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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Saving 3 - 4 million is great, until you have to pay the replacement. Maybe the replacement won't continuously bite the hand that feeds them. Until they play well and it's the last year of their contract ?
  2. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    really ? I have 0% faith in the board or management of the club and not just because of Joey Barton. If the manager had decided that Barton wasn't needed and had bought in his replacement and then transfer listed Barton we wouldn't be talking about Newcastle United football club. the management and signing of tiote and ben arfa gives me that smidge of faith but I agree what your saying we do tend to always do things arse over tit but Barton has been forcing the clubs hands for months now no one has rushed out to take him cutting losses seems to have been the course of action the club has taken (the involvement of the manager is all this is probably just as debateable). this has been sai time and time again that no one player is newcastle united newcastle united the club will be around long after (we hope) get rid and move on. Charlton are a league 1 club, they banned all their players from social networking sites I believe. Is it really that hard for us to do the same ? If they don't listen you fine them, if they still don't listen you then follow the next step in your clubs disciplinary rules. It's not so hard, makes you look like a professionally run organisation and helps keep you out of the press for the wrong reasons.
  3. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Yep, I think the fact he was leaving anyway is a big factor in this whole thing. Sure he would have been handled differently if he'd had 3 years left on his contract. Exactly as they did when he went to prison. Yeah the club tried to get him to leave cause they didn't want to miss out on a transfer fee, they also refused to pay off his contract.
  4. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    You say fact for a story that has risen it's head today after all this has gone on with Barton. Strange that don't you think ? There is not fact. Barton may not have been happy he wasn't taking corners or free kicks doesn't meant he bollocked the manager in front of everyone and if he did why did Pardew still feel fit to play him ?
  5. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    really ? I have 0% faith in the board or management of the club and not just because of Joey Barton. If the manager had decided that Barton wasn't needed and had bought in his replacement and then transfer listed Barton we wouldn't be talking about Newcastle United football club.
  6. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    What benefit has to had to any of the players keeping quiet about how bad things have been since Ashley took over ? There comes a point when people think they have to do something to force some sort of change. Not just for the good of themselves but also for the good of the team. What good has came from it ? Will Ashley now sell up? will fans booing Ashley (again) and singing for Barton have a positive effect on the squad? He changed nothing apart from his personal circumstances, he told fans nothing they don't already know. I am not saying the club have mad the right decision, I do not support Ashley in any way but I DO support NUFC and the players that will be here this season, as it stands now Joey Barton will not be one of those players.. thats all that matters to me. We're one day into it anything could happen as yet, if he feels that helps him fair enough. If he's not telling fans stuff they already know how come so many are still saying oh it's all Bartons faults not Ashleys. Or people saying we should all just sit quiet and take what Ashley is giving us cause there is nothing else we can do. Well guess what that's shit and highly small minded.
  7. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Most clubs don't have a loose cannon like Joey Barton in their team, surrounded in controversy all-year-round. Most clubs don't have 4 others openly backing up the so called loose cannon
  8. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    I'm sorry, but that's absolutely pathetic. Damaging for the morale of the entire team, watching their sometimes Captain made to train alone. Disgusting. do you believe barton is whiter than white in this? Well considering a lot of the other twitter users in the team publicly backed him in this, suggests they don't find him the main antagonist That reply is far to sensible. People need to find ways to justify the idea that Bartons turned into an animal again, so that they can delude themselves about our club actually being run really well as it'll make them feel a bit better. He spoke out on twitter, following Enrique? Forget Enrique, Bartons going to ruin morale !! He was supposedly annoyed during a match we poor in v Leeds? There are definately no alternative responses if true, other than making him train alone. Pardew could not talk to him about it, he could not be fined, the situation could not be calmed in anyway using communication. No, we need punishment & to expand the situation further. Its complete stupidity. In some fans cases here i personally believe they don't want to hear anything bad about the club, they want to keep this idea in their head that everything is fine and the players are happy and proud to be here! So in the case when a player speaks out it is then the very defensive attitude of 'oh X is doing this just for his own greed/ego. He should leave and not p*ss out the rest'. I can personally understand it, the fact that this isn't an isolated incident makes it difficult to buy that JB is unsupported by the rest of the team Nicely put.
  9. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    What benefit has to had to any of the players keeping quiet about how bad things have been since Ashley took over ? There comes a point when people think they have to do something to force some sort of change. Not just for the good of themselves but also for the good of the team.
  10. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Most clubs don't have 4-5 players complaining about the problems caused by the owners. Surely there comes a time when something has to change or do we just continue changing teams every season.
  11. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    The fact members of the squad said he would be one of the players who could talk for them to managers and the board suggests yes. Along with Nolan, Harper and Alan Smith. Strange that all seem to be disappearing.
  12. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Exactly.. he has brought this on himself and as he is still intent on using twitter to air his views it just shows how little care about the damage he does. It would seem this has more to do with his attitude in the dressing room and him thinking he has the right to demand a say on team tactics and squad selection. As was the way with Nolan under Hughton, big headed self important players, who in the end can not be good for the moral of the team. Would Fergie allow that kind of player at Man U ? not a chance. Jose was only fined as he spoke out on twitter, I think Joey was on hid way before he started his tweets on Sunday. Roy Keane, the guy who publicly demanded that the club apologise for what they said to the fans about his renewed contract. Ferguson didn't force him out when Keane attacked the fans at Old Trafford... oh and not forgetting always, always slagging off his team mates when the team went through a loss of form! Yup but Keane was 10x the player Joey is but I bet he never screamed like a c*** at Fergie in the dressing room infront of the squad. Fergie still got shot of him. I bet you he did lol Fergie wished him well and gave him a testimonial hardly the signs of someone he had to get rid of someone. But then fergie knows how to manage and man manage players.
  13. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Unless your worth money as per Enrique.
  14. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Just asking the question. The stories about him kicking off with other players doesnt exactly put him in a good light. The stories which only came out today despite the match being played on Sunday at 2pm. I agree the timing of the "arguments with Cabaye and kids" story is suspicious, but Willie McKay confirms in the BBC interview that he was p*ssed off about being taken off free kicks and corners. Fair enough but no mention of a tirade as the papers are putting it. Both sides spread shit I can well believe that but the club are making themselves worse for it.
  15. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Just asking the question. The stories about him kicking off with other players doesnt exactly put him in a good light. The stories which only came out today despite the match being played on Sunday at 2pm.
  16. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Ryder claims the words about the argument with players after Leeds came from Peter Beardsley
  17. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    The moving of the goalpost (wanting more money), was in The Sun article last night too. I hate to say it but it is beginning to look like he has been causing trouble, if we believe all the stuff being written that is. When it all comes from the same source at Newcastle who happens to have been told in a court that he lied to deceive the fans I believe nothing.
  18. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    After the way this club had stood by him I think this unacceptable. Sorry keep hearing this tripe on the radio, the club didn't stand by him they tried to get rid of Barton they just refused to sack him cause they would lose out on the fee for the player and wouldn't pay off his contract because they would then have to spend some cash. Lets get real here the board only ever do what helps them bring in cash noubt else. Same reason they haven't released the player now cause they will have to pay up his final year of his contract.
  19. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    The fact that you're asking if it's true means you have had your head in the sand for the last 2 years or so. Let's look at the facts: Keegan - proved them to be utterly shameful liars in a court of law Relegated Shearer - completely ignored, not had phone calls returned about position What we are left with is a bunch of people who actually gave a s*** and don't tell me that's not true as several people on here, myself included felt that about the players who brought us back up. This group of players, some of who were on large contracts would not be willingly, or perhaps most importantly sold by their current manger as he sees how important this team spirit thing is. Hughton - Surprise, surprise, just before being sacked stories of 'player power' appear in certain newspapers. He is then sacked with some rubbish about next level and losing control doing the rounds Pardew - appointed. The dismantling of the group of players begins. Goes on to vomit and s*** varies quotes about the club/players and then, surprise, surprise again, the opposite happens. Rants on about the size and altogether wonderfulness of deals being offered to the players Carroll - Local lad, told him to f*** off to anyone who offered silly money. Tried to make it appear that he wanted to leave. Carroll talks about the fans knowing the truth. Nolan - Pivotal figure in dressing room regardless of opinions on ability/fitness. Club understandably want to reduce wages etc, Nolan wants to get a good deal. Nolan out, compromising which normally happens between the player and club in this situation doesn't happen. Utterances about age, money, contract length and not willing to compromise from club. Nolan denies and talks of fans knowing the truth. Enrique - Although this started a while ago, is posturing for a better deal, then sees the team being dismantled around him and probably wants out. Who can blame him. Victim of Pardews contracting offerings speech, which it turns out was the same contract offered to him before. Barton - Along the lines of Enrique, only decides to get more militant on twitter. Speaks about fans knowing the truth. Booted out, oh look the club source is quoting again. Not the clubs fault...... Other players such as Routledge talk about the truth and how the club is being run as well. I'm sure I've missed out a few links quotes etc that will back this up, but how ANYONE can believe the club is utterly beyond me. I don't blame Barton, I like his style and how he's gone about starting to expose them. As for this season, I reckon apart from this team becoming the best of mates in record time and hardly any injuries we're pretty much f***ed. Add to this the rumours that the rest of the people in this group, namely Harper and Smith are also now being forced out. I'm all for wanting rid of disruptive influences but surely the club has to understand that a group like that is (I know I mentioned Smith but still) all pulling together in the same direction will help the club progress. You need that sort of team to succeed otherwise you end up looking like Man City currently doing with players coming out in the press saying they hate the city and no togetherness at all.
  20. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Same quote was given to talk sport this morning. This person also told Talksport that we are after 3 players, a full back, a midfielder and a striker. Believe of that what you will.
  21. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    So they basically won't pay off his wages to get shot. So since Barton has already said he won't leave till he's out of contract won't change I guess.
  22. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Maybe club told him he can leave on a free if he hates the board that much but he told them he'd stay ?
  23. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Says alot of what is really wrong at the club.
  24. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    You have to be f***ing kidding me. I thought you were one who said Ashley is all about the money. You think they'll be laughing at releasing a player on a free? They will if they didn't have to pay off his last year of his contract. They wanted rid of the player anyway so it's an easy solution.
  25. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Think Stoke were mentioned as well at one point.
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