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Scottish Mag

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Posts posted by Scottish Mag

  1. Apparently Ashley has got two people advising him, Tony Jimenez and Jeff Vetere. Jimenez and Wise are mates and Vetere was a scout at Charlton and Real Madrid.




    Did you get that from the Journo over on the Blackburn forum?


    He posted this...


    Keegan wanted Chimbonda, the 'experts' at the club said no.


    Keegan wanted Woodgate, he is going elsewhere.


    The guys behind the scenes want to sign young players that they fancy.


    Keegan won't take much of this.


    The circus is definitely in Toon.


    There are two new powerful figures.


    Tony Jimenez and Jeff Vetere. Jimenez is big mates with Dennis Wise and Vetere was a scout at Charlton and then Real Madrid. They are special advisers to Ashley and his other football chum Paul Kemsley, ex Tottenham number two.


    Little KK has been out of the game for three years, knows very little about available players, and is starting to look like a figurehead to me.


    Yes, Mark Hughes had a very narrow escape. I said all along he was too straight for that club. Perhaps you now know what I mean.

  2. Latest rumour for anyone looking to get in early before the odds start to tumble is Mark McGhee. A couple of my lads are working in Motherwell this week and all the talk in the bar last night was that McGhee has turned down the Scotland job because he has a better offer on the table. Spoke to one of the lads this morning and he has been into Ladbrokes there and stuck £50 on McGhee at 800-1!


    There is no way he got those odds.  You get shorter odds on the likes of Ant and Dec...

  3. KK is a better manager than Redknapp.


    Are you sure? his record at England and Citeh is s****. Maybe he was lucky as SJP?


    Redknapps first spell at Pompey is the only time he has had a better win percentage than Kevin Keegans "s****" Manchester City


    Kevin Keegan


    Man City - Win percentage - 43.75%


    Harry Redknapp


    West Ham - Win percentage - 37.00%

    Portsmouth - Win percentage - 46.55%

    Southamption - Win percentage - 26.53%

    Portsmouth - Win percentage - 40.48%

  4. but Celtic fans feel the need to tell everyone what a club they are, with massive signings like, Mark Wilson and Scott McDonald, because clearly they're insecure about how they are perceived.




    Scott McDonald is the SPLs top scorer and Wilson was regarded as one the best young full backs in the country when he signed and after what looked like a good start to his career at Celtic picked up a few injuries and had yet to show the same form that earned him a move to Celtic.  I certainly had him down as a potential full back for the national team before his loss of form.


    Both the Old Firm have had many "trophy signings" that have failed, what does it matter where they came from or how much they cost if they are effective signings. 

  5. I was arguing with some tosser two rows behind me that was calling Kenny Miller a dirty fenian bastard during the Derby match.  Its not only in Glasgow that you get bigots...

  6. He was talking sense though at times, he did actually say our fans have realised attacking football isn't all the be all and end all, and that results come first and football after that.


    Aye I agree.  I thought he came across pretty well.



    (1) Alan Shearers Character. He is a strong character, just look at his on-pitch behaviours, attitude, leadership, during his time with us and England. Just remember (as one simple example) how he faced down the tough-nut Keane and made him look and behave like a weak-minded idiot.



    Whilst no one can question Shearers on passion and commitment on the park I do not think he was a great leader in the slightest.  IMO he wasnt a great captain or communicator, with Speed often taking on the role of unofficial captain.

  8. I understand that there are many different views on this. It is both the strength (and weakness) of all these internet forums and 24/7 Sky-Sports-News coverage, that so many different views (with their opportunity to influence your thinking) are imposed on us, causing confusion among what is probably an amazingly simple situation.




    Top post


    Who else could you EVER say that about?




    Any other choice from amongst the available managers would not ever do that  -  would they?


    Whether they were "European Cup winning" top foreign managers, or the (so-called) "cream of English managers" they would only be here short term, would be mercenaries (obviously, that's the way it is) and (in all probability, despite their pedigree and great CV) they would probably FAIL.


    Alan Shearer is not just a "former great player" . .  that is the reason so many people give when arguing against him. They say - "a great player does not necessarily make a great manager".  VERY VERY TRUE!!  A good painter and decorator does not necessarily make a good accountant.  Yes, we all know that. That is obvious.


    However, with Shearer, that ignores the many things that make up Alan Shearer that do not fit with that (very) simple statement (no matter how many times it is repeated) that DO uniquely apply to the (VERY unique) combination of - "Alan Shearer and Newcastle United" . . .




    (1) Alan Shearers Character. He is a strong character, just look at his on-pitch behaviours, attitude, leadership, during his time with us and England. Just remember (as one simple example) how he faced down the tough-nut Keane and made him look and behave like a weak-minded idiot.


    (2) Alan Shearers respect around the world, as a 'recent' top world player. How good that would be in attracting players of the TOP quality. (players that the likes of Allardyce and Redknapp and so many others, would never even get to speak to).


    (3) Alan Shearers love of Newcastle United FC. It seems to me, when listening to him, that his feelings for the club are just like mine. They are just like yours too!!  He cares, just like we do - unconditionally and forever. Unlike you and me though  -  he is in a position to do something about it!


    (4) Alan Shearer lives here because he wants to. Even the parochial, automatically biased Southern English press (aided by the riduculous Oliver guy) would not even be tempted to say  -  "Alan, what about the weather and the shops, would your wife not prefer to live in Basingtoke or Bogner???"


    (5) Alan Shearer seems to have all the abilities needed to be very good at what the job requires (particulary, at THIS club) uniquely perhaps, amongst the many football players that have retired in recent times. Those are rare qualities in any walk of life, that make him different. 




    It is so true that "a great player does not necessarily make a great manager".  BUT, when it appears that there is one who would  -  and it is almost specifically ONLY at OUR club  -  then we should . . . .  GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!


    In my opinion . . .










    Top post  :thup:




    A lot of people on here are saying no to Shearer because of his inexperience. I personally think this could be his advantage. He will be far more open to changing his ideas if he has to as he will not have a tried and tested formula.


    People forget that he got us into europe a couple of seasons ago. I know, that was Roeder, but if you are honestly telling me that it wasn't Shearers influence as no.2 and it was Roeders leadership skills i think i might find you funnier than Joey Bartons headdoctors namesake.


    The money and prestige that Shearer will bring in will make Ashley far more likely to open his wallet, and i honestly think Big Al will have a good eye for talent.


    Remember Keegan came with no experience, he lifted the place with his aura which the players fed off, and it will be the same for Shearer. Every player will be that 20% better than they have ever been.


    I am a realist and believe we have no chance of appointing Mourinho, so give Shearer the chance


    People want to believe that it was Shearer but its much more likely that Tommy Craig was the key man in the set up.  Was that not the reason he was pissed off and left when they tried to demote him back to the reserves...

  9. Was tongue in cheek mate.  I am gobsmacked by the number of people who would be happy with Shearer in charge.  I find it astonishing that the forums have been full of people whining and bitching all day about not getting the likes of Mourinho and Lippi to getting excited about someone with no experience of coaching (with the exception of standing in a dug out on match days in Roeders run) and managing.


    If it was any other person with no coaching or managerial experience Tyneside would be up in arms but no its "Sheeeeeeeera!!!" so somehow its acceptable....


    You being a jock mag should know about the impact some rookie managers can make:


    Kenny D @ Liverpool

    Souey @ Rangers

    Keegan @ Newcastle




    Some being the key word there.  For everyone of them there is a Stuart Pearce or John Barnes.  Would you honestly be happy if it was any other "rookie" (Beardsley, Gazza, Speed) or is it just because it is "Shearer"?


    *Oh and Souness was lucky to manage a big spending Rangers side when no other team in Scotland has any money nor were they any good*

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