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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Change your settings before you login to the forum so it always takes you to the newest post in a thread. Otherwise if you scroll to the very very top of the page you will find page numbers so you can go to the end.
  2. The EU ruling was due out in the next 3-6 months which is basically now. Anyone heard anything ?
  3. Trusting ryan Taylor to defend without much help there.
  4. Didn't he turn it down first time round before keane got it?
  5. probably the latter, with some history of injury (duh like all football players), but won't stop the usual suspect coming out with completely baseless theories that we only signed him because he was cheap due to his injury. Never knew an injury prone player could play 20-30 games a season! Surely being so young and already getting cartilage injuries doesn't bode well for a future without injury problems. Seems reading about other professional players of all types of sport (mainly Americans) although the operation is deemed a success, they struggle to come back without problems early on and it takes a very long lay off with high amounts of rehabilitation to make a full recovery from the injury. If Santon is still suffering since 2009 with this injury it may be he needs this full rehabilitation to be able to progress else we may be stuck with an injury prone player.
  6. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    So he didn't have to make a save then? Simpson and S.Taylor did it for him. Got caught out a couple of times coming for the ball and then changing his mind, SWP tried chipping him both times one was going in but for Taylor's great clearance. I know he did mate. It was more a comment on how we managed to keep another clean sheet and their poor finishing, but some pedant decided to have a moan. Pop at me I'm guessing. You were making it come across that he had noubt to do but anyone watching the match knew that wasn't true. It wasn't due to great defence we kept a clean sheet last night it was down to their piss poor finishing.
  7. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    So he didn't have to make a save then? Simpson and S.Taylor did it for him. Wow you really are glass more than half full lol
  8. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    Considering we cleared 2/3 off the line this line about Krul not having to make a save that I keep reading makes me laugh.
  9. Or not having enough matches under his belt after missing pre season with injury he just mightn't be ready for speed of PL.
  10. After the match! Dedication gone already I see
  11. I'll change the setting, it's an Admin one. Star And has the hidden post count always been a conscious decision? Post counts are available in your profile stats. They've never been on display in this view. Yep, I know. Just most forums show them and this new 2.0 did until they were turned off (I took a sneak peak ). Just being nebby on the reasoning Used to be turned off because it caused so many shit posts from people reaching milestone numbers or people posting just to boost their numbers.
  12. He didn't have the time to do it. We've left the option open to him if he wants to in the future. We just had to get moved, basically. Ah cool, wasn't complaining like, looks really good how it is. Just bought tapatalk to try it out and I haven't got a clue how to add a forum to it You have to go on tapatalk and do a search for this place, don't think it's fully set up yet though.
  13. Scrap that I'm not using virgin for DNS just remembered
  14. Also with virgin but no problems at all at home
  15. It's the greatest image of all time, I feel sorry for you for missing out
  16. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    Question I guess also is whether there is a clause in his contract like keegans where he has to pay cash if he resigns.
  17. He spent 130+ million of his money to buy the club. Then he had to repay loans the previous owners had at the amount of around 70 million, and spend 66 million to keep the club going. He did this by loaning the club around 150 million from his own pocket. The first sum he will only get back if he sells the club, the second sum the club will have to repay him, but with no interest. Ok this kinda explains my last question. But is there anything to stop him getting the first sum back before he sells the club?
  18. No. Why not ? If he gets all debts repaid by never buying another player then he has the club for no expense, like the Glazers. It's not like a normal sale of a club where the money is spend and never seen again, he wants it back.
  19. Because if he sells the club for 150 million, its a profit Well, yeah, but only 12m. And so what? He spent his own money to buy the club. Whether it was done through a holding company, and whether the debt is on the books of the holding company and/or the club is largely irrelevant. It's his business so whether he chooses to put it as a debt on the club balance sheet, pay it off in chunks, pay it off now is up to him. It all boils down to the same thing really. It would be that simple if the club had created all of the debts on there own but he's added £138m to the clubs debt which wasn't there before he bought it. That's whats so bad about this not whether he chooses to pay it back or not or makes a profit on sale. Well in my eyes anyway.
  20. But the clubs debts are larger than they were because of this.
  21. I've read it before, the club were in a bad way but could have turned it round by reducing purchases and getting rid of a few players like we had in the past. We broke the bank to get Owen and that was a mistake. That doesn't excuse from the mistakes and f*** ups that Ashley has made and how he has made the problems more difficult by how he has run the club. I cant beileve we are back to freddy shepherd now, hes been gone 4 years Freddy wasn't about when the club was relegated. Unfortunately he hawked off a lot of the club's longer term revenue streams to finance his marquee signings such as Luque,Boumsong and Owen. Just the type of signings that would have had us salivating last night I'm sure. Due to that financial insanity the club is still not making any money from said sources, so sadly 4 years down the road the effect of Freddie's live today pay later policy is still evident. So yes he is still a significant factor in what's going on. Don't believe that at all, the accounts last time showed that with the sales we have made and the wages that have been reduced we should easily be making a profit.
  22. Yes we are, we may have made past losses but that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad. If the person that lent us the money wants it back, that's fine. He's entitled to it. A profitable company doesn't just show 1 year of profits, it shows many years. Before you argue 'we're not a company', well I hate to tell you, but we are. That was never going to be my argument lol you really just don't get it do you. I do not care about the funds of the club I care about the club moving up the league and trying to win stuff. If we make a huge profit one year, use some of the money to pay off some of the debt and use more of it to add to the signings we have already made. Is it really that difficult ? Yeah, because the owner doesn't feel that way and he's entitled not to. He doesn't support the club or have any ties to it, as long as the company is performing how the board want it to, that's their only objective. And that's why he's one of the worst people to ever be associated with NUFC.
  23. I've read it before, the club were in a bad way but could have turned it round by reducing purchases and getting rid of a few players like we had in the past. We broke the bank to get Owen and that was a mistake. That doesn't excuse from the mistakes and f*** ups that Ashley has made and how he has made the problems more difficult by how he has run the club. On that we agree..MA did some bad decisions himself. But everything was already set in motion by FS. Answer me this, are we in a position knowing what we saw in the books for relegation and the changes that have occurred, to pay off some of the debts last year and this year and still have more money than we have spent on transfers this window. The answer you and I both know is yes and unless we suddenly buy some high paid, costly players in the January window will be yes again for the next year. So why didn't he. If he had I would have had no complaints but instead we are stuck with a squad that isn't big enough still worrying about relegation with a paper profit.
  24. Yes we are, we may have made past losses but that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad. If the person that lent us the money wants it back, that's fine. He's entitled to it. A profitable company doesn't just show 1 year of profits, it shows many years. Before you argue 'we're not a company', well I hate to tell you, but we are. That was never going to be my argument lol you really just don't get it do you. I do not care about the funds of the club I care about the club moving up the league and trying to win stuff. If we make a huge profit one year, use some of the money to pay off some of the debt and use more of it to add to the signings we have already made. Is it really that difficult ?
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