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Cocky Glenn


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I'm not so sure he believes it Mick, I think basically there is nothing wrong with what he's saying, because he isn't going to admit publicy he made wrong decisons, but the fact he is saying things like this is a sign that the pressure is getting to him, which obviously isn't a good sign, for him.


We know that he must decide on Butt or Parker, he'll have to privately admit that for one thing, but he isn't going to say it !!!! He'll be gone if he doesn't though, because its negating the teams effectiveness.


Its a big summer for him, but I think he'll be here in August, do you ?




I would rather that if Roeder was going to say something then he'd admit making mistakes rather than trying to tell us how good he is, I don't have a problem with people admitting to making mistakes, we all make them.  I wouldn't expect him to come out and tell us that he was shit, he'd be crazy to do that.  To try and big himself up the way he has in that article, if true is way over the top.  I would have more faith in him if he thought he'd made mistakes but felt he had made them and learned form them, maybe he knows about his mistakes and learned from them, we'll see.


I do think he'll be here in August unless something goes seriously wrong, something like no more points this season which I don't think will happen.  This coming transfer window is the one he's got to get right to keep him in the job.  To do that he's got to go and find more players who make an impact the way Martins has, by that I mean the number of goals he's scored.


If he brings in more Repkas, Hutchisons and Duffs then he'll probably go.  He's almost certain to get some players wrong, all managers do that.  Where Roeder will also possibly shoot himself in the foot is what he does when he gats the wrong signing, will he feel he has to play his players because he's admitting to getting it wrong if he doesn't?


You've mentioned that Martins and Owen might not work together, will Roeder keep playing them together if things don't go well with those two just because he's spent a lot of money on one of them?  Roeder is unlikely to go before August, the sad thing is that if his signings don't work then he'll probably not last all of next season then we'll start the whole rebuilding process all over again.


I agree if we don't improve next season he'll be gone. See my last post to Raconteur ref ruthlessness and Owen/Martins.



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Guest Knightrider

Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion. As for being ruthless, I think Roeder can be ruthless, ask Gazza. Has anyone considered Parker and or Butt might be (obviously) faves of his in the same way that Fergie keeps sticking with O'Shea et al despite most Man Utd fans cringing whenever their names appear on the team-sheet or of the opinion that the team doesn't do as well whenever they play? In short players he trusts more than others and rates higher than others. Just because you and I or anyone else doesn't think those two can play together doesn't mean he is wrong and we are right. Sure it may seem that way when we continue to underperform but we can be myopic at times as fans and get it into our heads that if you change this and that or drop this player for that player, everything will be honkey dorey.


I'm convinced Roeder picks those two for a very good reason at least, some of those reasons being the unavailability of Emre and others who could play in central midfield at times which has often gone without notice. Indeed the very fact we are being linked with central midfielders (Sidwell will apparently join the club in the summer) indicates that no, Roeder doesn't see Butt and Parker being a strong partnership, certainly long-term anyway.


Lets be honest here, neither combination in the centre is going to be 100% effective anyway, we're just nitpicking here. Our best performance and result this season came with both Parker and Butt partnering each other in central midfield - the 4-2 win over AZ. And while our worst also came against that very same team with that very same central midfield, to find the right balance... well it is extremely hard to do, especially when you have injuries, more pressing concerns to contend with and a lack of real options to mix it up.


We can sit here all day and say we should partner Butt and Dyer together or Parker and Emre together, but there has been nothing to suggest either combination will be any better (or worse depending on how you look at it), is there?


Anyway, I can see reason to play Butt and Parker together, and then I can see reasons not to, I'd personally play a different tandem myself, but that doesn't mean I'd be right.

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Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion.


That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ;) )


Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!


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Guest Knightrider

Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion.


That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ;) )


Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!



Oh aye, I'd like some of that as well, but to be honest, actions speak louder than words and while on the outside we're seemingly being fed a load of warm and fuzzy soundbites, I'm hoping inside Roeder is massively disappointed with this season (which I think even his biggest critics will accept he will be deep down... surely) and sees what we see and accepts what we accept - i.e. that certain players aren't good enough, that we need this and that (improved scouting for example which pleasingly he is at least talking about) and will basically take a toughline stance. Again, actions will confirm for me - not soundbites. I'm hopeful if not convinced he has the skills.


I've also noticed there has been a lot of criticism aimed at Roeder regarding his seemingly acceptance of any blame and while I tend to agree in the main, he needs to accept responsibility, if he chooses to do this in private and not in public, I'll be more than happy with that and in fact that for me would be the best way to go about things.


People forget this is Newcastle United here, if Roeder comes out all apolgetic and such, it will be seen as "Roeder trying to fool fans...". In short: damned if he does; damned if he doesn't. ;)


BTW I'm not saying I disagree with everyone here, just playing the devil's advocate tbh and trying to see two sides of the picture, if anything to make a better assessment of things myself so I can be a better judge as I honestly don't know where I stand on a whole number of issues. Part of me says "sack the idiot", the other parts says "we need to stabilise, Roeder's done an OK job in tough conditions etc. etc."


Alas, actions will speak louder than words, and results will be the decider - not newspaper quotes or internet debates.

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Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion.


That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ;) )


Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!



He is being brutally honest. Sound bite or not, within that interview he is effectively saying that he cannot work with players he hasn't signed. I would like HTT to tell me that that is not an excuse and a poor reflection on his managerial ability.


I agree with him mind, though I would also note that he hasn't got the best out of players he has signed either, such as Duff, which is just as worrying.

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Some of on here might be sure that Roeder will still be here in August (I think he probably will be too), but it doesn't sound like he himself is sure at all. This interview reads like the outburst of a man feeling the pressure – not quite a KK "love it, just love it" moment, but heading in that direction, even though there's nothing to play for but the vague hope of Inter-Toto qualification. His job's on the line.


This in contrast to this week's PR push about scouting efforts, intended to mollify our concerns about the squad in general and the defence in particular.

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Guest Knightrider

Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion.


That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ;) )


Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!



He is being brutally honest. Sound bite or not, he is effectively saying that he cannot work with players he hasn't signed. I would like HTT to tell me that that is not an excuse and a poor reflection on his managerial ability.


I agree with him mind, though I would also note that he hasn't got the best out of players he has signed either, such as Duff.


I don't think it is an excuse, I think he's tried his best to get the best out of the players, but it hasn't worked for whatever reason. But to be fair, who could get the best out of wor lot - or rather certain individuals?


You mention Duff but under Mourinho he was just as disappointing for them in the last 12 months of his career at Stamford Bridge as he has been for us, which is why we got him to be honest.


And to be fair to Duff (a player who I think is past it and was a mistake signing bought for all the wrong reasons (no reason at all to sign him in fact)) it's quite hard to find some form when you've had a stop start season and playing for a team that in the main, is average. In fact it is hard for the team to perform to any consistent standard if the lineup keeps changing from one week to the next, and for Roeder, even harder to build that team given he hasn't been able to work with the team on a daily basis like he'd want to due to all those injuries. He's been training the team on a day by day basis and any plans go out the window when you are forced to work like that. Is it a coincidence we've been so inconsistent and don't look like we are playing to any kind of plan, system or style? I don't think it is myself.


As to whether his inability to get the best out of the team and/or certain players is a reflection of his managerial abilities or not, of course it is a reflection and a negative one in our case, but then that's what you get when you appoint average managers, they fall down in key areas. I'm not going to blame Roeder for being unable to do something he lacks the skills for however, something I'd be foolish to demand from him. That would be like me asking Shay to score a few goals a season because he can, err, kick a ball.


Sticking with that point, it saddens me when people refer to our manager as a prick, a rodent etc. simply because he can't do the things they want a Newcastle United manager to be able to do. What were people expecting with this appointment? Great things? Get real people.

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Raconteur mate you're reading way too much into what are basically soundbites, in my opinion.


That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ;) )


Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!



He is being brutally honest. Sound bite or not, he is effectively saying that he cannot work with players he hasn't signed. I would like HTT to tell me that that is not an excuse and a poor reflection on his managerial ability.


I agree with him mind, though I would also note that he hasn't got the best out of players he has signed either, such as Duff.


I don't think it is an excuse, I think he's tried his best to get the best out of the players, but it hasn't worked for whatever reason. But to be fair, who could get the best out of wor lot - or rather certain individuals?


You mention Duff but under Mourinho he was just as disappointing for them in the last 12 months of his career at Stamford Bridge as he has been for us, which is why we got him to be honest.


I mention Duff specifically because he states that he is failing because they are not his own players. Yet if Duff is anything to go by, then it is difficult to have much faith in his assertion/excuse/whatever that things will be so much better when he does.

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Even if he (mistakenly) believes what he said, why bloody say it out loud.  Idiot.  How does he expect anyone to even remotely back him when he comes out with stuff like this.

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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]



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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?

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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....



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BTW Steve Coppell has signed a new 2 year deal.


We may be a small club but we have confidence in our manager!(and the DOF)


only until he is sacked.


I really don't understand what you mean by the phrase "confidence in your manager", everybody has confidence in their manager, thats why they give them a contract, so what is so unique about that ?





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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:

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"confidence in your manager"

ie if he signs a player it is accepted that he is a good signing.

if a substitution is made it is the right one and at the right time.

that if a player holds the board to ramson over a contract(Sidwell) he doesn't capitulate.

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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:

And none of them have established themselves in the first team yet and it remains to be seen if any of them will. The jury's still out on Taylor and it's far too early to say about the others. N'Zogbia looks the part but he needs a run in the side.

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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:


who is ?


Once again, you are presuming everybody else is "better" than us, without naming them ...  mackems.gif Similarly all those teams that are "better" than us yet you can only name 4 who have qualified more for europe over the past decade.


It actually doesn't matter if they are local lads or not, in fact, its better if they are. You'll be saying next that Carragher for instance was a lucky break for Liverpool - or maybe not. Good scouting by someone else and a lucky break for Newcastle. Righto, if you say so Jon  mackems.gif


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ?



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"confidence in your manager"

ie if he signs a player it is accepted that he is a good signing.

if a substitution is made it is the right one and at the right time.

that if a player holds the board to ramson over a contract(Sidwell) he doesn't capitulate.


still haven't a clue what your point is. Sorry.


Small club with no pressure, average manager where he isn't found out of his depth.



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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:


who is ?


Once again, you are presuming everybody else is "better" than us, without naming them ...  mackems.gif Similarly all those teams that are "better" than us yet you can only name 4 who have qualified more for europe over the past decade.


It actually doesn't matter if they are local lads or not, in fact, its better if they are. You'll be saying next that Carragher for instance was a lucky break for Liverpool - or maybe not. Good scouting by someone else and a lucky break for Newcastle. Righto, if you say so Jon  mackems.gif


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ?



What Newcastle player that has come through the ranks here recently has been in Carragher's class then?

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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:


who is ?


Once again, you are presuming everybody else is "better" than us, without naming them ...  mackems.gif Similarly all those teams that are "better" than us yet you can only name 4 who have qualified more for europe over the past decade.


It actually doesn't matter if they are local lads or not, in fact, its better if they are. You'll be saying next that Carragher for instance was a lucky break for Liverpool - or maybe not. Good scouting by someone else and a lucky break for Newcastle. Righto, if you say so Jon  mackems.gif


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ?



What Newcastle player that has come through the ranks here recently has been in Carragher's class then?


Irving Nattrass



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Dear NE5

Only 5 of the Reading squad remain following the departure of Pardew.

Oh and Reading also have a DOF.


the DOF must be scoring all the goals is he  :lol:


And I bet it doesn't last.


Steve Coppell = average manager [suited to a small club with no pressure, like Curbishley]




DOF is a difficult concept to grasp isn't it? Managers don't score goals either you know?


neither do chairmen !   mackems.gif


Nice to hear we don't have scouts though, I wouldn't mind knowing where Taylor, Zoggy, Edgar, Huntingdon etc came from, and the entire youth team that Roeder himself coached previously....




Zoggy was brought to our attention by a lawyer, Edgar came here because his father used to play for us, Taylor and Huntington are local lads. We are hardly Arsenal with our youth scouting set up now are we? :lol:


who is ?


Once again, you are presuming everybody else is "better" than us, without naming them ...  mackems.gif Similarly all those teams that are "better" than us yet you can only name 4 who have qualified more for europe over the past decade.


It actually doesn't matter if they are local lads or not, in fact, its better if they are. You'll be saying next that Carragher for instance was a lucky break for Liverpool - or maybe not. Good scouting by someone else and a lucky break for Newcastle. Righto, if you say so Jon  mackems.gif


It's an interesting question ref Zoggy though, I mean what connection would a lawyer have with Newcastle ? Why would he recommend him to us and not Arsenal ?




Well off the top of my head I would say Spurs, Liverpool, Arsenal, Bolton, Manchester United and Everton have a better set up than us. Villa have a fair few home grown lads coming through and looking the business. Reading either have gotten very lucky or have some good scouts on their books.

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