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Tribute To Sir John Hall.

Crumpy Gunt

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Guest toonbaz

time to move on but think he did us all a big favour at the time, considering where we were under mckeag.

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Guest pont-toon

well done Sir John :clap:


without your intervention god knows where we would be now - certainly we wouldnt have had the 2nd coming and the subsequent status previously alien to so many toon fans


as a businessman you took a risk, it paid off and you were rewarded


that is how business works


good luck to the new man, i for one welcome your new investment


heres hoping you also make a return on it

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Guest Hibbits left foot

EFF OFF and take your whoormaster son with you oh and fatty greggs addict ...

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You've took over £100m out of NUFC in your time.


f*** you and all your family. Now take the fat leach with you.


You are joking???? Think back to where this club was before he took the reigns in the early 90's and then think about how many things you have invested in without expecting anything back?!?!? Grow up child!

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You've took over £100m out of NUFC in your time.


f*** you and all your family. Now take the fat leach with you.



Was this the post that finally pushed the Halls over the edge and forced FFS to concider his position???

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Agree with others on here, considering where we were at the time that he took over, his involvement was nothing short of fantastic. Such a pity that Douglas and Fat Fred were allowed in to the party!

You would expect him to make a return on his investment, after all it was a big risk at the time.

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the odd thing is that if he'd taken over the club and not wandered off into various dubious other ventures he'd have made a real killing....................................... 

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Guest alex

I was thinking of his golf courses and similar TBH

It all went downhill after the Metro Centre tbh.

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Guest Knightrider

Aye, the Sporting Club thing a la Barcelona was a bit of a white elephant to say the least.


But quite bold at the time. I think Sir John Hall's vision for the club and North East in a sporting sense were way ahead of its time and at least he gave it a go. I remember watching him talk about the club not so long ago on ITV and you could see he was a broken man regarding his dreams and what the club had become after he left. Happened to KK as well. Shame.


Anyway I'm thankful for his imput and don't begrude him his end on this, we'll never ever see those days again and even the hardest cynic, i.e. a Grumpy, will concede they were fantastic years and United at its best.

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I cannot believe some of this stuff isn't a wind-up - NOBODY - NOBODY was prepared to lift a finger to get NUFC out of the decline it was in back in the 80s. Yes, I DO know SJH, not as bosom buddies, but well enough to know that he did want the best for the Club and the North East generally.


He HAS made a great deal of money from the sale of his shares, but good luck to him - we may not have even been in the Prem for the last 14 years if he hadn't taken over in 92 - look at clubs like Sheffield Weds & Wolves, once equally as famous as NUFC....


Has it not crossed anyone's mind that maybe he could have sold to Shepherd, and REALLY dropped us in it..?? I have heard that he bitterly regrets the way the club has been run for the past few years.

Also, for those saying he was in it for the money, remember this - in 1990, he forced McKeag & Co to offer a Share Issue to fans ; what happened ? There were not enough takers to get the thing off the ground, so fans only have themselves to blame that he took the club over 2 years later, and why?.. because if he hadn't , the club was going bust..


We stand on the brink of we hope is a great new era for the club, something we have all prayed for over the past year or so - just give credit where its due(we ALL know where it isn't.!!), and be glad that SJH did his bit and sold to a guy who is able to put the club right up there with any in the UK.


I have not felt as optimistic for the club's future since the Magpie Group took over & brought KK in in Feb 92....Good luck to Ashley and all his team, and heartfelt thanks for at least giving us a realistic hope of the club being run the way it should be.


Exciting days lie ahead, but maybe not for a few months..

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You've took over £100m out of NUFC in your time.


f*** you and all your family. Now take the fat leach with you.

My sentiments exactly.  Businessman and nothing but that, and it's more than £100m.  At the end of the day though, where would we have been if he hadn't have came in and took his opportunity?


The thing I hated about him, was when we signed people like Andy Cole "LADY HALL AND I HAVE STEPPED IN AND ACTED AS GUARANTOR IN CASE ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THE CLUB."  Why blatantly brag like that when he was always going to get his £1.75m back anyway?

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Has it not crossed anyone's mind that maybe he could have sold to Shepherd, and REALLY dropped us in it..?? I have heard that he bitterly regrets the way the club has been run for the past few years.


Shepherd couldn't afford it or he would have sold up to him without hesitation.


If things were so bad, then why as the major shareholder didn't he do something about it and force a change of chairman?

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Has it not crossed anyone's mind that maybe he could have sold to Shepherd, and REALLY dropped us in it..?? I have heard that he bitterly regrets the way the club has been run for the past few years.


Shepherd couldn't afford it or he would have sold up to him without hesitation.


If things were so bad, then why as the major shareholder didn't he do something about it and force a change of chairman?



No he wouldn't - have you the proof otherwise..??

Also, if you hadn't noticed, he HAS forced a change of Chairman - do you think Shepherd will still be there in a few weeks time..???

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Has it not crossed anyone's mind that maybe he could have sold to Shepherd, and REALLY dropped us in it..?? I have heard that he bitterly regrets the way the club has been run for the past few years.


Shepherd couldn't afford it or he would have sold up to him without hesitation.


If things were so bad, then why as the major shareholder didn't he do something about it and force a change of chairman?



No he wouldn't - have you the proof otherwise..??

Also, if you hadn't noticed, he HAS forced a change of Chairman - do you think Shepherd will still be there in a few weeks time..???


not quite. I agree with most of your previous post, your comments about the failed share issue are of course correct, however much Mick likes to dive and duck this issue in another thread and on previous occasions when I have asked him. This club was a failed football club that nobody wanted when the consortium led by Sir John Hall stepped in 15 years ago. Despite some mistakes, the club they are leaving behind is vastly superior in every possible way.


You know what UV means though mate, if he had been so unhappy, why didn't he take over himself or take a more active role ?


The reason he didn't ? It is of course that as major shareholders, they were having a big say in what was happening all the time anyway, especially in the choosing of the managers which is THE major decision, as some people like myself kept saying. No person with an investment in something like he had would do any different.



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Guest Toon Barmy

Can't believe this thread. 


The same pricks that hate SJH, hate FFS, and are now convinced MA has nothing but bad intentions.




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