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Very interesting Souness article ......

Guest graemeh72

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I think it would have worked like this. The manager goes to the Chairman with a list of targets and if he make s a good enough case the chairman goes off to get them. So far so normal.


But in our case the chairman also has a list of targets and if he thinks the manager needs a new striker he buys him Patrick Kluivert. Then you get this alleged situation where Shepherd handles all the finances himself so the manager only finds out about buyout clauses or whatever later on.


I doubt if Freddie ever bought a player that the manager categorically didn't want. I think the way it worked was that they'd agree on a list of possible players, and then Freddie would go out and try and get some of them. Because the details of bids and negotiations were kept secret from the manager, if Freddie and his circle of advisers didn't fancy a particular player, they'd just bid a low amount. In the end, the manager would simply be left with the choice of accepting the players that Freddie wanted, or not having anyone at all. Also, given that the manager had no idea of how much money there was to spend, he'd have no say in the prioritising of transfers.


The Anelka / Owen episode was the classic. Souness wanted Anelka, Anelka wanted to come but Shepherd didn't want him. In frustration, Souness went public to force Freddie's hand. Freddie then bid a ridiculously low amount that he knew Fenerbahce wouldn't accept.


The striker Shepherd really wanted was Owen. Souness wanted him as well, but surely not on the terms that were eventually agreed, and not at that cost in transfer fees and wages. No manager would ever have wanted a player who had publicly stated only the week before that he didn't want to come. However, in the end, from Souness's point of view, it was either Owen or nothing.

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Guest graemeh72

I "love" the way that the Chronicle don't have the balls to put a journos name next to their version of the Souness article


"Shepherd pulled the transfer strings" By The Evening Chronicle



So Oliver and his pal duck clear of this story ..... ...... thats another fucking backhander from the Fat one




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I thought it was common knowledge that Freddy did all the transfers? Souness even said at the time something like  "I gave the Chairman a list of players I would like in, and left the rest upto him".

Don't trust Souness or Freddy to be honest!

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I wouldn't worry too much about who is right or wrong, one is history and the other is probably on borrowed time, with a bit of luck neither will ever again have any decisions to make regarding who comes and goes.

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I mean, the Luque deal, what waws that about? Souness' mate saw a video of him let's buy him yeah brilliant


Or maybe he saw loads of Deportivo's matches.. well ok that's unlikely since its Souness.  But my point is its a total myth that Luque only looked good in compilation videos, he was consistently a top player in Spain.  Anyway. back to the Souness/Shepherd bashing, proceed!

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The Premier League has moved to play down concerns over Graeme Souness' role in transfers while Newcastle manager following the publication of Lord Stevens' findings.


Stevens' final report claimed 'inconsistencies' in Souness' responses to those of Kenny Shepherd, son of chairman Freddy, regarding their roles in transfer negotiations.


Souness fumed about his name being mentioned in the report, feeling his reputation had been unjustifiably damaged.


The Premier League has now attempted to make clear that the matter does not involve Souness' role in transfers, but rather another issue which they refused to reveal.


"The Premier League and Quest wish to clarify a sentence in the Key Findings document which was issued on June 15, 2007," a statement on the Premier League's website read.


"The following sentence appears to have been misinterpreted by sections of the media: 'However, there remain inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness (a former manager of the club) and Kenneth Shepherd (apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official) as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations.'


"We wish to make it clear that inconsistencies did not exist within the evidence given by Graeme Souness to Quest concerning his role in transfers covered by the Inquiry during his time as manager of Newcastle United FC and neither the Premier League nor Quest have any concerns in this regard.


"There were inconsistencies, however, between the evidence of Graeme Souness and that of other witnesses on another matter."

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Who sold Woodgate just before the window closed without bringing in a suitable replacement?


Threw that season away right there.


How many games do you think Woodgate played that season? Would keeping him on have helped us much?

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