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Guest Invicta_Toon

I would like to propose that certain posters who can prove a suitable contribution to the community should be able to circumvent the post requirements, within a quality not quantity ethos.

I would like to nominate myself as the first recipient of such circumvention, on the basis of my "keane makes ultimatum" post, which has given considerable enjoyment to Mackem-baiters throughout the world.


Already been done.


Seriously? That's mint.


I hereby withdraw all my ill-advised moderators / mongs comparisons  O0



even Taylor27/James ?

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Guest Invicta_Toon

I would like to propose that certain posters who can prove a suitable contribution to the community should be able to circumvent the post requirements, within a quality not quantity ethos.

I would like to nominate myself as the first recipient of such circumvention, on the basis of my "keane makes ultimatum" post, which has given considerable enjoyment to Mackem-baiters throughout the world.


Already been done.


What about people like Vic who make millions (approx) of posts, 99.9% of which are shite?


Honestly, his Transformer avatar has a higher IQ than the halfwit operating the keyboard


I can't believe posters like yourself have the audacity to pontificate on what I do or not do tbh

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Guest graemeh72

You can bet people look at this board with a view to signing up, see the shit Vic posts in every thread and think "Fuck it, whats the point".


Very good, that genuinely made me laugh out loud  :clap:  ;D

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Guest Invicta_Toon

You can bet people look at this board with a view to signing up, see the shit Vic posts in every thread and think "Fuck it, whats the point".


Are you the sensitive little soul who said that exact same thing that got me banned last time?


I bet it was actually, fits you to a tee

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You can bet people look at this board with a view to signing up, see the s*** Vic posts in every thread and think "f*** it, whats the point".


Are you the sensitive little soul who said that exact same thing that got me banned last time?


I bet it was actually, fits you to a tee


I didn't actually, I just think you're a sad c*** who no doubt will be on here posting s*** from morning til night all weekend.


You clearly have zero knowledge of football so why don't you save your nonsense for general chat.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

You can bet people look at this board with a view to signing up, see the s*** Vic posts in every thread and think "f*** it, whats the point".


Are you the sensitive little soul who said that exact same thing that got me banned last time?


I bet it was actually, fits you to a tee


I didn't actually, I just think you're a sad cunt who no doubt will be on here posting shit from morning til night all weekend.


I'll get over it tbh

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Leave Vic alone-mainly his opinions differ from mine but they are always interesting and if everyone agreed about everything this forum would be a fucking shambles.I imagine this forum feeds on diversifying opinions.

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Leave Vic alone-mainly his opinions differ from mine but they are always interesting and if everyone agreed about everything this forum would be a fucking shambles.I imagine this forum feeds on diversifying opinions.


It's not about the differing of opinion, it's about abusing other members as well. I've asked Vic countless times to stop, and I hope he knows he is near the end, now.  He probably won't give a shit, but that's why I will also not give a shit in getting rid.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Leave Vic alone-mainly his opinions differ from mine but they are always interesting and if everyone agreed about everything this forum would be a fucking shambles.I imagine this forum feeds on diversifying opinions.


It's not about the differing of opinion, it's about abusing other members as well.  I've asked Vic countless times to stop, and I hope he knows he is near the end, now.  He probably won't give a shit, but that's why I will also not give a shit in getting rid.


come off it, find me one thread today where I've started anything

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Leave Vic alone-mainly his opinions differ from mine but they are always interesting and if everyone agreed about everything this forum would be a fucking shambles.I imagine this forum feeds on diversifying opinions.


It's not about the differing of opinion, it's about abusing other members as well.  I've asked Vic countless times to stop, and I hope he knows he is near the end, now.  He probably won't give a shit, but that's why I will also not give a shit in getting rid.


come off it, find me one thread today where I've started anything


Come off it?  Get real Vic, you've had countless warnings.  Take this as it is, I will not be providing evidence for you, just fucking quit it.

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Guest graemeh72

Leave Vic alone-mainly his opinions differ from mine but they are always interesting and if everyone agreed about everything this forum would be a fucking shambles.I imagine this forum feeds on diversifying opinions.


It's not about the differing of opinion, it's about abusing other members as well.  I've asked Vic countless times to stop, and I hope he knows he is near the end, now.  He probably won't give a shit, but that's why I will also not give a shit in getting rid.


come off it, find me one thread today where I've started anything


you are a workie ticket and you know it


in fact if you deny it - it just makes you more of a workie ticket



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You can bet people look at this board with a view to signing up, see the shit Vic posts in every thread and think "Fuck it, whats the point".


I don't know, im sure I read a post from someone earlier basically saying he had signed up just to laugh at Vicky :lol:

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Guest Invicta_Toon

victimised tbh


Brought it on yourself, as said someone signed up just to laugh at you, with no background knowledge why would a new member victimise you? :lol:


it's more rational than you following every single post of mine with some inane girly put down like you've actually achieved something, when you weren't involved in a single one of the actual discussions


in-fact it amuses me greatly that this activity has probably contributed to you losing access at work, I shall at least only have to content with the gruesome twosome in work hours

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Can we use this thread for discussing the rule change and NOT for pointless, inane, and absolutely mundane argumentative drivel please? You know, before I just start randomly deleting people who I can't be fucked with?


Getting just a little bit bored of threads being continuously taken off-course of late.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Can we use this thread for discussing the rule change and NOT for pointless, inane, and absolutely mundane argumentative drivel please? You know, before I just start randomly deleting people who I can't be fucked with?


Getting just a little bit bored of threads being continuously taken off-course of late.


yet we can't have a transfer forum, go figure

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Where's the other thread about the latest rule change gone?  Pulled because people dared to question it? :razz:


Has anyone been banned because the moderators didn't like their face yet? :cheesy:


that thought occurred to me too.


........ and how does this thread not contravene the following :




If the moderating team feel that a forum user is consistently making non-contributive posts, or if they feel that his or her level of contribution to the discussion is overly destructive or conflict-driven - in particular when posting in the Football discussion section - they may choose to delete that user's account at their own discretion. The member is free to sign up with another account on the condition that they change their ways, but failure to do so will result in continued deletion and eventually a permanent ban.


Note that - depending on severity and frequency, and at the discretion of the moderating team - instead of deletion, the user may actually receive a ban (permanent or otherwise) the first time around. Also note that, whilst it is almost certain that a user making non-contributive posts will be forewarned before any actual deletion or banning will take place, it is not set-in-stone that this will occur, and again, this will be left to the discretion of the moderating team.


Just for clarity, be aware that by "non-contributive" we do not mean "inactive". You will not, under any circumstances, be banned or deleted purely for "lurking" on the forum but not posting.


so blatant, and childish, it is easy to ignore, and as conflict driven as anything you will find. Not that I'm advocating a ban, because I'm not, just pointing out how impossible to mod that this will be IMO




Again, that's why it's moderated with discretion. If we feel a post or thread contravenes our personal definition of this rule, we'll act upon it.


not being funny Andy, but thats sort of what I meant.


I am aware one or two mods would like shot of me, and I realise some don't, but it only takes one. That goes for quite a lot of people I would imagine.


I think the thread I highlighed directly contravenes the quote, and some would agree, whereas some would not [all depending on personalities]




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not being funny Andy, but thats sort of what I meant.


I am aware one or two mods would like shot of me, and I realise some don't, but it only takes one. That goes for quite a lot of people I would imagine.


I think the thread I highlighed directly contravenes the quote, and some would agree, whereas some would not [all depending on personalities]





You'd have been gone if the mod's wanted it that way.

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I think the thread I highlighed directly contravenes the quote, and some would agree, whereas some would not [all depending on personalities]


That's true enough. How it'll basically work is, when a moderator sees a post that he feels is in violation of the rule, he is fully entitled to deal with it himself, but I think I speak for most of us when I say that we'll probably end up sticking most things in the admin forum to get the majority opinion before we act. It's very rare that the decision will be made based on the interpretation of one person.


That's pretty much how work for most of the other rules too, apart from in cases of BLATANT rule breaking.

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