N'Zogbia is tied to the club until 2009.


Both clubs' respective football associations are set to battle it out over N'Zogbia - but Le Havre president Jean-Pierre Louvel is determined to hang on to the French youth international.


"If Charles is allowed to sign for Newcastle United it would mean the end of the French system of training and educating young players which, over the years, has proved the best in the world," said Louvel.



"Charles' contract cannot be broken by the sole decision of one of the parties. The French government has enforced this way of regulating the education and training of young sportsmen and girls to make sure the system is the most protective of the young persons concerned."



He added: "The person who took Charles to Newcastle is a lawyer and not a registered agent and before this lawyer took this initiative no one at Newcastle United knew the player, who has not been spotted by any representative of the Newcastle scouting system.



"We are going to fight with the greatest energy to preserve the player's future, protect the club's interest, the future of the French system of education and training, and we expect to receive full support from the French football authorities as well as UEFA and FIFA."





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^that is a heavily biased view trying to back up le harve's attempt to keep N'Zogbia there against his will. Charlie Woods actually gave an account of how N'Zogbia was spotted- while he was in Paris a french contact gave him a video of N'Zogbia in a youth match, Woods was so impressed he told Bobby to get him on a trial right away.


quoting from BBC report:


As a 17-year-old, N’Zogbia was brought to Charlie Wood’s attention by a friend in the capital. United’s former chief scout was immediately impressed by the video footage.


"Having seen videos of the boy (N’Zogbia) we decided to get him to the club for a trial as quickly as possible," says Woods. "The Chairman gave the decision clearance and he was here within a week.


"He made an immediate impression, so much so that in one practice game, Alan Shearer went out of his way to ask 'Where did you get this one from, Charlie?'


"He’s a natural," says Woods. "He’s brave, can pass, run, and has a great temperament. If asked to compare him to anyone else, I’d say Archie Gemmill (the great Scottish midfielder) or in the modern day game, Edgar Davids.


"Once we’d cleared the paperwork with Le Havre and FIFA, Charles spoke to his parents about coming to England full time. His mother, who brought him up immaculately in their small flat close to the Stade De France in Paris, said 'you must go to England.' "


The rest, as they say, is history and Woods believes there’s plenty more to come. "He’ll only get stronger and his best position is probably centre midfield," says the former United scout. "He’s just a lovely young man."


not saying Woods' friend isn't a lawyer, but it's untrue to say he wasn't spotted by a United scout. That's how scouts find talent, they use their contacts to locate the players and then their perspicacity to judge if they are talented enough.


anyone know how we got Krul?

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^that is a heavily biased view trying to back up le harve's attempt to keep N'Zogbia there against his will. Charlie Woods actually gave an account of how N'Zogbia was spotted- while he was in Paris a french contact gave him a video of N'Zogbia in a youth match, Woods was so impressed he told Bobby to get him on a trial right away.


quoting from BBC report:


As a 17-year-old, N’Zogbia was brought to Charlie Wood’s attention by a friend in the capital. United’s former chief scout was immediately impressed by the video footage.


"Having seen videos of the boy (N’Zogbia) we decided to get him to the club for a trial as quickly as possible," says Woods. "The Chairman gave the decision clearance and he was here within a week.


"He made an immediate impression, so much so that in one practice game, Alan Shearer went out of his way to ask 'Where did you get this one from, Charlie?'


"He’s a natural," says Woods. "He’s brave, can pass, run, and has a great temperament. If asked to compare him to anyone else, I’d say Archie Gemmill (the great Scottish midfielder) or in the modern day game, Edgar Davids.


"Once we’d cleared the paperwork with Le Havre and FIFA, Charles spoke to his parents about coming to England full time. His mother, who brought him up immaculately in their small flat close to the Stade De France in Paris, said 'you must go to England.' "


The rest, as they say, is history and Woods believes there’s plenty more to come. "He’ll only get stronger and his best position is probably centre midfield," says the former United scout. "He’s just a lovely young man."


not saying Woods' friend isn't a lawyer, but it's untrue to say he wasn't spotted by a United scout. That's how scouts find talent, they use their contacts to locate the players and then their perspicacity to judge if they are talented enough.


anyone know how we got Krul?


I'm not sure what went on, like you said it could be that the friend of Woods was the lawyer, my problem isn't so much how we found him but why we don't do more to find more young players of his talent.

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