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Rupert Murdoch interview on Sky One soon


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Guest Nappy Rash

Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:



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The ticker thing... didn't exist on CNN.Sorry, that monstrosity came from Sky/Fox.  ESPN took it from Sky / Fox as well. It is CNN that has taken to apeing Fox, not the other way around.


As far as Monday Night Football etc. goes--- all sport coverage was relatively sedate until Fox bought the rights to broadcast the NFL. Thoroughout the 1970s and 80s. NBC had the AFC games, CBS had the NFC games, and ABC had the Monday night games. Then Fox bought CBS's lot of Sunday games and EVERYTHING changed. It all went way over the top.


you patently know more about it than me, however from a perspective point of view i'll stand by my original point - surely "monday night football" and "superbowl sunday" and this type of thing were already there in american sports?  i distinctly remember shitloads of films from the 80's growing up with references to them and i'm sure it was all before murdoch pitched up


hasn't murdoch just taken something that was already in existence and marketed the shit out of it?  obviously i'm open to correction there but if so then i still stick by my point that regardless of murdoch or not the artifically created (as opposed to the states where it was presumably more natural) sunday/monday as the big football day type shit hints at influence from american sports


for me


as for the ticker i was referring to skynews not skysports news - i thought that the news ticker was a feature of cnn for years?  i must be wrong

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .


don't you think it has gone just a bit too far though?


once sky started, to all intents and purposes, dictating the fixture lists for the season i think some control was lost and now there's likely no turning back


plus the point has been made elsewhere about bias coverage, if man u and chel$ki were limited to one game between them per week and it'd make a huge difference i reckon

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I thought Crumpy was on about the quality of the product, i.e. the match itself, which is (more often than not) overhyped shite.

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Guest Nappy Rash

We know the craic Mr Meow  O0


What SKY has brought is impatient, over-damanding, knee jerking, know nothing knob jockeys as "fans".


They jump on every bandwaggon going, Rugby when England won the World Cup, Cricket when England won the Ashes and they want to be entertained like when they go and watch Pop Idol at the Arena.


For the conoisseur its brilliant, you now get to see football almost every day, the entire match, you can replay the fucka, change camera angles, some of the best players in the World, best stadia, what isnt to like?


Another shit thing is the lack of atmosphere at all home venues now like, but its a small price to pay for all the blatantly obvious plusses.

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .


don't you think it has gone just a bit too far though?


once sky started, to all intents and purposes, dictating the fixture lists for the season i think some control was lost and now there's likely no turning back


plus the point has been made elsewhere about bias coverage, if man u and chel$ki were limited to one game between them per week and it'd make a huge difference i reckon


It is not perfect.  Neither the coverage itself (preference for some teams / over-hyping at times) or the impact of it (a knackered Fixture List / players mad wages) but it is just SO MUCH better than before.


We, the supporter, are just so much better off than we would be without it.


Not having it now, would be like turning off the light and not even having a candle to see by . . . in my opinion.

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .


don't you think it has gone just a bit too far though?


once sky started, to all intents and purposes, dictating the fixture lists for the season i think some control was lost and now there's likely no turning back


plus the point has been made elsewhere about bias coverage, if man u and chel$ki were limited to one game between them per week and it'd make a huge difference i reckon


It is not perfect.  Neither the coverage itself (preference for some teams / over-hyping at times) or the impact of it (a knackered Fixture List / players mad wages) but it is just SO MUCH better than before.


We, the supporter, are just so much better off than we would be without it.


Not having it now, would be like turning off the light and not even having a candle to see by . . . in my opinion.


oh aye, i'm in agreement with you - look at my earlier post


a prime example to refer to is the champions league when they changed to 2 group stages;it was overkill and people lost interest so they soon changed it back


what we need is a similar reeling in of the amount of coverage back to something like when it started, or at least something in between then and now

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .


don't you think it has gone just a bit too far though?


once sky started, to all intents and purposes, dictating the fixture lists for the season i think some control was lost and now there's likely no turning back


plus the point has been made elsewhere about bias coverage, if man u and chel$ki were limited to one game between them per week and it'd make a huge difference i reckon


It is not perfect.  Neither the coverage itself (preference for some teams / over-hyping at times) or the impact of it (a knackered Fixture List / players mad wages) but it is just SO MUCH better than before.


We, the supporter, are just so much better off than we would be without it.


Not having it now, would be like turning off the light and not even having a candle to see by . . . in my opinion.


oh aye, i'm in agreement with you - look at my earlier post


a prime example to refer to is the champions league when they changed to 2 group stages;it was overkill and people lost interest so they soon changed it back


what we need is a similar reeling in of the amount of coverage back to something like when it started, or at least something in between then and now


I am a great believer in 'supply and demand' enabling things to find their right (sustainable) level. Again, that method (philosophy) is not perfect, but I think that Sky coverage of football will find its natural level.

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We know the craic Mr Meow  O0


What SKY has brought is impatient, over-damanding, knee jerking, know nothing knob jockeys as "fans".


They jump on every bandwaggon going, Rugby when England won the World Cup, Cricket when England won the Ashes and they want to be entertained like when they go and watch Pop Idol at the Arena.


For the conoisseur its brilliant, you now get to see football almost every day, the entire match, you can replay the fucka, change camera angles, some of the best players in the World, best stadia, what isnt to like?


Another s*** thing is the lack of atmosphere at all home venues now like, but its a small price to pay for all the blatantly obvious plusses.


the rugby/cricket thing is tenuous in my opinion


home match atmosphere and knee jerk overreactions i agree - sky has unfortunately (as we all know to our utter embarassment) given greater access to a fucken camera to people who i doubt should be allowed out the house unsupervised


remember all that crying shit that started a few years back?  if the cameras aren't there and it doesn't get national coverage it's questionable whether that odious little bandwagon would ever have started rolling...

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We know the craic Mr Meow  O0


What SKY has brought is impatient, over-damanding, knee jerking, know nothing knob jockeys as "fans".


They jump on every bandwaggon going, Rugby when England won the World Cup, Cricket when England won the Ashes and they want to be entertained like when they go and watch Pop Idol at the Arena.


For the conoisseur its brilliant, you now get to see football almost every day, the entire match, you can replay the fucka, change camera angles, some of the best players in the World, best stadia, what isnt to like?


Another s*** thing is the lack of atmosphere at all home venues now like, but its a small price to pay for all the blatantly obvious plusses.


Why don't you stop beating about the bush ('pussy-footing' around) and say what you mean!!!


Certainly agree about the atmosphere at matches - dire.

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Its overhyped, mundane rubbish eh  bluelaugh.gif


I wonder what it was like when there was so little coverage and you relied on seeing goals once a week and relying on s*** journlaists relaying the game to you 2nd hand to make up your mind.


Oh and the players were s*** in comparison to those plying their trade here now  bluelaugh.gif


Fuckin barmy  :uglystupid2:




The way some people talk, they must be either very young (ie - never knew what football coverage was like pre-Sky) or (simply) are not football fans.


I remember my first introduction to Sky Super Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!  I was suddenly faced with a 'two hour' build-up to every match, followed by much better coverage of the actual match  -  then in-depth analysis afterward.  


The way I described it then (to others who did not have Sky) was  -  "every match is treated like the FA Cup Final!!!"  


In those days the only "really long" coverage you got on TV of a match, was on actual Cup Final day (the build up, analysis, live match, etc).


How can any football fan not just "Love It" (as KK once said).


And that (sort of thing) is another reason (among many) to like Sky Football . . . . .


don't you think it has gone just a bit too far though?


once sky started, to all intents and purposes, dictating the fixture lists for the season i think some control was lost and now there's likely no turning back


plus the point has been made elsewhere about bias coverage, if man u and chel$ki were limited to one game between them per week and it'd make a huge difference i reckon


It is not perfect.  Neither the coverage itself (preference for some teams / over-hyping at times) or the impact of it (a knackered Fixture List / players mad wages) but it is just SO MUCH better than before.


We, the supporter, are just so much better off than we would be without it.


Not having it now, would be like turning off the light and not even having a candle to see by . . . in my opinion.


oh aye, i'm in agreement with you - look at my earlier post


a prime example to refer to is the champions league when they changed to 2 group stages;it was overkill and people lost interest so they soon changed it back


what we need is a similar reeling in of the amount of coverage back to something like when it started, or at least something in between then and now


I am a great believer in 'supply and demand' enabling things to find their right (sustainable) level. Again, that method (philosophy) is not perfect, but I think that Sky coverage of football will find its natural level.


hm, perhaps


touches on the point i made to another lad about skynews before - are sky showing so many games 'cause we want them or do we want so many 'cause they're showing them?


the champions league isn't a perfect example as the 2nd group stage was obviously affected by a lot of factors that don't apply to a national league


same with skysports news - when there's nothing happening they MAKE the news man, how many threads on here are discussing bollox rumours that come from SSN on a quiet day? 


anyone know how many games they show in spain and germany for example?

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If you can't get to a Newcastle game, I'm sure everyone like me tries to find some pub showing it even if it isn't on Sky, or some other dodgy way to watch it which I'm sure were not allowed to discuss, I watch other games just because they're there and I enjoy the game, except when it's shite. I'm guessing there were always dull games, rose-tinted specs for those games from the past you remember, a block on the shit ones.

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




Better not threaten Bin Laden with that one,Che...!


You will die like a pig when the revolucion comes.

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Newcastle played 38 games in the Prem last season. How many of those games did you walk away from thinking 'that was quality' by either side?


Man U v Chelsea gets blanket coverage, hyped to fuck weeks in advance by the SKY cocksuckers - what are your thought on these games? Enjoy the 'classic' inaugral Wembley Cup Final did you?


Yes Man U can play some decent stiuff on a regular basis, Chelsea are pure graft. Liverpool hit it long to good effect and Arsenal try to play a beautiful game and that sadly lifts them all above everyone else. It's our own Clubs total mismanagement that stops us usurping at least 2 of those four.


90% of Premiership football is plainly run of mill and mundane being played by a vast number of teams who know there place before a ball is kicked.


It's overhyped shite to be fair. And that's why Murdoch gets fuck all off me.


this ^^^ is one of the best hittings of the nail square on the head you'll ever see. I couldn't agree more if I tried.


The endless hype is nauseating, when we all know pretty much where we're going to be end of season. The nadir was this season's FA Cup final. I didn't even bother watching it. Who, who doesn't support either of those clubs, could really give a flying fuck about which one wins the cup?

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If it wasn't Sky it would of been someone else.


Too many people truly love football for it not to of been exploited at some point.


Don't blame Sky, blame the world we live in.



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Newcastle played 38 games in the Prem last season. How many of those games did you walk away from thinking 'that was quality' by either side?


Man U v Chelsea gets blanket coverage, hyped to f*** weeks in advance by the SKY cocksuckers - what are your thought on these games? Enjoy the 'classic' inaugral Wembley Cup Final did you?


Yes Man U can play some decent stiuff on a regular basis, Chelsea are pure graft. Liverpool hit it long to good effect and Arsenal try to play a beautiful game and that sadly lifts them all above everyone else. It's our own Clubs total mismanagement that stops us usurping at least 2 of those four.


90% of Premiership football is plainly run of mill and mundane being played by a vast number of teams who know there place before a ball is kicked.


It's overhyped s**** to be fair. And that's why Murdoch gets f*** all off me.


this ^^^ is one of the best hittings of the nail square on the head you'll ever see. I couldn't agree more if I tried.


The endless hype is nauseating, when we all know pretty much where we're going to be end of season. The nadir was this season's FA Cup final. I didn't even bother watching it. Who, who doesn't support either of those clubs, could really give a flying f*** about which one wins the cup?


As soon as they were hyping it up as the two best teams in the country going head to head, and the insinuation that we were in for an assured classic. First though was best team going forward v best team at destroying play. They made me mind up for me before hand to do summat else on cup final day.

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




and if you still believe that saying at 38 you've probably got neither




Which is why the Soviet Unon was such a resounding success, I suppose, and why Castro's Cuba still has 50s US Cars in its streets.. - Oh and yes - Why the UK , under a supposedly Socialist Govt has now got a huge Trade deficit, over-burdened Public Sector with massive Pension Liability etc ; something for you to consider as your taxes rise & rise.....enjoy!

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




and if you still believe that saying at 38 you've probably got neither




Which is why the Soviet Unon was such a resounding success, I suppose, and why Castro's Cuba still has 50s US Cars in its streets.. - Oh and yes - Why the UK , under a supposedly Socialist Govt has now got a huge Trade deficit, over-burdened Public Sector with massive Pension Liability etc ; something for you to consider as your taxes rise & rise.....enjoy!


come on, socialist?

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




and if you still believe that saying at 38 you've probably got neither




Which is why the Soviet Unon was such a resounding success, I suppose, and why Castro's Cuba still has 50s US Cars in its streets.. - Oh and yes - Why the UK , under a supposedly Socialist Govt has now got a huge Trade deficit, over-burdened Public Sector with massive Pension Liability etc ; something for you to consider as your taxes rise & rise.....enjoy!


probably cos they put their faith in daft aphorisms that most people grow out of.

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Guest Knightrider

Sky has had a massive effect on the game and play the role of good and evil. No-one can deny the good they have done, yet it has come at a heavy price for the ordinary fan and not everything associated with Sky has benefited the game and fans in general. I never tasted football pre-Sky tbh so can only guess but if someone asked me whether I liked football today my answer would be no - it's crap. And it is. Outside of my own club I become less and less interested in football with every dull, overhyped uncompetitive game played out by average teams with average players being paid millions at the cost of £30-£50 pop a ticket just to watch it.

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Sky has had a massive effect on the game and play the role of good and evil. No-one can deny the good they have done, yet it has come at a heavy price for the ordinary fan and not everything associated with Sky has benefited the game and fans in general. I never tasted football pre-Sky tbh so can only guess but if someone asked me whether I liked football today my answer would be no - it's crap. And it is. Outside of my own club I become less and less interested in football with every dull, overhyped uncompetitive game played out by average teams with average players being paid millions at the cost of £30-£50 pop a ticket just to watch it.


totally spot on about the lack of interest in other matches like - i work offshore and there's fuck all to do at night usually...half the time i find myself switching off the match (we basically get every match going here) and watching a film like if the toon aren't on, there's just no incentive 'cause most of the matches are simply too awful to watch

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Guest Nappy Rash

The endless hype is nauseating, when we all know pretty much where we're going to be end of season. The nadir was this season's FA Cup final. I didn't even bother watching it. Who, who doesn't support either of those clubs, could really give a flying f*** about which one wins the cup?


I dont give a fuck who wins it, never have but I watch it because I love football, always have always will.


This whole subject is a total non-debate, for the football lover, the conoisseur, the bloke who lives, breathes and sleeps football its fantastic.


For whinging bellends its not.

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The FA cup final went flat, but i think that was more to do with the exit of both teams from the CL tbh.


It just took the edge of a possible treble for both teams, if they were both in the CL final i reckon the game would of been bigger than what it was, and the game itself more explosive.

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