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Do NUFC Realise How Much We Spend On Them/Support Them?


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Guest toonlass

I try not to think about how much I have spent on NUFC over the years. It would make me cry I think if I added it all up. On the way home from the Celtic game we stopped at the lights on Barrack Road right next to Nobby in his lush car(think it was a Jag) and beeped the horn and he waved at the kids in the back. It made their night, nearly more than the result. He was playing Samba music on the stereo and the kids clapped at him, and he just smiled and waved. Nice bloke was nobby.

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People who chase them up the road need to stop and have a word with themselves tbh :lol:


Well kids don't know any better, but yeah the adults who do it really need a reality check.


Depends on what you class kids as, if they say 13+ then they also need to have a word with themselves :lol:

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Guest sahara

People who chase them up the road need to stop and have a word with themselves tbh :lol:


Well kids don't know any better, but yeah the adults who do it really need a reality check.


Depends on what you class kids as, if they say 13+ then they also need to have a word with themselves :lol:


Yeah you have a point there! And when I think about it the people I have seen running after them are pretty much all in the 13+ category!

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Guest Andrew Flintoff

Someone was telling me that their mate send off Barca, Real Madrid, Bayern etc shirts to the respective clubs, with silver marker pens and every single club returned them fully signed.


That was my bro-in-law's mate - he has a games room with a pool table in and he has them all framed on the walls

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Someone was telling me that their mate send off Barca, Real Madrid, Bayern etc shirts to the respective clubs, with silver marker pens and every single club returned them fully signed.


That was my bro-in-law's mate - he has a games room with a pool table in and he has them all framed on the walls


Ahhh, I remember you telling me now :D

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Guest BigSamsBarmyArmy

Of course they don't. Many footballers don't give a shit at hour good the fans are. There is a lot I hate about football and one thing is the general attitude of players.

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if you want autographs theres a much easier way of doing it.  I did it when I was about your age Kev.


write to clubs saying you support them, and basically arse them etc, however living far away and can't go to games, could you have so and so's autograph (never worked with Newcastle like).


Hence I have signed photos of Rio Ferdinand, David Beckham(!), Damien Duff, a photo of the 2001-2002 Leeds squad, and Alan Smith.



Also weird how 2 of those above now play for us.....!



Note: I was 13/14 at this point by the way, don't mock me!


What was the general layout/content of these letters. I think I might just try this, it's worth a shot at least.  :lol:

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