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Fantasy Premier League 2006-7 season

Optimistic Nut

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Guest optimistic nit

i'm through 59-52 against tommyg's dream team and through to a tie vs rentford rejects.


15th in the NO league, and 1st in my private league which is nice :D


i wouldn't have won the match without ronaldo captain, and i was going out i think 5 minutes before time before CRon's second goal and the two fabregas assists :D

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Guest optimistic nit

won me cup game comfortably i think. they need about 20pts from gilberto to win. great week for me. goal for barry, assist for abongo, maybe an assist for doyle for the OG (although it seems my substitute thing is fucked, so he may not come on). Clean sheets for the man citeh players and fabregas still to play.

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Guest sunderlandsuck

close in my 2nd round cup game, im on 34 with 2 players yet to go, hes on 35 with one player to go. but jesus christ am i glad i played my wild card when i did, i was starting to get scores in the 20s with my lowest being 17 and this is the 3rd week since iv played it and so far iv got 55, 79 and this weeks score

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Guest optimistic nit

that happened with me, but i used it early in the 3rd week 8)


looks like i'm going to coast my private league now, and before the wildcard i was 9th :D

2nd place is 20 odd behind me and got a total of 38 before subs to my 51 before subs and fabregas.


3rd got 52 and still has gilberto to play, but they are again another 5 behind 2nd.

4th only managed 26pts, 5th 32 and 6th 26. so baring any miracles the only thing to stop me winning the league is deletion :D

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Guest Arsenal Ref

And the results of the NO-CL 2nd Round 2nd Legs areas follows (leg score in the middle, aggregate score on the side):




The draw for the 3rd Round will be made later today and posted on here when I get a chance.

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Guest Arsenal Ref

As promised, the 3rd Round draw. Matches played in the GWs shown, and under the same rules as previously.



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Guest Arsenal Ref

What a week to put Ronaldo as my captain! Are there any newcastle online matches to play for in week 21?


Champions League 3rd Round 1st Legs are in GW22, and the Newcastle-Online Cup returns in GW23, so there are no games this gameweek.

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