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Milner's crossing isn't shit.


aye. may be slightly inconsistant, but he even made luque score ffs. he can do some corkers.

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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.

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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.


Why look at milners over 2 seasons yet look at Dyer's over his whole career at Newcastle?

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This is what I don't get about people saying they'd pick Dyer ahead of Milner on the right because "Milner's crossing is s****". Least he f****** attempts it.

Dyer isnt, never has been and never will be a winger. Successful and very important in central midfield when we finished 3,4,5. Dyers crossing isnt good enough, nor is Milners. Anyone who thinks Milner can cross needs his head read. Nice kid. Very very average footballer. Its natural for younger fans to back younger players. Misguided, but natural.

Robert could cross a ball, Ginola could cross a ball. Waddle could. Milner can hoof something that might end up anywhere 9 times out of 10. Once in a while he does ok. If anyone seriously thinks we are likely to challenge for honours consistently with him in the side then they dont understand football.

Seriously, if he (or Dyer) is the future of wing play at Newcastle then we are fucked.

Dyer gets slated here but thats fine. Some very successful managers have seen what he can do and one of Sams first jobs was to find out if he was staying. There is a reason for that. His best game is significantly better than Milners will ever be.

In a decent side Dyer will do well. He has proved that. Irrespective of the revisionism that may well occur after this post.

Personally I think Dyer needs to move on but that doesnt mean he isnt significantly better than he is given credit for. Comparisons with Milner are bizarre positionally and talent wise.

Stats will come out that say 'apart from..." now :razz:


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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.


Why look at milners over 2 seasons yet look at Dyer's over his whole career at Newcastle?


Because Milner only turned 21 this year, Dyer is 28 now. I think its fair to take into account the improvement Milner has made (ie his assists would have nearly trebled on average over the last 2 seasons).

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This is what I don't get about people saying they'd pick Dyer ahead of Milner on the right because "Milner's crossing is s****". Least he f****** attempts it.

Dyer isnt, never has been and never will be a winger. Successful and very important in central midfield when we finished 3,4,5. Dyers crossing isnt good enough, nor is Milners. Anyone who thinks Milner can cross needs his head read. Nice kid. Very very average footballer. Its natural for younger fans to back younger players. Misguided, but natural.

Robert could cross a ball, Ginola could cross a ball. Waddle could. Milner can hoof something that might end up anywhere 9 times out of 10. Once in a while he does ok. If anyone seriously thinks we are likely to challenge for honours consistently with him in the side then they dont understand football.

Seriously, if he (or Dyer) is the future of wing play at Newcastle then we are f*****.

Dyer gets slated here but thats fine. Some very successful managers have seen what he can do and one of Sams first jobs was to find out if he was staying. There is a reason for that. His best game is significantly better than Milners will ever be.

In a decent side Dyer will do well. He has proved that. Irrespective of the revisionism that may well occur after this post.

Personally I think Dyer needs to move on but that doesnt mean he isnt significantly better than he is given credit for. Comparisons with Milner are bizarre positionally and talent wise.

Stats will come out that say 'apart from..." now :razz:




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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.


Why look at milners over 2 seasons yet look at Dyer's over his whole career at Newcastle?


Because Milner only turned 21 this year, Dyer is 28 now. I think its fair to take into account the improvement Milner has made (ie his assists would have nearly trebled on average over the last 2 seasons).


Look how many passes he's given away in the past 2 years! 701 ffs! :lol: Compare that to Dyer's 104.


I'm not bigging Dyer up just pointing out that neither are good enough.

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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.


Why look at milners over 2 seasons yet look at Dyer's over his whole career at Newcastle?


Because Milner only turned 21 this year, Dyer is 28 now. I think its fair to take into account the improvement Milner has made (ie his assists would have nearly trebled on average over the last 2 seasons).


Look how many passes he's given away in the past 2 years! 701 ffs! :lol: Compare that to Dyer's 104.


I'm not bigging Dyer up just pointing out that neither are good enough.


Yet without even looking at the stats I will bet he has probably double the assists Dyer has managed over the past couple of seasons.

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Milner at Newcastle.




48 crosses a season

2 goals a season

241 misplaced passes a season

3 assists a season




Look at his average for Newcastle and Vlla for the last 2 seasons.


Why look at milners over 2 seasons yet look at Dyer's over his whole career at Newcastle?


Because Milner only turned 21 this year, Dyer is 28 now. I think its fair to take into account the improvement Milner has made (ie his assists would have nearly trebled on average over the last 2 seasons).


Look how many passes he's given away in the past 2 years! 701 ffs! :lol: Compare that to Dyer's 104.


I'm not bigging Dyer up just pointing out that neither are good enough.


Yet without even looking at the stats I will bet he has probably double the assists Dyer has managed over the past couple of seasons.


Yet Dyer has scored more goals even though he's played around half the amount of games.


As I've said, neither are good enough.

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Now that couldn't have anything to do with the fact Dyer has played a lot of those games up front though.


I think Milner is good enough at the moment, he will have to improve if we are going to start challenging the top 4 but he has already made vast improvements since he first signed for us and I see no reason why this wont continue.


Dyer is probably as good as he is ever going to get (well thats a lie, he has probably gone backwards a bit). He is injury prone and sooner or later thats going to take away his one real asset, pace. Would dread to think what Dyer would be like without his pace! :lol:

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