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New poster here. Just wondering about tomorrow's atmosphere

Guest JoeVols

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Guest JoeVols

for the big game against chelsea.  This could be Chelsea's biggest chance to drop points the rest of the year save their game vs. MU.  Will the atmosphere be festive or have the fans already turned their sights to next season?

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Welcome to the forum.


If Chelsea get upto the antics of the Carling Cup game the fans will get fired up for the game. Also if we somehow get an early goal it'll be decent. However there is something about the 1:30 kick offs that make the atmosphere poor. Not sure what like.

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Wouldn't expect much mate. I'm from Sweden, and went to the Arsenal game a couple of weeks ago, and the atmosphere was generally poor. Though, if it's your first visit to SJP you'll still enjoy it, the Toon Ultras was doing a cracking a job trying to get some atmosphere, tbh. And as soon as there's something to clap for, even just a corner or something, you'll notice the noice.

Have a great time, and welcome to the forum

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