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Dyer's House Attacked by Yobs.


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This is a sport, if he had killed your mam then ok, but he hasn't said anything slagging off the club, but his family are in Ipswich and he is here. Im sure you would rather live with your family than on your tod.


Stop being so logical. Can't you see he is the devil incarnate?!

Well...he does look like an imp I suppose.
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Guest niina

This is a sport, if he had killed your mam then ok, but he hasn't said anything slagging off the club, but his family are in Ipswich and he is here. Im sure you would rather live with your family than on your tod.


If he is really care about the club who pay his ridiculous wages while he (almost) doing nothing here, why doesn't he move his so-called family to live in Newcastle instead the other way around?

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This is a sport, if he had killed your mam then ok, but he hasn't said anything slagging off the club, but his family are in Ipswich and he is here. Im sure you would rather live with your family than on your tod.


If he is really care about the club who pay his ridiculous wages while he (almost) doing nothing here, why doesn't he move his so-called family to live in Newcastle instead the other way around?


Well he is less likely to want to do that now.

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This is a sport, if he had killed your mam then ok, but he hasn't said anything slagging off the club, but his family are in Ipswich and he is here. Im sure you would rather live with your family than on your tod.


If he is really care about the club who pay his ridiculous wages while he (almost) doing nothing here, why doesn't he move his so-called family to live in Newcastle instead the other way around?


Been thinking this myself. It's not difficult on his wages, though they might not have wanted to make the move.


I think everyone knows it's an excuse really though, he's looked like he's wanted out for ages what-with the booing going back quite a long time now. I remember him saying in one of his interviews after the Bowyer fight incident that he was terrified because people were coming up to him threatening him. The 'family' line makes it easier on the player and the club.

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What a bunch of clueless f****** pricks. If Dyer wants to go - let him go. No-one is indispensible.


especially not a medicore, injury prone, diseased little skank.

You neeed psychiatric help. You really do. Guess this is what happens when brothers and sisters play together.
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Guest Invicta_Toon

quite ironic when you think about it


kids throwing eggs at his house = a tiny minority of morons harming the whole club


fight your team-mate / throwing the arm-band = ????? (whatever it is, you can't boo it anyway)

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What a bunch of clueless f****** pricks. If Dyer wants to go - let him go. No-one is indispensible.


especially not a medicore, injury prone, diseased little skank.


The more I read your takes on NUFC, the more I think you are a supporter of a rival club (probably not too far away) who enjoys stirring up anything negative about NUFC.


Go back to where you belong please.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

What a bunch of clueless f****** pricks. If Dyer wants to go - let him go. No-one is indispensible.


especially not a medicore, injury prone, diseased little skank.


The more I read your takes on NUFC, the more I think you are a supporter of a rival club (probably not too far away) who enjoys stirring up anything negative about NUFC.


Go back to where you belong please.



lol don't like his views so he is a mackem?


rivals.net tastic tbh

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What a bunch of clueless f****** pricks. If Dyer wants to go - let him go. No-one is indispensible.


especially not a medicore, injury prone, diseased little skank.


The more I read your takes on NUFC, the more I think you are a supporter of a rival club (probably not too far away) who enjoys stirring up anything negative about NUFC.


Go back to where you belong please.



lol don't like his views so he is a mackem?


rivals.net tastic tbh

Views expressed in a tasteful, intelligent way are fine. Calling a black fella a monkey and another diseased tends to think he may be something other than a mackem.
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Guest robertbobo

Like the rest of these so called plastic hard men

At least it wasn't a top player whose stuff got attacked.




Guess you didn't see the second half on Sunday then.

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Guest jimmy1982

In itself I think pelting Dyer's house with eggs is a pretty funny thing to do, mainly because it seems he's just not a very nice kid and has brought our club into disrepute while taking huge wages for a long time. It was only kids that did it anyway. It might make his mates think twice about signing for us but won't lose sleep over that - don't want anymore like him if possible. Might lower our asking price a little bit but it didn't look like people were biting our hands off at 5m anyway did it?


Might get turned into something bigger than it is cos of the way our national media is but anyone with anything about them will see through the hype and realise it was kids. Have read stories of Italian supporters attacking their own players in much more serious ways than this after bad performances etc and its never a big deal in the press. Dread to think what would have happened to him if he played for Lazio (for example) and had showed the same comptempt for them as he has done for us!


At the end of the day a few little charvas decided it'd be a laugh to egg the house of a player who's made a mockery of us for too long, and who I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't cross the street to help. Wouldn't have minded being there to watch his reaction when he realised what was happening!  

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Like the rest of these so called plastic hard men

At least it wasn't a top player whose stuff got attacked.




Guess you didn't see the second half on Sunday then.


meaningless friendly


makes up for everything tbh

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In itself I think pelting Dyer's house with eggs is a pretty funny thing to do, mainly because it seems he's just not a very nice kid and has brought our club into disrepute while taking huge wages for a long time. It was only kids that did it anyway. It might make his mates think twice about signing for us but won't lose sleep over that - don't want anymore like him if possible. Might lower our asking price a little bit but it didn't look like people were biting our hands off at 5m anyway did it?


Might get turned into something bigger than it is cos of the way our national media is but anyone with anything about them will see through the hype and realise it was kids. Have read stories of Italian supporters attacking their own players in much more serious ways than this after bad performances etc and its never a big deal in the press. Dread to think what would have happened to him if he played for Lazio (for example) and had showed the same comptempt for them as he has done for us!


At the end of the day a few little charvas decided it'd be a laugh to egg the house of a player who's made a mockery of us for too long, and who I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't cross the street to help. Wouldn't have minded being there to watch his reaction when he realised what was happening!  


The part of Ipswich Dyer was brought up in makes Benwell look posh, so while this incident causes embarrassment to our region through the press reports, I reckon he should be able to cope with it.

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Guest jimmy1982

In itself I think pelting Dyer's house with eggs is a pretty funny thing to do, mainly because it seems he's just not a very nice kid and has brought our club into disrepute while taking huge wages for a long time. It was only kids that did it anyway. It might make his mates think twice about signing for us but won't lose sleep over that - don't want anymore like him if possible. Might lower our asking price a little bit but it didn't look like people were biting our hands off at 5m anyway did it?


Might get turned into something bigger than it is cos of the way our national media is but anyone with anything about them will see through the hype and realise it was kids. Have read stories of Italian supporters attacking their own players in much more serious ways than this after bad performances etc and its never a big deal in the press. Dread to think what would have happened to him if he played for Lazio (for example) and had showed the same comptempt for them as he has done for us!


At the end of the day a few little charvas decided it'd be a laugh to egg the house of a player who's made a mockery of us for too long, and who I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't cross the street to help. Wouldn't have minded being there to watch his reaction when he realised what was happening!  


The part of Ipswich Dyer was brought up in makes Benwell look posh, so while this incident causes embarrassment to our region through the press reports, I reckon he should be able to cope with it.


True. But I don't think it causes particular embarrassment to our region - there are millions of toerags all over the country, and I doubt this will make people think Newcastle has the worst of it. This is just high jinks compared to what goes on in London on a daily basis. The rest of the country isn't that bothered what we're up to. I thought FFS used to cause embarrassement to the football club by turning up on Sky all the time to peddle his 'I'm a Geordie Me Ye Knaa' rubbish but this is nowt. Mind you, that story from a few months back about the family of gingas being hounded out of house and home by charvs... didn't know whether to laugh or cry...

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In itself I think pelting Dyer's house with eggs is a pretty funny thing to do, mainly because it seems he's just not a very nice kid and has brought our club into disrepute while taking huge wages for a long time. It was only kids that did it anyway. It might make his mates think twice about signing for us but won't lose sleep over that - don't want anymore like him if possible. Might lower our asking price a little bit but it didn't look like people were biting our hands off at 5m anyway did it?


Might get turned into something bigger than it is cos of the way our national media is but anyone with anything about them will see through the hype and realise it was kids. Have read stories of Italian supporters attacking their own players in much more serious ways than this after bad performances etc and its never a big deal in the press. Dread to think what would have happened to him if he played for Lazio (for example) and had showed the same comptempt for them as he has done for us!


At the end of the day a few little charvas decided it'd be a laugh to egg the house of a player who's made a mockery of us for too long, and who I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't cross the street to help. Wouldn't have minded being there to watch his reaction when he realised what was happening!  


The part of Ipswich Dyer was brought up in makes Benwell look posh, so while this incident causes embarrassment to our region through the press reports, I reckon he should be able to cope with it.


True. But I don't think it causes particular embarrassment to our region - there are millions of toerags all over the country, and I doubt this will make people think Newcastle has the worst of it. This is just high jinks compared to what goes on in London on a daily basis. The rest of the country isn't that bothered what we're up to. I thought FFS used to cause embarrassement to the football club by turning up on Sky all the time to peddle his 'I'm a Geordie Me Ye Knaa' rubbish but this is nowt. Mind you, that story from a few months back about the family of gingas being hounded out of house and home by charvs... didn't know whether to laugh or cry...


You're correct - much worse goes on elsewhere, but as we all know for some reason Sky and a few of the tabloids seem to want to have Newcastle represented by stupid charvas (Owens welcome etc etc) and this plays right into their hands.

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Guest winchestermag

Dyer tries his socks off, and want to go down south and his family is there no other reason. Not because he doens't like the North east of NUFC or the fan, but some people seem to think its cool to hate him. Maybe we should go egg their houses.



Give your head a shake man!! It is not cool  :rolleyes: to hate him, he is a waster who has had 7 or 8 good games in the years he's been here, injury prone and whilst I do not condone personal attacks for the reasons given, Dire is almost the exception to me contradicting myself.


Get rid asap.

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Dyer tries his socks off, and want to go down south and his family is there no other reason. Not because he doens't like the North east of NUFC or the fan, but some people seem to think its cool to hate him. Maybe we should go egg their houses.



Give your head a shake man!! It is not cool  :rolleyes: to hate him, he is a waster who has had 7 or 8 good games in the years he's been here, injury prone and whilst I do not condone personal attacks for the reasons given, Dire is almost the exception to me contradicting myself.


Get rid asap.

What a load of bollocks.
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Guest jimmy1982


You're correct - much worse goes on elsewhere, but as we all know for some reason Sky and a few of the tabloids seem to want to have Newcastle represented by stupid charvas (Owens welcome etc etc) and this plays right into their hands.


Aye thats true as well.


Honestly not that bothered what the rest of the country thinks on the basis of skysports and tabloids though. I reckon people who can make their own minds up aren't too bothered either way about things like this dyer incident, and  know that the glakes who start chanting 'sheperd out' or crying about souness getting the job etc etc as soon as a Sky camera shows up aren't representative of our support as a whole. Eg: do you think all Norwich City supporters would have 'done a Delia' if they'd been in her position a few years back? doubt it - its just unfortunate when a minority get the chance to represent a whole community and behave like fools. like i said though, i reckon anyone who knows what they're about will see through it / ignore it. i hope!

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In itself I think pelting Dyer's house with eggs is a pretty funny thing to do, mainly because it seems he's just not a very nice kid and has brought our club into disrepute while taking huge wages for a long time. It was only kids that did it anyway. It might make his mates think twice about signing for us but won't lose sleep over that - don't want anymore like him if possible. Might lower our asking price a little bit but it didn't look like people were biting our hands off at 5m anyway did it?


Might get turned into something bigger than it is cos of the way our national media is but anyone with anything about them will see through the hype and realise it was kids. Have read stories of Italian supporters attacking their own players in much more serious ways than this after bad performances etc and its never a big deal in the press. Dread to think what would have happened to him if he played for Lazio (for example) and had showed the same comptempt for them as he has done for us!


At the end of the day a few little charvas decided it'd be a laugh to egg the house of a player who's made a mockery of us for too long, and who I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't cross the street to help. Wouldn't have minded being there to watch his reaction when he realised what was happening!  


The part of Ipswich Dyer was brought up in makes Benwell look posh, so while this incident causes embarrassment to our region through the press reports, I reckon he should be able to cope with it.

Dyer went to Westbourne High School. Its not bad around there but not somewhere you would take polite company to dinner. Benwell (where my Dads family were raised before all escaping) isn't bad in places either but its better than the West side of Ipswich where he went. The real dodgy areas were around the East - Titus went to Holywells and that gives anything in Benwell a run for its money.
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I am sick and tired of dumbass chavs going over the top and doing something like this! Not only the players and staff, but the fans represent the club and I can't see potential signings being too impressed when hearing about this! Yes, all clubs have there idiot fans, but those imbeciles have gone too far!!

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why do this?

there wouldve been much more players in the past i bet who want to leave a club for 'family reasons' as dyer said

he has spent 9years i think it is at the club and maybe it might just be time to move on for him


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I am sick and tired of dumbass chavs going over the top and doing something like this! Not only the players and staff, but the fans represent the club and I can't see potential signings being too impressed when hearing about this! Yes, all clubs have there idiot fans, but those imbeciles have gone too far!!




Yes it happens every day. A poor misfortunate NUFC footballer gets his £4m house egged and is forced to call in a window cleaner, running up a staggering £10 bill in the process. Tragic, but true, please donate as much as you can.





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