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Scottish Mag

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Posts posted by Scottish Mag

  1.   Shearer is a Legend weshould have him with Kenny Dalglish as his assistant.


    Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect.


    But what does that matter its "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera" we are talking about....


    Someone mentioned Dalglish as his assistant




    Was tongue in cheek mate.  I am gobsmacked by the number of people who would be happy with Shearer in charge.  I find it astonishing that the forums have been full of people whining and bitching all day about not getting the likes of Mourinho and Lippi to getting excited about someone with no experience of coaching (with the exception of standing in a dug out on match days in Roeders run) and managing.


    If it was any other person with no coaching or managerial experience Tyneside would be up in arms but no its "Sheeeeeeeera!!!" so somehow its acceptable....



    Agree with this. Because he "loves the club" has no baring on whether he'd be good for us or not. When Ferguson leaves Man Utd do you think they'd be happy with Ince (who does have a bit of experience) because "he loves the club"?


    But we aren't Man Utd! Of the options realistically available I think Shearer would be the most exciting. Keegan had no managerial experience and did okay! Also, those saying he looks like a numpty on MOTD are right, but then they all do. I think there has been some kind of BBC directive to be as dull as possible after the FA started taking coverage away from them when they were perceived as too negative about England when they actually said f*** all. Even Hansen, who I used to think was incredibly knowledgeable and a great pundit, is now w***. I don't think it's because they're lazy, i think it's because they are told to be (with the exception of wright, who is a moron)



    Based on what?

  2.   Shearer is a Legend weshould have him with Kenny Dalglish as his assistant.


    Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect.


    Someone like Dalglish or Keegan working alongside Shearer and I might go along with it. The time to worry is if he brings in his cronies like Lee & Speed who also have no experience.






    That was more down to the sh*teness of Barnes


    Barnes was s*** but I think Kenny was meant to help him out as DOF,mentor or whatever he was & it was Kenny who took Terry Mac to Celtic ffs.


    Where he done fuck all too.  And the talk was that his actual role was "Social Convenor"  :laugh:

  3.    Shearer is a Legend weshould have him with Kenny Dalglish as his assistant.


    Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect.


    But what does that matter its "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera" we are talking about....


    Someone mentioned Dalglish as his assistant




    Was tongue in cheek mate.  I am gobsmacked by the number of people who would be happy with Shearer in charge.  I find it astonishing that the forums have been full of people whining and bitching all day about not getting the likes of Mourinho and Lippi to getting excited about someone with no experience of coaching (with the exception of standing in a dug out on match days in Roeders run) and managing.


    If it was any other person with no coaching or managerial experience Tyneside would be up in arms but no its "Sheeeeeeeera!!!" so somehow its acceptable....


  4.   Shearer is a Legend weshould have him with Kenny Dalglish as his assistant.


    Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect.


    But what does that matter its "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera" we are talking about.... :laugh:

  5. Didier Deschamps I tell thee!!! and I don't like being ignored.


    He is coming to Newcastle.


    They like the fact he played in the prem and he speaks English. He likes the fact that he will have the freedom to bring in who he wants.


    So whose celebrating with me?


    Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he?


    Taking Monaco to a champions league final not "top flight" enough for you?

  6. I don't want to be racialist here, but does anyone think Redknapp is a bit too... Cockney? Roeder was bad enough, but Redknapp's on a different level. Sounds like he should be on a stall in Albert Square.


    Yes and Jose is a bit too....Portugese and Lippi a bit too...Italian.  Get Sheeeera in now!


    I don't care where the new manager comes from as long as he wins matches..

  7. Wouldn't he just keep the property and get another one?  Hardly difficult to do.


    His wife loves the lifestyle apparently.

    What? She likes being rich? Never.


    No, she likes hanging around with really famous people.


    Where you getting the info from straight from Harrys missus or your copy of Heat magazine?

  8. The press say we have unrealistic expectations with the implication that we are demanding the treble within a year of a new manager taking up their post, this is s****.

    I have supported Newcastle for donkeys years and I don't expect us to be Real Madrid nor does any Newcastle fan I know and I know quite a few.

    But that doesn't mean we have be docile and accept any old crap.

    Just a team which goes out to try and play good football with players who are capable of passing and contolling a football and one or two who can lift you out of your seat with a level of skill you can only dream about.

    Whats wrong with wanting to see players like Tony Green, Gazza, Beardsley, Ginola etc in black and white shirts ?

    We've had players of that quality before why not again.

    The Keegan era was brilliant and an exciting time to be a Newcastle United fan and anyone who rubbishes that period obviously can't remember what  state we were in before he took over. 

    But thats the past and we must look towards the future, and that doesn't mean bringing back Wor Kev despite the affection and gratitude some of us will always have for the man.



    For 2007/08 see N'Zogbia, Charles.


    He couldn't lace any of their boots...

  9. Haven't read the thread. Who are the mofo ITK's?


    Someone(s) of Skunkers.


    I can't belive this can be true. If it is Ashley clearly hasn't thought through the Sammy Dice sacking and this is him just panicking and phoning his mates with blank cheque books. Dissapointing if true.


    Sounds like a betting scam to me...





    However I've heard a lot of good things about Joe Jordan as a coach.


    Aye thats who I wanted to either get the Scotland job or be involved with the set up...

  10. Can't believe anyone would prefer to have him over Redknapp, one of the great old time wheeler dealers. 


    For every good player there has been a Marco Boogers, Paulo Futre and Florin Raducioiu....

  11. The all time Premiership table lists Man Utd as top, scoring 1140 goals compared to 516 conceded. Again it rather points to the brand of football known as attacking to be rather succesful on the whole.


    Teams who score more goals than they concede win matches.  Who would have thought it?  O0

  12. until we spend some money on a defense we're going nowhere


    i was asked recently by a Chelsea fan how the hell we'd underachieved for so long and when you come back to it we ship far too many idiot goals


    the fans want strikers but all great teams are built on a watertight back 4


    The midfield is a far bigger problem than the defence IMO.  The lack of ability to keep possesion or pass a ball 5-10 yards is what is continually putting our defence under pressure.  I think it was the Everton match that they went through a spell for a good half hour where they on top of us and put attack upon attack but not because the defence wasn't good enough, in fact they were doing a decent job at this time but everytime they had won possesion and given it to the forwards/midfield they continually and very poorly gave the ball away.


    Too many people look at goals conceded and automatically blame the defenders.



  13. "You will have to speak to the FA to see if they are interested in offering me the job," he told The Sun newspaper.


    "I cannot say what I think until they say they are interested. Tell the FA to come and get me. We will have to wait and see, but I rule nothing out."


    Fair play if he is interested.  But remember this is from the same newspaper who whenever they print a Newcastle related story we quickly dismiss it as being more garbage from the Sun. 

  14. Harry-Norway,


    I know you are Norwegian, but please can you work on your English grammar and punctuation as it is very difficult to understand what you are trying to say, and you are therefore unlikely to receive a serious reply.




    Ok.but i think its about the best i can do,but i`ll try to shape up,but there is a lot of word i dont even have the clue of writing,understand,its much easier to speak then writing in english


    Harry just rearrange the following words and end them with a full stop and I am sure he will be able to understand what you are trying to say.


    Right, off & fuck

  15. Cant understand how some of you can defend Sam A at the moment when you a looking at what kind of football Toon are playing at the moment-its terrible to look at- and i cant understand that a player who preform good in international games(Emre),suddently looks like a amature playing for Toon.


    The rest of the team against Pool was also preforming very bad( exept Beyeat times)


    You would making reference to Emre who until his goal last weekend for Turkey has had alot of the country and press on his back for his lack of decent performances?

  16. Blaming the foreign players is just lazy, theres plenty of good English players in the league we're just incapable of finding a manager to turn them into a good side.



    Whilst I am in agreement that Mike Baldwin is hopeless at some point you have to take a look at some of the players.  Time after time the managers are being hounded out as being the problem but often the players are far from good enough also.

  17. WITHOUT a Trace star Anthony LaPaglia had possibly his toughest case yet last night when he played goalie in a charity match against David Beckham's LA Galaxy.


    The match, to raise money for victims of the California wildfires, saw LA Galaxy up against Vinnie Jones's Hollywood Sunday league team - Hollywood United - which includes the likes of LaPaglia, Def Leppard guitarist Viv Campbell, former Sex Pistol Paul Cook and Superman Returns star Brandon Routh.


    The match, played at LA Galaxy's Home Depot Centre stadium, was not all one-way traffic for the professional players.


    The Sunday amateurs count among their number former Chelsea and France international Franck Lebeouf and former Scotland and Rangers player Richard McGough.



  18. Gutted ... I so desperately wanted Scotland through.


    the anti-jock sentiment has been toned down quite a bit on here. The Ward of the Middle March is long dead and so are the reivers so I think we can all get along eh lads.


    Get used to it mate.  The irony of the posts by many is laughable...

  19. Vast majority of scotch players are s*** when it comes to the real league which is the English league. A few half decent results doesn't change that. Even in the past, for every scotch player who made it in England another dozen failed.


    What is a "scotch" player?


    one of the vast majority of those s*** players that come down from Scotland, as he said. Via Scotrail, unless they have a car


    There is a chance he could be class, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


    To be fair though, they have got a good goalkeeper for the first time in a few decades, so you never know.




    I think you mean Scottish. 


    Scotrail now run trains to England, thats news to me btw?

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