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Big Sam on booing, negative vibes from the crowd and knee-jerk reactions

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider
There will be hard times when it doesn’t go as well as we all want. When that happens, we have to stick together. If we can do that and get through it, we’ll get better and better, but it’s important the public realise they have a part to play. One of the things I’ve picked up on is that a lot of the players are finding it increasingly difficult to play at home.


“The fans are so demanding, and while we all accept they are the most passionate and supportive of all when things are going well, there is a downside, which is how they single out individuals for criticism in a way that becomes destructive. It doesn’t only affect that one player, it gets to the others too. They all think, ‘When’s it going to be my turn?’


“It was Scott Parker towards the end of last season and Nicky Butt before him. To his credit, Nicky has overcome it. He’s gone through it, come out the other end and now the fans like him, but not everybody will do that. The supporters need to understand we all want to be successful and are all trying all the time. It doesn’t matter whether you like a player’s personality or not, he will try his best.


“Sometimes, because of the pressure, it may not look like it. It can get to the stage where they can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Abuse can make you fearful of accepting a pass, let alone making one, and unable to express yourself. We need more of a happy medium. If we’re crap, of course everybody is entitled to say so. That’s fine, but don’t say we’re ‘diabolical’ or ‘it’s an absolute disgrace’ when we’ve been borderline poor. What we don’t want is a knee-jerk ‘This player should never wear a Newcastle shirt again’, because nailing somebody like that won’t make him better, it will make him want to leave.”


100% spot on and so refreshing to hear a manager, especially a Newcastle manager, speak out about something that has almost become our stock and trade these past few years.

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There will be hard times when it doesn’t go as well as we all want. When that happens, we have to stick together. If we can do that and get through it, we’ll get better and better, but it’s important the public realise they have a part to play. One of the things I’ve picked up on is that a lot of the players are finding it increasingly difficult to play at home.


“The fans are so demanding, and while we all accept they are the most passionate and supportive of all when things are going well, there is a downside, which is how they single out individuals for criticism in a way that becomes destructive. It doesn’t only affect that one player, it gets to the others too. They all think, ‘When’s it going to be my turn?’


“It was Scott Parker towards the end of last season and Nicky Butt before him. To his credit, Nicky has overcome it. He’s gone through it, come out the other end and now the fans like him, but not everybody will do that. The supporters need to understand we all want to be successful and are all trying all the time. It doesn’t matter whether you like a player’s personality or not, he will try his best.


“Sometimes, because of the pressure, it may not look like it. It can get to the stage where they can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Abuse can make you fearful of accepting a pass, let alone making one, and unable to express yourself. We need more of a happy medium. If we’re crap, of course everybody is entitled to say so. That’s fine, but don’t say we’re ‘diabolical’ or ‘it’s an absolute disgrace’ when we’ve been borderline poor. What we don’t want is a knee-jerk ‘This player should never wear a Newcastle shirt again’, because nailing somebody like that won’t make him better, it will make him want to leave.”


100% spot on and so refreshing to hear a manager, especially a Newcastle manager, speak out about something that has almost become our stock and trade these past few years.


My two cents from earlier...


About this booing malarky. I honestly think we've been fed so much drivel, s*** and excuses over the last 3 years, that it was inevitable that we (the fans) would crack.


Lets hope with the positives coming out of the club, when something goes wrong, or somebody fucks up, we can see how far we've come, and respect that.




I'd also like to add, that I don't think the fans at home will be half as restless this time around. We can see a new horizion, we can see plans.

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Guest Knightrider

There will be hard times when it doesn’t go as well as we all want. When that happens, we have to stick together. If we can do that and get through it, we’ll get better and better, but it’s important the public realise they have a part to play. One of the things I’ve picked up on is that a lot of the players are finding it increasingly difficult to play at home.


“The fans are so demanding, and while we all accept they are the most passionate and supportive of all when things are going well, there is a downside, which is how they single out individuals for criticism in a way that becomes destructive. It doesn’t only affect that one player, it gets to the others too. They all think, ‘When’s it going to be my turn?’


“It was Scott Parker towards the end of last season and Nicky Butt before him. To his credit, Nicky has overcome it. He’s gone through it, come out the other end and now the fans like him, but not everybody will do that. The supporters need to understand we all want to be successful and are all trying all the time. It doesn’t matter whether you like a player’s personality or not, he will try his best.


“Sometimes, because of the pressure, it may not look like it. It can get to the stage where they can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Abuse can make you fearful of accepting a pass, let alone making one, and unable to express yourself. We need more of a happy medium. If we’re crap, of course everybody is entitled to say so. That’s fine, but don’t say we’re ‘diabolical’ or ‘it’s an absolute disgrace’ when we’ve been borderline poor. What we don’t want is a knee-jerk ‘This player should never wear a Newcastle shirt again’, because nailing somebody like that won’t make him better, it will make him want to leave.”


100% spot on and so refreshing to hear a manager, especially a Newcastle manager, speak out about something that has almost become our stock and trade these past few years.


My two cents from earlier...


About this booing malarky. I honestly think we've been fed so much drivel, s*** and excuses over the last 3 years, that it was inevitable that we (the fans) would crack.


Lets hope with the positives coming out of the club, when something goes wrong, or somebody fucks up, we can see how far we've come, and respect that.




I'd also like to add, that I don't think the fans at home will be half as restless this time around. We can see a new horizion, we can see plans.


BTW I don't think we are more critical, demanding or whatever than most other fans, we are fairly patient, but I do think at times, we can be quite overbearing and as our optimism and sheer happiness engulfed the club under SJH and KK to great effect, our doom and gloom and pessimism can do the same, but in the opposite.


Here's to happy days for us and our players.

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I agree about the crowd, or so called great support has been lacking at home over the last few years, which can obviously be pinned back to Souness.


We need to start getting behind the team, the last time I can really remember it happening was at the end of the 2005/06 season when we were playing Chelsea during the last home game, when we needed to beat them to quality for Europe.

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Guest Milburnthedog

He's right in an ideal world but after years of winning nowt and then witnessing bling boy getting pay rises and still delivering nothing and contributing less, I'm not surprise he got stick for it.


Parker got some for bottling a tackle then arguing with the east stand, Carr because he's a petulant, huffy, unfit, uninterested waste of time (until Sam got him fit, that is) etc etc. I think the crowd, in the main have all had the patience of saints.

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He's spot on & speaks the truth. For such a long time now Im at a match and cant believe the panic that sets into some supporters because we are playing poorly, and question their motives. Bottom line your either with the lads or your not. If you are, you wouldnt start shouting abuse when a player makes a bad pass or give knee-jerk reactions to results. But a lot of people seem to go enjoy going to the match to have a whinge, they must feel big. Well done, your big mate, you called lept out your seat and shouted how s*** Martins is supposedly, thats very big of you, give yourself a pat on the back on the way home.


SBR deserved to see out his last year, but part of the reason he went was the panic that set in around the place. If everyone had sat back, realised that you know what, things arnt that bad and gave SBR  the send off he deserved in his last year Shpeherd wouldnt have went against the fans and sacked him, but it was made easy for him because of the fans leaving a near-empty season on the lap of honour for finishing fifth.



There will be hard times when it doesn’t go as well as we all want. When that happens, we have to stick together
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It's a strange one. As others point out, if we were so impatient would there be 50,000+ there every other week?


A little pinch of optimism has done wonders for this forum and I reckon something similar will happen at SJP.

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Guest Knightrider

It's a catch 22 thing, give us something to shout about/us shouting will lift the players. To be fair to ourselves the past few seasons have been utter shambolic. I hate all the booing though and the targeting of certain players. Again to be fair to us, I think we're not alone in this respect, a symptom of the modern game I think. However us being a one city club and the club itself being so central to things, things are far more intense and in your face. When a Man Utd player gets booed or targeted, he can hide away, a NUFC player can't. Take Dyer for example. There are some excellent quotes from ex players and managers kicking about. Best place to play footy on earth when all going well, worst place in the world to be when not. I always side with KK though, tap into it, turn it into your own favour.

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There you go.



Cheers :thup:



Couldn't agree with Allardyce more.  There is no single reason, where booing any individual will help.  4-0 down at half time,  and a general boo I can understand - even Bolton done it yesterday,  in fact,  a lot of teams would. 


"One of the things I’ve picked up on is that a lot of the players are finding it increasingly difficult to play at home.  .....    It doesn’t only affect that one player, it gets to the others too. They all think, ‘When’s it going to be my turn?’


It doesn’t matter whether you like a player’s personality or not, he will try his best.


“Sometimes, because of the pressure, it may not look like it. It can get to the stage where they can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Abuse can make you fearful of accepting a pass, let alone making one, and unable to express yourself."



Those in particular really struck a nerve with me.  Most supporters knew it anyway,  but its nice for a manager to actually come out and say it exactly how it is.  Thats our home,  thats where our support is meant to give us an advantage over opponents.  Thats where we should be trying to create an atmosphere to intimidate our opposition.  The fact that some of our own players are finding it fucking difficult to play at home is just unbelievable.  Viana,  Parker,  Butt,  Babayaro and Parker have all experienced it in recent times.  I've got a feeling Carr has before too,  but i'm not 100% on that one.


Coming to play at St James is a reason a lot of new signings give as wanting to play for us.  Wouldn't it be just unthinkable if playing at St James was given as a reason to not join us?


Saying that,  I really think,  and hope that it won't happen again now.  Renewed optimism and all that shit.  Unfortunately,  and even though I think he's a wanker,  I can still see it happening to Dyer if he was to play against Villa.  Really hope i'm wrong there,  and I hope some more press pick up on those quotes :thup:

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It probably does deserve its own thread due to recent booing of Dyer.


Just like everyone else on here I'm so pleased with the no nonsense talk from SA about the club, its fans, its players, the board...everything.


Its refreshing, but were all listening to him now, when things are not going so rosy i just hope we all (including myself) find the paitence he's asking for. I'm sure we will as we can see progress and our club turning into the right direction, instead of going down the pan and literally into free fall.


I know I'm not the most patient, but history showed in the end i was right to be concerned for whatever reason, but i think that me died with the old regime, i hope so, i can only see a good future especially since the board and SA are talking properly.

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It's a strange one. As others point out, if we were so impatient would there be 50,000+ there every other week?


A little pinch of optimism has done wonders for this forum and I reckon something similar will happen at SJP.


My work here has only begun Dave. But thanks.  bluerazz.gif

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There will be hard times when it doesn’t go as well as we all want. When that happens, we have to stick together. If we can do that and get through it, we’ll get better and better, but it’s important the public realise they have a part to play. One of the things I’ve picked up on is that a lot of the players are finding it increasingly difficult to play at home.


“The fans are so demanding, and while we all accept they are the most passionate and supportive of all when things are going well, there is a downside, which is how they single out individuals for criticism in a way that becomes destructive. It doesn’t only affect that one player, it gets to the others too. They all think, ‘When’s it going to be my turn?’


“It was Scott Parker towards the end of last season and Nicky Butt before him. To his credit, Nicky has overcome it. He’s gone through it, come out the other end and now the fans like him, but not everybody will do that. The supporters need to understand we all want to be successful and are all trying all the time. It doesn’t matter whether you like a player’s personality or not, he will try his best.


“Sometimes, because of the pressure, it may not look like it. It can get to the stage where they can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Abuse can make you fearful of accepting a pass, let alone making one, and unable to express yourself. We need more of a happy medium. If we’re crap, of course everybody is entitled to say so. That’s fine, but don’t say we’re ‘diabolical’ or ‘it’s an absolute disgrace’ when we’ve been borderline poor. What we don’t want is a knee-jerk ‘This player should never wear a Newcastle shirt again’, because nailing somebody like that won’t make him better, it will make him want to leave.”


100% spot on and so refreshing to hear a manager, especially a Newcastle manager, speak out about something that has almost become our stock and trade these past few years.


My two cents from earlier...


About this booing malarky. I honestly think we've been fed so much drivel, s*** and excuses over the last 3 years, that it was inevitable that we (the fans) would crack.


Lets hope with the positives coming out of the club, when something goes wrong, or somebody fucks up, we can see how far we've come, and respect that.




I'd also like to add, that I don't think the fans at home will be half as restless this time around. We can see a new horizion, we can see plans.


BTW I don't think we are more critical, demanding or whatever than most other fans, we are fairly patient, but I do think at times, we can be quite overbearing and as our optimism and sheer happiness engulfed the club under SJH and KK to great effect, our doom and gloom and pessimism can do the same, but in the opposite.


Here's to happy days for us and our players.


Even during happy times slight turns took us to boos.  Bobby's last season was hardly a disaster, 5th, and there was a fair bit of booing there, particularly in the last home game v wolves, which we drew


I think Carr's crap, but i wouldnt dream of booing him.  If anything it's just going to make him more apprehensive and worse.


and btw, carr got some boos when his name was read out for the team at bolton

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Guest Knightrider

You have to look at this from Sam's point of view, he spends a lot of time and effort on his players, making sure everything is spot on for them, leaving no stone unturned of course, only for all that hard work to be undermined by a few thousand/hundred fans or a stand witchhunt?


One good thing, if he's saying this about the fans, he'll most certainly be looking towards Thompson House as well...


And on that point, I wonder how much the likes of the Chronicle influence fans?


None of it is good for the club.


Of course, lets not kid ourselves that Shola is great or that we are great, but booing and abuse is always going to be a destructive force.

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It's a strange one. As others point out, if we were so impatient would there be 50,000+ there every other week?


A little pinch of optimism has done wonders for this forum and I reckon something similar will happen at SJP.


My work here has only begun Dave. But thanks.  bluerazz.gif


You're just mental. Arsenal FFS. :lol:

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Guest Milburnthedog

Agree that .com and Thomson House do have an effect on the mood of the place but not as much as a winning team. Saturday should be excellent.

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It's a strange one. As others point out, if we were so impatient would there be 50,000+ there every other week?


A little pinch of optimism has done wonders for this forum and I reckon something similar will happen at SJP.


Its about the impatience during the 90 minutes, not the attendance. It didnt really do much when we finished 3rd & 4th so Im not expecting it to be superb this season, but Im hoping so, especially with new owners, new start etc.

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

Didn't read it right through but did he mention the pathetic c***s who still persist in thinking that waving shoes above their head is funny?



Shoes off if you love the toon?

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle


And on that point, I wonder how much the likes of the Chronicle influence fans?




To much

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It's a strange one. As others point out, if we were so impatient would there be 50,000+ there every other week?


A little pinch of optimism has done wonders for this forum and I reckon something similar will happen at SJP.


My work here has only begun Dave. But thanks.  bluerazz.gif


You're just mental. Arsenal FFS. :lol:





Let's see how far off we are in a few months.  :thup:

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Agree that .com and Thomson House do have an effect on the mood of the place but not as much as a winning team. Saturday should be excellent.


.com have an effect :lol:


No website is going to influence 52,000 people. .com serves 5,000 season ticket holders at most, and only a small minority of those will be influenced by what is basically a two-man editorial that isn't taken seriously by many quarters.

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