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Scott Parker signs for West Ham - £6.5m (+£500k) fee confirmed


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Guest BooBoo

Tbh, its a bit pathetic to boo at all, it's not a pantomime! Waving of the white hankies is the way forward!

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Some bollocks about Barton


Further to this, I asked Andy Leggott of Vital Manchester City a few questions, here is what he had to say:


1) What do you think of Joey Barton as a player?


Joey Barton is a good midfielder in an average side. He firmly believes he is a sort of Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard rolled into one. The reality is he falls some way short of those aspirations. His passing is far from consistent and his set pieces are awful. However he is a combatative midfielder who will give his team everything. He will get goals from midfield and create chances for an effective strikeforce. He is a marked man however and opposition players, supporters and referees tend to treat him on reputation alone.


2) Will you be sorry to see him go?


I'm always sorry when an academy player leaves the club, especially one who has managed international honours. Again though, Joey has had one chance too many at City and I believe the club have no option but to sell him. If we can recoup £5.5 million for him then I'll say goodbye reluctantly and wish him well.


3) What do you think of Joey Barton as a person and does his private life affect his game?


Joey Barton is a better person than the national media give him credit for. His charity work is second to none within the club and he is far removed from the brother he is often portrayed as. That said he clearly has anger management problems that he cannot control and that is where the problems lie.


4) Do you think he'd do a good job for Villa or does he carry too much baggage?


Maybe a new club and fresh start is what he needs. O'Neil may have more success in controlling his off field activities and temperament. On the downside his ego may be too big for dressing room harmony (he reportedly upset several England players when called up recently). I'd put £5.5 million as too much of a risk despite the positives on the field.


With thanks to Andy Leggott from Vital Manchester City. www.manchestercity.vitalfootball.co.uk/

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I always think that the measure of someones time at NUFC will be the reception they get when they return for their new club at St James. For me Parker, will get a polite seated applause if taken off as a sub or comes to the Strawberry corner to take a corner or free kick.


Standing ovation? No chance, but at the same time i bear him no ill will.


Honestly, I can't see that happening. You may feel that way, and I agree with you, but there are many people who don't. I get the feeling if he does go to West Ham, and he plays at SJP next season, he'll likely get jeered with a few boos thrown in. And knowing our luck, he'll play a blinder in the process.


I dont think there's any reason whatsoever to boo him.


I agree, but there will be a lot of people who don't, that's all I'm saying. Jesus, just look at the calibre of twat they interview on SSN when they ask the 'fans' on the street. Complete ignorance is a hard thing to account for.

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Guest Gemmill

Any truth in the rumour that Vic has been commissioned to bring Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People up to date for a 21st Century audience?

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I always think that the measure of someones time at NUFC will be the reception they get when they return for their new club at St James. For me Parker, will get a polite seated applause if taken off as a sub or comes to the Strawberry corner to take a corner or free kick.


Standing ovation? No chance, but at the same time i bear him no ill will.


Honestly, I can't see that happening. You may feel that way, and I agree with you, but there are many people who don't. I get the feeling if he does go to West Ham, and he plays at SJP next season, he'll likely get jeered with a few boos thrown in. And knowing our luck, he'll play a blinder in the process.


I agree.  I reckon he'll get booed, but i would clap.  I dont really think booing is a good gauge of their success at the club as some players will inevitably get booed, or often it's the circumstances.  Martins has done well, but if he left this summer he'd get a good booing.  Bowyer was playing really well just before he left, but you also knew he'd be getting booed next season - because he's bowyer.



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Scotty is supposed to be earning considereably more than The Hammers currently best earning player Lucas Neill with 72.000 per week. Although Parker was always one of my absolute favourites at Newcastle(I did even bough a new shirt with 17 and Parker on the back :undecided: ) paying him such wages is just nuts! This new owner of West Ham, Magnusson or whatever his name is, doesn't seem to have a clue of dealing with a football club's financial structure....or he's just way too rich and doesn't care a bit!


Anyway...2 million profit on Parker is a brilliant piece of business after such a huge letdown this season. Big Sam's going to bring our finance and wage balance back to healthy level or what's the point with the current trend? Going for free transfers only and selling our big earners! With Ashley's money he culd do so much better...


pretty sure you will get a refund for that shirt


Says on the site, where you buy the shirt that you 'buy personalised shirts at your own risk' or something. So i dunno.


Aye, you're screwed with that one. I was on a few weeks ago, and they're still offering ROSSI 15 as an option for the new shirt.


Well...I don't exactly regret buying Parker personalized shirt as I loved his style of playing. Of course it would be better to have a shirt with a player's name of our current squad but my other Toon shirt is Shearer #9....so I aguess I'm living the past or something

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Guest bluegeordie

All silent on the FAB front? Thank fuck for that, because as a maiden poster with no historical axe to grind, I've been praying to see one of these from you Vic, as the beating you're taking from Wullie et al has been getting painful to watch.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

All silent on the FAB front? Thank fuck for that, because as a maiden poster with no historical axe to grind, I've been praying to see one of these from you Vic, as the beating you're taking from Wullie et al has been getting painful to watch.





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All silent on the FAB front? Thank fuck for that, because as a maiden poster with no historical axe to grind, I've been praying to see one of these from you Vic, as the beating you're taking from Wullie et al has been getting painful to watch.






Feline Advisory Bureau

Federated Array of Bricks

Fast atom bombardment

Fat Aussie Bastard

Flavoured Alcoholic Beverages



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Guest bluegeordie

what would a feline advisory bureau do exactly?


Provide advice to cats, which they would - according to their nature - duly ignore ... 

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Guest Invicta_Toon

what would a feline advisory bureau do exactly?


Provide advice to cats, which they would - according to their nature - duly ignore ... 


you can take a cat to an advice bureau, but you can't make him listen

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I always think that the measure of someones time at NUFC will be the reception they get when they return for their new club at St James. For me Parker, will get a polite seated applause if taken off as a sub or comes to the Strawberry corner to take a corner or free kick.


Standing ovation? No chance, but at the same time i bear him no ill will.


Can't see anything other than people trying to stifle their laughter if Parker goes anywhere near taking a set-piece.  :lol:


Anyway, happy to see him go. I would wish him well as he did always give his best, even if he was mis-used/not good enough for the most part. However, he's going to West Ham. So I wish him nowt but misery, in his professional life at least.

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Guest bluegeordie

Okay, back to the point of the thread. Will Parker be taking his cats back to London?

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I always think that the measure of someones time at NUFC will be the reception they get when they return for their new club at St James. For me Parker, will get a polite seated applause if taken off as a sub or comes to the Strawberry corner to take a corner or free kick.


Standing ovation? No chance, but at the same time i bear him no ill will.


Can't see anything other than people trying to stifle their laughter if Parker goes anywhere near taking a set-piece.  :lol:


Anyway, happy to see him go. I would wish him well as he did always give his best, even if he was mis-used/not good enough for the most part. However, he's going to West Ham. So I wish him nowt but misery, in his professional life at least.


He will no doubt get abuse but you are spot on. He really wouldn't deserve it, he tried his best for us and was often put in a partnership that wasn't used correctly. He lost his rag once but I am sure he wouldn't be the first player to lose it if they really care about how a game is going and you have thousands of people calling you a useless cockney wanker!

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Guest bluegeordie

On a more serious note, for what it's worth my view is that with Parker's departure we've lost absolutely nothing in terms of captaincy (frankly, I never felt that he posessed the required football nous, or people skills); we've lost very little in terms of a creative attacking midfield option (like others on this forum, I won't miss his maddening pirouettes that undermined our tempo, his lack of incisive passing, his frequently wide-of-the-mark long range shooting etc); and uncharacteristically it seems that we've even come out ahead financially. Whilst this might sound overly harsh, it's not meant to be, and it's simply my honest assessment of Parker's time with us, especially over the past season.


Regarding Barton, I'd have to say that my jury is still out on that one ... and I guess I'm inclined to trust Big Sam with the casting vote. Okay, and putting it mildly, he doesn't exactly have all of the personal qualities that you'd choose in a friend or son-in-law, but I've always rated his ability, as well as his commitment. In fact, I was listening to an interview on YouTube which got him in to a lot of hot water in the media, but in which he was basically just forthrightly describing the problems at Man City as he (and, interestingly, the bulk of the supporters) saw them. In short, he may have (serious) anger management and etiquette / diplomacy issues, but nobody should doubt his honesty, commitment, and determination to do well - qualities that have arguably been in short supply around St James's Park of late. I suspect, in other words, that he's something of a wayward Roy Keane, and if Big Sam's man management skills are all that they're cracked up to be, then he could be an astute buy, and he might at least represent a worthwhile gamble. For starters, if the abovementioned interview is anything to go by, one way of reducing Barton's anger might be to provide him with a club that is not chronically underachieving, and with a host of overrated and overpaid wasters on its roster, who are happy to take the piss out of the fans on a weekly basis - a situation that we're hopefully moving away from under the new regime.


Over to you Sam ... that's what you're paid for.                 

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Guest Invicta_Toon

I guess Sam feels it's too small a challenge to persuade Parker to stay, he sees reforming the animal Barton as a challenge worthy of his skills

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Guest bluegeordie

I guess Sam feels it's too small a challenge to persuade Parker to stay, he sees reforming the animal Barton as a challenge worthy of his skills


When asked why he'd taken a notoriously difficult woman to be his wife, the Greek philosopher Socrates remarked that "horse trainers needed to practise on the more spirited animals", so perhaps Big Sam is taking a similar line with Joey?


But seriously, my point was that Sam might have concluded that he didn't want Parker to stay, in which case there was little point in drawing on his powers of persuasion to convince him to do so.     

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