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José Enrique


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Liverpool aim to win the league every year. We might chuckle at how far off that they may be at present, and the money Man City have now has made things much harder for them, but that's still their ambition every single season without fail. Buying good players only helps them. In 2008/09 when we were relegated they finished second in the Premier League, hardly eons ago.


The difference in ambition couldn't be more marked. It's absolutely laughable that some are questioning why Enrique would want to go there, irrespective of the pay increase he will undoubtedly pick up.


There nowhere near the Champions League though and i don't see how that is going to change unless Henry starts spending like City and Chelsea. They will not being winning any leagues.


If Jose wants to join a side capable of winning major honours then i'm sure he could find one.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

But Ian, that is the way the club keep things. It's all smoke and mirrors.


Well maybe, but no club conducts its signings, financial business or contact negotiations in public. Every football fan is guessing just as much as we are.



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Liverpool are willing to spend £35 million on one of the best prospects in English football.


We sold him.


Which team would you rather play for, long-term?


Pointless question. We have been saying for years how we wouldn't mind seeing Jose move on to better things because frankly he's well capable of it.


But Liverpool is the wrong choice. There would be better clubs than Liverpool willing to take him.

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But Punk, how long do we go on just selling players like Carroll and Enrique. I know the Carroll deal was massive and very difficult to turn down, but £15m for one of the top LBs in the league, at his age, isn't in the same bracket at all.


It's a predicament I know. But it's the players that want to leave. The club is not throwing them out. The problem is that Lpool is willing to offer  silly money and sadly this represents the current development of game .  Players don't give a fuck about club loyalty and the situation is worsened by the agents. NUFC is one of the few clubs that actually have the guts to say no.  A good example is Carroll: he'd just performed half a pl-season. Still he found it natural to demand to be the highest paid player in the club. Giving him what he wanted would have set the standard for every contract negotiation in the future.  The only way we will get Enrique to sign is to offer him silly money. But that on the other hand will take money from our transfer budget. Since we have no money to buy a good backup we depend on Enrique being fit through the season, which is not likely. This season has shown that we need squad depth more than anything.


Carroll is now paid £80 000 a week as a reward for his 11 pl-goals. And Enrique would probably be offered a similar amount of money. If he's given a similar contract length, Lpool with pay around £45 million pounds in salary during this period, and it's for only two players..Then multiply this with  10 and you got the whole first squad..How the hell are they going to pay for this? They will never break even and will become totally owner dependent. Still their squad is shit. With our transfer kitty I think we next season will have a good enough squad to compete for europe.


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Liverpool are willing to spend £35 million on one of the best prospects in English football.


We sold him.


Which team would you rather play for, long-term?




We are Newcastle supporters though.


But Punk, how long do we go on just selling players like Carroll and Enrique. I know the Carroll deal was massive and very difficult to turn down, but £15m for one of the top LBs in the league, at his age, isn't in the same bracket at all.


It's a predicament I know. But it's the players that want to leave. The club is not throwing them out. The problem is that Lpool is willing to offer  silly money and sadly this represents the current development of game .  Players don't give a fuck about club loyalty and the situation is worsened by the agents. NUFC is one of the few clubs that actually have the guts to say no.  A good example is Carroll: he'd just performed half a pl-season. Still he found it natural to demand to be the highest paid player in the club. Giving him what he wanted would have set the standard for every contract negotiation in the future.  The only way we will get Enrique to sign is to offer him silly money. But that on the other hand will take money from our transfer budget. Since we have no money to buy a good backup we depend on Enrique being fit through the season, which is not likely. This season has shown that we need squad depth more than anything.


Carroll is now paid £80 000 a week as a reward for his 11 pl-goals. And Enrique would probably be offered a similar amount of money. If he's given a similar contract length, Lpool with pay around £45 million pounds in salary during this period, and it's for only two players..Then multiply this with  10 and you got the whole first squad..How the hell are they going to pay for this? They will never break even and will become totally owner dependent. Still their squad is shit. With our transfer kitty I think we next season will have a good enough squad to compete for europe.



£15 million really isn't 'silly money' for a proven, 25 year-old, knocking on the door of the Spanish national team.

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The only reason we are debating the Liverpool move is because the main rumour now involves them, I am sure come the opening on the transfer window he will have lots of options.


I bet he would be happy to stay if he thought for one second that the clubs ambitions matched his.

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If our ambitions matched his we would have offered him a new contract after his excellent season in the Championship.


Why?It was the first season he really excelled since he came to the club..And he was not good in the relegation season..After all, nobody tried to buy him when we went down.

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Colocho: Silly money as in salary. That's the only reason why I can see Enrique wanting a move to Lpool.


If our ambitions matched his we would have offered him a new contract after his excellent season in the Championship.


Why?It was the first season he really excelled since he came to the club..And he was not good in the relegation season..After all, nobody tried to buy him when we went down.


Again, just how much is silly money in modern football? When at the top of his game and just as effective as say Ashley Cole, or Evra, he is 'worth' £70,000 a week wages, in my opinion.

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If our ambitions matched his we would have offered him a new contract after his excellent season in the Championship.


Why?It was the first season he really excelled since he came to the club..And he was not good in the relegation season..After all, nobody tried to buy him when we went down.


Because it would make sense to tie down a player that was way better than everyone else in the championship and who was obviously going to do the business in the premiership. ..

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Colocho: Silly money as in salary. That's the only reason why I can see Enrique wanting a move to Lpool.


If our ambitions matched his we would have offered him a new contract after his excellent season in the Championship.


Why?It was the first season he really excelled since he came to the club..And he was not good in the relegation season..After all, nobody tried to buy him when we went down.


Again, just how much is silly money in modern football? When at the top of his game and just as effective as say Ashley Cole, or Evra, he is 'worth' £70,000 a week wages, in my opinion.


What he's 'worth' isn't really the point though, is it? He might be too expensive for us to pay him what he could earn elsewhere.

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If we could get a rid of a few players like Smith and Xisco, we'd free up the funds to offer him the competitive contract he deserves.


Or what about that £30 million we apparently received up front for Carroll? I thought some of that would be going towards signing on fees and new contracts?

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Guest Roger Kint

I love how people just assume he would sign if we give him x amount, nobody knows what he wants ffs, what if its not about the money?

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Guest Stephen927



Or what about that £30 million we apparently received up front for Carroll? I thought some of that would be going towards signing on fees and new contracts?


Who said that?

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If we could get a rid of a few players like Smith and Xisco, we'd free up the funds to offer him the competitive contract he deserves.


Or what about that £30 million we apparently received up front for Carroll? I thought some of that would be going towards signing on fees and new contracts?


I'm not arguing about the fact of whether we can offer him what he might want.


Firstly, nobody knows what that amount is, and secondly nobody knows how it compares with the club's wage policy. Thirdly, nobody knows whether the wage policy is reasonable or not! Fourthly, nobody knows whether it's about money or if any amount would convince him to sign.


I hope we keep him, but I don't know anywhere near enough to judge whether the club has managed this correctly.

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Guest Stephen927



Or what about that £30 million we apparently received up front for Carroll? I thought some of that would be going towards signing on fees and new contracts?


Who said that?






I'm not convinced it would be good policy to make a left back one of the clubs highest earners. It would only serve as a precedent for all new signings or players nearing the end of their deals.


I don't think the problem is the wages, I just think he wants to be challenging higher up the table. He said it himself he expected to be challenging for CL places when he signed, and one of the players, maybe Enrique, said it was the target at the beginning of this season to qualify for the Europa League.

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I love how people just assume he would sign if we give him x amount, nobody knows what he wants ffs, what if its not about the money?


What else could it be about, in your opinion?


A said earlier in the thread I think a major concern, if not the biggest concern if I were Enrique at this stage of his career, is not even getting a hint of recognition by the selectors for the Spaninsh national team.


There is clearly an implied bias towards players playing in Spain or a few big name clubs in England including Liverpool. I fear the same concerns will be rearing up for Colo sooner rather than later too.

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If a wage increase is really the only reason you can think of for a player wanting to leave for Liverpool then you're living in a fantasy land. Him giving interviews about broken promises immediately after Carroll left tells you pretty much everything you need to know.

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Guest Roger Kint

I love how people just assume he would sign if we give him x amount, nobody knows what he wants ffs, what if its not about the money?


What else could it be about, in your opinion?


Footballers all over the world change clubs for various reasons, not always money related. I dont know his reason but it could be anything from change of scenery, ambition to win things, international recognition etc. To simply say we can buy his future is naive when nobody actually knows. Of course the easiest way to use this situation against Ashley is to shout 'money'

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Colocho: Silly money as in salary. That's the only reason why I can see Enrique wanting a move to Lpool.


If our ambitions matched his we would have offered him a new contract after his excellent season in the Championship.


Why?It was the first season he really excelled since he came to the club..And he was not good in the relegation season..After all, nobody tried to buy him when we went down.


Again, just how much is silly money in modern football? When at the top of his game and just as effective as say Ashley Cole, or Evra, he is 'worth' £70,000 a week wages, in my opinion.


Enrique is good defensively, but he not nearly as contributing in the offensive play compared to Cole, Evra and Baines.


Colinmk: Still some doubted ( I was one of them) that Enrique could cope with Pl-football. There's plenty of players that stand out in Championsip but who're utter rubbish in PL. It's not sound to give a man a new £60 000 a year contract based on  POTENTIAL pl-ability.

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