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Souness' Myspace...Interesting

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Guest DaN tHe MaN

I know there are alot of fake myspace accounts out there claiming to be certain people but this seems genuine. Make up your own mind.




That is a link to his blog where he answers questions members post to him. Interesting read if real.

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Guest JamesD

i'm tempted to create an account just to give him s***. but, by a lot of those q and a's, you could tell it was fake.

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Guest DaN tHe MaN
  On 24/04/2007 at 23:29, Scy said:

If you think thats real you are clearly a f****** idiot.




Did you even read it.....or are you that f****** stupid to dismiss it ;) Who in their right mind would pretend to be Souness...And I said it looks genuine not that it was

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Guest JamesD

"I feel that Curbs isn't the man to sort out that team. I think the best thing would be for West Ham to go down, appoint a disciplinarian, re-assess the situation then go for promotion." :lol:

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;D ;D ;D ;D


Howay mann Dan 4fs.


Hi Big Dave.


Whenever I signed a player I always went into it knowing the price on the ticket, and I don't believe in regrets. However there were a number of players who I regret inheriting from my predecessors, I'm sure you know who I mean.


Graeme Souness


No cunt, NO CUNT, can be that stupid Dan?

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Guest Geordiecunny

Added my 2 pennies just in case




I hate you Graeme, you ruined my club (Newcastle) you took us from a successful top 5 club and made us the mid-table embarassment we are today. What was so wrong? Sir Bobby was ten times the manager you are. Are you a closet mackem?




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Course it's fake. The references to Boa Morte prove that. "It would be a dream to work with Boa Morte". :lol: And, "but I'd prefer it if Newcastle didn't win it". Now come on man!

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"Good question Guy, I don't think Sheff Utd or Wigan are safe just yet, and out of the current bottom 3 I think only Charlton have a realistic chance of staying up. Although I have to say if West Ham were to drop out of the Premiership it would be terrible for the Premiership to lose a quality player such as Luis Boa Morte."




Yep, it's the real Souness alright!

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