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Physicality of the Premiership


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Its getting beyond a fkn joke, game for woman soon, "no men allowed to play" we are just to rough.


Yes abd tackles still need to be stopped but its getting stupid how much they are cracking down, some refs are desperate to blow the whistle the second a playe4r goes to gorund and slides in.

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It's the pace of the game more so than anything.


Teams play a less patient game over here so there's more charging around that's required and the game can pass them by until they're used to it. So players have to get used to that more so than being kicked around and harrassed, which happens in every league.

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You do get way less time on the ball over here and there is more chance that you will get clatterd once you are closed down, I think some players find it hard to get used to when they come from places like Spain where you get plenty of time on the ball.

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The refs are indirecty controlled by the clubs, it's in their best interests to overly protect the players. 


PGMOL (Professional Game Match Officials Limited, the company responsible for the National List and Select Group officials) is allegedly an independent organisation, but it's controlled by the chief executives of the Premier League, the Football League, and The FA, who constitute its board (Keith Hackett is the general manager and ultimately has to answer to them). Given that these bodies can be relied upon to do what the clubs want, it follows that the clubs can exert an influence over the officials via Hackett and frankly would be stupid not to with things working how they do.

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Teh PL is the most physical League around - listen to any decent foreign player


the trouble is we substitute Energizer Bunny ability for skill and thought


which is why we win bugger all

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Teh PL is the most physical League around - listen to any decent foreign player


the trouble is we substitute Energizer Bunny ability for skill and thought


which is why we win bugger all


4 of the last 6 CL finalists.

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Both Fergie and Wenger having a whinge today about their flair players not being protected by referee's :yikes: Oh they feckin piss me off, so when Ronaldo buys a free-kick by holding up the ball and luring in a player then using his quick feet to move the ball when the tackle comes and leaving himself open to get caught.

Fergie not going to cry about Ronaldo being tackled then is he, he wants the player to fly in so they can have their free-kick and maybe get the opposing player a yellow or red card.

Every player deserves the same amount of protection from every referee, players with flair do not deserve more protection just because they are more likely to be caught in possession when pissing about on the ball.

Look at the fee-kick Gerrard scored from last week, no way on earth was it a foul, Gerrard cheated plain and simple, he ran into the lad, Gerrard even held his leg out and raised his knee a bit to make sure there was contact, then waved his arms about claiming a foul like he had been cut in half. Thats the kind of thing that needs stopping  in the game, not good old fashioned hard tackles..

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Teh PL is the most physical League around - listen to any decent foreign player


the trouble is we substitute Energizer Bunny ability for skill and thought


which is why we win bugger all


4 of the last 6 CL finalists.


number of winners?


number of World Cup Fianls?




Yuropean Championships??





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Guest Sniffer

Modern day " hard " players pale into insignificance compared to those around in the 60's and 70's. In fact, forwards were tougher than"  hard " players today as they took it week after week. George Best was one of the toughest players I have ever seen.

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Teh PL is the most physical League around - listen to any decent foreign player


the trouble is we substitute Energizer Bunny ability for skill and thought


which is why we win bugger all


4 of the last 6 CL finalists.


number of winners?


number of World Cup Fianls?




Yuropean Championships??






Thread's about the premiership, not the England football team. Although I did get my stat wrong..... should be 3. They're talking about the premiership as a league, Robert. If teams in that league do well in Europe with that style of football, why would it mean that we never win anything? Did you look at the line up for the CL semis last year?

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Guest Knightrider

Foreign players especially have a hell of a lot to get to grips with outside of playing actual footy, never mind anything else. It always amazes me that so many do succeed here. They need at least 12 months to adjust and an awful lot of assistance to help them adjust. It can't be easy uprooting yourself and your key family members to a new totally alien country and then be expected to perform to a standard many consider thee best in football and most certainly the toughest, week in week out, at a relentless pace that has broken many a home grown player who have been schooled in this way of playing the game.

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Guest firetotheworks

I think England was a lot tougher even as close back as the late 90's. Despite the giving of stupid free kicks etc I dont blame the refs. Refs who use common sense these days are probably breaking uefa and fa rules in doing so. So the ones who give some of these badly perceived decisions are in some cases only going by the letter of the law. if anything, the rules need to be looked at. Uefa having set guidelines for numerous leagues is just a bit daft considering in Portugal and Spain things like diving arent seen as cheating but in a sense a way of getting one over on the ref. Where as here its deemed as cheating (and rightly so). having rules to govern leagues with such split values doesnt really work as a result.  That being said, despite the dip in the physical side of the premiership, its still probably the most physical league in europe. The players coming into it are finding that theyre booed when they dive and are deemed soft if they jump a challenge. It seems like the rules have been adapted to the influx of foreign players that we had in the 90s, when instead in my opinion the players should have adapted to the then existing rules. Im not saying the following players are altogether innocent of any cheating but its quite noticable that after a few years Drogba and Ronaldo have noticed that theyre way more effective in this league by trying to stay on their feet when possible. Other softies should toughen up to the league in the way that they have (to an extent) rather than the league softening.

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Refs in England seem to be some of the only ones around to actually use their brains, use logic and use common sense. The fact that players just "get on with it more" makes it a joy to watch. I often wonder how come football is so popular in other countries where their leagues are full of diving fannies.

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