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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. I've read it before, the club were in a bad way but could have turned it round by reducing purchases and getting rid of a few players like we had in the past. We broke the bank to get Owen and that was a mistake. That doesn't excuse from the mistakes and fuck ups that Ashley has made and how he has made the problems more difficult by how he has run the club.
  2. Yes we are, we may have made past losses but that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad.
  3. Our owner is different to their owners. f***ing deal with it and get on with things, that's the case, everybody should know that's the f***ing case, so why the f*** do people still complain about it? We're not complaining about that for f***s sake, we're complaining the club is trying to rake in huge profits rather than progressing the squad, it's people like yourself who are arguing the club are doing a great job as the accounts are cracking. Frankly I couldn't give a fuck about the accounts I care about the club and it becoming better.
  4. And yet I and most people are not asking for a spending spree simply to reduce this years profits possibly in half so that we could buy the players the squad needs. The other way to do this was to not sell so many players then we would have been doing what most sensible clubs do which is build upon what we have.
  5. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top. Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique. If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen. Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows. But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment. When a company has more than £100 mill in debt, it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for.. A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though Is that really relevant? A debt is a debt, it needs to be repaid. The club has to be very careful for the next few years - anyone that actually spent we would spent the majority of the Carroll money was in cuckoo land. Exactly! The club has to take incremantal steps towards recovery. I do not want us to be like Liverpool. They're going "all in" as we speak. Imagine the economical chaos if they don't win anything. People have said the same about Chelsea, and Man City and Man Utd yet them seem to all be doing fine and have been for a while now. I'm not and most people are not asking to go all in just spend some of the money say £13m on a striker and a loan defender and we would have been covered and still made a huge profit. Ashley has no intention of progressing the club, i said it from day one when he took over. His intentions are to make himself lots of money he really doesn't care if we fight relegation each year, and once the club is able to support himself he would;nt care about another season in the championship either as the club could still run a profit off parachute payments. Cannot compare us with those clubs. ManC and Chelsea are supported by owners that have A LOT more money than Ashley. Abrahimovich is approxemately 10 times richer than MA. Chelsea was in an economical s*** storm too when he bought them in 2003. The difference is that he had the funds to literally buy them out of an economical disaster. Those clubs are not earning money, in fact they're totally dependent on a steady influx of owner capital. In 2009/2010 Chelsea's had a deficit of £70 millions (!!). And it's well proven fact that MA, unlike Fat Fred, has never taken a dime from the club. It's the other way around. The club was capable of making large purchases and still staying solvent under FS, he would usually have spates where we didn't spend much one season but then the next we were back after changing funding or reducing wages. And I didn't compare, another who can't read.
  6. And even if I did compare us, then why not ? Clubs with either loans which have helped them spend small fortunes to get where they are, or financed by billionaire owners like our own. As I said before, there are other ways to support a club who is making a loss rather than simply selling all players and refusing to spend money. That's why those clubs are fighting to win stuff and we're still talked about with relegation.
  7. No, can't you read your own posts ? You said clubs like Liverpool heading for economical chaos if they don't win anything. I said people have been saying that about Chelsea, Man City and Man Utd for years yet they are doing fine.
  8. They'll be in tears in a few years time if it all backfires. If they don't make Champions League they'll start selling to buy next season (and they can afford to use all of their transfer funds, because the revenue they bring in is far greater than us) Actually they won't because they have been able to reinvest through sales (Carroll cost them noubt remember) and there board seem happy to fund some of their signings as they know that Europe will pay for them through TV and other revenue. Add to that the new rules from UEFA and any outgoings in terms of debt will either be written off and done in such a way the club will have no problems. It doesn't have to be as simple as sell all to stop change your clubs funds you know ?
  9. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top. Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique. If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen. Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows. But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment. When a company has more than £100 mill in debt, it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for.. A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though Is that really relevant? A debt is a debt, it needs to be repaid. The club has to be very careful for the next few years - anyone that actually spent we would spent the majority of the Carroll money was in cuckoo land. Exactly! The club has to take incremantal steps towards recovery. I do not want us to be like Liverpool. They're going "all in" as we speak. Imagine the economical chaos if they don't win anything. People have said the same about Chelsea, and Man City and Man Utd yet them seem to all be doing fine and have been for a while now. I'm not and most people are not asking to go all in just spend some of the money say £13m on a striker and a loan defender and we would have been covered and still made a huge profit. Ashley has no intention of progressing the club, i said it from day one when he took over. His intentions are to make himself lots of money he really doesn't care if we fight relegation each year, and once the club is able to support himself he would;nt care about another season in the championship either as the club could still run a profit off parachute payments.
  10. Of course it's relevant without his continued incompetence we would be a year longer in the PL and able to start paying off the debts. This debt is also the debt that the two at the top said Ashley had paid off and the club was debt free, then when things went wrong was suddenly a debt again, then when we were relegated it wasn't a debt we only had the £20m Ashley had put in. This has now been paid off. The only debt we have is owed to Ashely the owner of the club. If he wants it back, take it from the profits tell the fans he has repaid half his loan and then we can get closer to him fucking off.
  11. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top. Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique. If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen. Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows. But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment. When a company has more than £100 mill in debt, it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for.. A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though The club was already in a world of hurt when he bought it. He made the condition worse due to his inexperience with running a football club. But he's slowly turning the ship around. Relegation was his fault, failure to see the clubs books before buying the club was his fault, failure to bring in a chairman who knew football was his fault, the failure of past managers was his fault, the high wages of the likes of Smith was his fault. The clubs debt was being managed by the number of fans in the stadium that was no problem. Yes we maybe needed to reduce the wage bill but that didn't have to be done in the way Ashley has done it. The wage bill we were told was reduced enough in the championship yet we still sold Carroll despite the club now having a much larger income from the PL and failed to replace him, that was also Ashleys fault and the failure to invest some of the funds we recieved from the Carroll money to improve all needed areas of the squad is Ashleys fault. He could have easily improved whilst still making a profit but he failed. Now fuck off with the all is great cause we've made a profit and that will help us reduce the debt. We're one of the few clubs I know where the fans argue over the cash in the club namely due to the excuses of the two tossers at the top.
  12. ToonTastic

    Alan Pardew

    If I was Pardew being questioned about transfers I wouldn't simply answer with ask the board cause least he won't look as much likes a knob as he did after the last window.
  13. But Marveaux is better than Barton, and when Marveaux gains full match fitness (after the international break), I'd hope that he will start instead of Barton and we'll be a lot better for it. Marveaux who it seems Pardew seems to like as a left winger as he showed in the cup games. Again we need experienced squad players now not later. Dont worry TT, we balanced some books, thats all that matters. Crazy isn't it.
  14. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top. Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique. If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen. Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows. But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment. When a company has more than £100 mill in debt, it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for.. A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though
  15. But Marveaux is better than Barton, and when Marveaux gains full match fitness (after the international break), I'd hope that he will start instead of Barton and we'll be a lot better for it. Marveaux who it seems Pardew seems to like as a left winger as he showed in the cup games. Again we need experienced squad players now not later.
  16. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top. Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique. If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen. Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows. But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment.
  17. And I also must question whether you have seen any of our games so far. At the minute Obertan at right wing has been worse than Joey Barton and I thought we'd be able to copy without Joey no bother. The only other change is Cabaye who I admit has looked good but I can't see why you think the midfield is suddenly a bunch of world beaters.
  18. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll. Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me. Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season. I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top.
  19. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'. Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? Because it was? Shearmagic you are clearly either delusional or a WUM If it's the former wake up my friend, we are all being taken for a massive ride How was it not a success? We didn't bring a striker in, arguably our only failure. We've improved the midfield and the defence is playing the best it has in a long, long time. Teams with the quality in midfield that we have don't come close to getting relegated, mission successful. Not every team fulfils their goals in the transfer window, there's plenty of other teams that didn't fill positions that they wanted/needed to. We also didn't bring in a centre back so if we lose taylor to injury (usually happens) we have no recognised replacement to slot in there. That was actually a bigger fault than failing to bring in a striker. So how can it been seen as a success ? These aren't new developments these are problems we've known for a while but they did noting about. But it's fine they made a profit, get in, we're great. Fuck it, it's all a load of bollocks and those two twats at the top are the key to all our failures.
  20. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit. We did improve the squad though? No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll.
  21. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'. Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? Because it was? Shearmagic you are clearly either delusional or a WUM If it's the former wake up my friend, we are all being taken for a massive ride How was it not a success? We didn't bring a striker in, arguably our only failure. We've improved the midfield and the defence is playing the best it has in a long, long time. Teams with the quality in midfield that we have don't come close to getting relegated, mission successful. Not every team fulfils their goals in the transfer window, there's plenty of other teams that didn't fill positions that they wanted/needed to. We also didn't bring in a centre back so if we lose taylor to injury (usually happens) we have no recognised replacement to slot in there.
  22. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc) Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.
  23. Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO
  24. I can see you've tried hard to make good of the bad situation but the fact is Pardew said we needed a striker in and a centre back and we got neither. The club did a carbon copy of the January window making bids/pretending to make bids for players we were not going to get. If Colo or taylor get injured we are basically fucked at the back with no cover. Lose best as well and where will we get our goals from, Shola ? The squad is weaker than it was, though yeah maybe your right the first team might be a little stronger in certain areas. But the club this summer has not done enough not by a long chalk.
  25. Williamson? or did you mean right now? Now and the next 7 weeks, plus any other time one gets injured/suspended
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