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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Lad has wasted several years of his career. Much prefer him to Gozza.


    "Several" is a bit much, we signed him less than 2 years ago and he was getting games last season :lol: but yeah I would much prefer him getting games over Gosling. Absolutely ridiculous we aren't giving someone like Bigi games over someone who has found his level (not good enough) and is leaving at the end of the season.

  2. I think that's something we can all agree with :)

    Speak for yourself. Time to find another forum. With a modicum of balance. I wish you knew what went on behind the scenes.


    If it's that bad, why doesn't he walk?




    "Pardew talked about “taking stock” of things at the end of the season, but denied he would resign. Managers do not walk away from severance packages. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/10808018/Newcastle-United-manager-Alan-Pardew-feels-full-fury-of-fans-despite-victory-which-condemns-Cardiff-to-relegation.html


    Who was the last Premier League manager to resign on principle? Or, for that matter, resigned because of their own poor performance? What about the last Championship manager, or Liga, or Serie A manager who "did the right thing" and resigned?


    I'm not for saying for one minute that Pardew shouldn't resign (I'd prefer he commit seppuka in the centre circle), but it simply doesn't happen anymore. If you can find a realistic comparison case I will plead mea culpa, but I genuinely can't think of an actual resignation in the recent past that wasn't "going somewhere better" or a "mutual agreement" that was actually a sacking.


    There's one example from a few years ago that actually involves NUFC.  A manager who realised that he'd lose the dressing room & the fans backing and decided that his position was untenable.  As much as I disliked the football & results under him, I admire him for leaving on his own accord rather than hanging around like a dead albatross waiting for a payoff.




    Whilst not a Premiership club, Gordon Strachan left his Middlesbrough job for similar reasons not that long ago.  Any manager with an ounce of professional pride would have walked months ago. 



  3. Jobs for the boys is exactly what we need to get away from. It's precisely why we're in this mess.


    What we need to get away from is shit stereotyping.


    "Jobs for the boys" I know his stock couldn't be much lower but I don't remember Carver getting as much stick under SBR. I also remember his re-appointment being lauded by the majority.


    "Shit footballer so couldn't possibly teach anything" as mentioned before, look at some of the top managers around the world. Then look at some of the horrific managers who were very good players.

  4. A lot of top managers and coaches have been pretty average/gash footballers and vice versa. You will never know how well they are going to do in that role, until you give them the chance.


    But why should we? If he wants to be a coach there are plenty of league two clubs looking for coaches.

    I never said we should. But he already knows the club, staff and players here so it would be a good place for him to start, if he did want to gain experience in coaching.


    Stop being remotely sensible you moron, he's a shit footballer so will never make anything of himself after his playing career!

  5. What could Shola actually teach anyone?


    If he does have anything to teach why hasn't he applied it to his own game?


    Why hasn't Beardsley? He was an absolute genius as a footballer.

  6. I'm starting to understand Golfmag's position, some people either can't read or refuse to comprehend a sentence because a certain person has been mentioned :lol:

  7. I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have f***ed off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.


    You want Shola to coach our strikers? Honestly?


    If he is good enough then why not?


    I'd assume because we've all seen his ability as a striker?


    Imagine Shola trying to tell Remy (yeah, I know) how to improve :D


    I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have f***ed off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.


    You want Shola to coach our strikers? Honestly?


    If he is good enough then why not?


    He's not.


    Imagine Shola telling our kids how to strike the ball cleanly


    If any of that was relevant Beardsley would be doing Mourinho's job and Mourinho would still be translating.


    Shola has probably played more games at a higher level than Mourinho, Ferguson and Wenger combined. As I said, if he has the capabilities then I would love him to stay on as a coach. He is a local lad who has the club in his heart.


    He's not played at a high level to any sort of standard.


    Also why are we comparing management with coaching? The 3 you mentioned all command respect either through fear, achievement or dearth of knowledge does Shola?


    Neither of us know the answer to that question. You would hope any decent manager had some capability to coach and it's hard to tell how good a coach is when at the end of the day the manager has the final say/instruction.


    You've basically taken Shola's ability as a player and decided he could never do anything else in football which is a ridiculous assumption. Especially as a clearly clarified I would be happy for Shola to be a coach if he was capable.

  8. I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have fucked off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.


    You want Shola to coach our strikers? Honestly?


    If he is good enough then why not?


    I'd assume because we've all seen his ability as a striker?


    Imagine Shola trying to tell Remy (yeah, I know) how to improve :D


    I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have f***ed off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.


    You want Shola to coach our strikers? Honestly?


    If he is good enough then why not?


    He's not.


    Imagine Shola telling our kids how to strike the ball cleanly


    If any of that was relevant Beardsley would be doing Mourinho's job and Mourinho would still be translating.


    Shola has probably played more games at a higher level than Mourinho, Ferguson and Wenger combined. As I said, IF he has the capabilities then I would love him to stay on as a coach. He is a local lad who has the club in his heart.

  9. I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have fucked off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.


    You want Shola to coach our strikers? Honestly?


    If he is good enough then why not?

  10. I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.


    I hope he never returns in any capacity whatsoever.


    I really cannot begrudge the lad at all, I think he believes he is good enough and has put his body through a lot of pain to be available. His heart is in the right place and he comes across quite intelligent despite what you see from him on the pitch.


    I would love him to stay on as a coach if he has the capabilities. I know a lot think he should have fucked off if he wanted the best for the club but personally I don't think it would have changed a thing, we wouldn't have turned around and said "well Shola's gone, better replace him with a top class striker", we would have ended up with someone of the same ability or worse.


    The lad has been handed an opportunity any of us would have taken and has tried his best, unfortunately that often hasn't been good enough but to repeat the old cliché he doesn't pick himself.

  11. I honestly wouldn't mind Shola staying on if his role was just a good lad to have around, I think he is probably a good influence amongst the squad. The fact he would still be getting a lot of game time is the ridiculous thing.

  12. I liked his commitment, he could win a foul although sometimes I was a little embarrassed about how easy he went down even if the challenge was poor.


    Comes across as a good character. I think I'll always have a bit of love for the guy but he'd never be up there as one of our better players.


    Every time he got a free kick, the past year or so I was pissed off at him for getting it, due to how awful we are at set pieces. :lol:


    Jonas winning a free kick basically ended whatever attack we had.


    Staying on his feet did the same though :lol:

  13. "The manager told me I had to score more and get more assists"


    That always amuses me.


    that was probably the sum total of the coaching he received in his time at the club


    HBA: "so what do i do boss?"


    AP: "score goals and make assists hatem, fucks sake, oh and do lots of tackles while you're at it!"



  14. What do you think will happen over there this summer seriously? Much to spend? Will you renew the current contracts of those running down/sign your loanees? Can see another season of struggle for you and of course, 6 points off us.


    Assuming we stay up and I think we're almost certainties now I think we need 8 or 9 new players alongside hopefully a new deal for Wor Jackie (;)) and maybe Seb Larsson and permanent deals for Vergini and Alonso. All the other loanees (I'd like Borini to stay of course but realistically he isn't going to) and out of contracts can go. Hopefully shift Steven Fletcher as well, maybe Altidore.


    So another huge rebuild and turnover of players, hopefully the last one needed for some time as it's certainly not the recipe for stability or success. We must get this one right as obviously the majority of last summers influx didn't work at all and we won't even have the Bruce/MO'N era players to fall back on like we have done this year (not that they're much good).


    Would leave us with a squad of

    Mannone, New GK

    New RB, Alonso, New CB, Vergini, Brown, O'Shea

    Cattermole, Bridcutt, Colback, Larsson, New CM, New CM

    Johnson, Giaccherini, New Wide Player

    Wickham, New ST, New ST, Scocco


    Backed up by the young 'uns. Clearly the new signings would have to be decent and capable of playing straight away if we were to do anything other than be right in the s***e again as they'd form such a key part of the squad. The CB particularly as Brown and O'Shea whilst capable(ish) aren't getting any younger. Also need some creativity in midfield desperately and unless Wickham can continue his current run of form consistently (I'm not sure) we are desperate for someone to score goals. Fletcher and Altidore have been pathetic this season.


    That is potentially a hell of a lot of money to be spent, you reckon Short will do it again?


    Honestly no idea mate. We require that many players just to flesh out a 20-odd man squad, simply because of the number of loans and out of contracts we have at the moment.


    The question is, will we do it on the cheap or will we see big investment. I imagine we'll half-way house it at about a £15-20million spend plus anything we recoup on the likes of Fletcher, Altidore, Danny Graham, Alfred N'Diaye (who tbf, I wouldn't mind taking another look at but seems he's off) etc.


    Think Gus/Lee Congerton (lot of responsibility on this lads shoulders, time will tell if he is capable) will have to unearth some cheap foreign gems (easier said than done!) to supplement some decent money spends on more proven players if we're to move on to the next tier of the PL that we should be aiming to finish in next season (lower mid-table). Huge summer for us. Could easily go down with 20 points next year if we get it wrong.




    As you say, won't be easy getting that amount of players in on a tight budget. At least you lot will spend money!

  15. What do you think will happen over there this summer seriously? Much to spend? Will you renew the current contracts of those running down/sign your loanees? Can see another season of struggle for you and of course, 6 points off us.


    Assuming we stay up and I think we're almost certainties now I think we need 8 or 9 new players alongside hopefully a new deal for Wor Jackie (;)) and maybe Seb Larsson and permanent deals for Vergini and Alonso. All the other loanees (I'd like Borini to stay of course but realistically he isn't going to) and out of contracts can go. Hopefully shift Steven Fletcher as well, maybe Altidore.


    So another huge rebuild and turnover of players, hopefully the last one needed for some time as it's certainly not the recipe for stability or success. We must get this one right as obviously the majority of last summers influx didn't work at all and we won't even have the Bruce/MO'N era players to fall back on like we have done this year (not that they're much good).


    Would leave us with a squad of

    Mannone, New GK

    New RB, Alonso, New CB, Vergini, Brown, O'Shea

    Cattermole, Bridcutt, Colback, Larsson, New CM, New CM

    Johnson, Giaccherini, New Wide Player

    Wickham, New ST, New ST, Scocco


    Backed up by the young 'uns. Clearly the new signings would have to be decent and capable of playing straight away if we were to do anything other than be right in the s***e again as they'd form such a key part of the squad. The CB particularly as Brown and O'Shea whilst capable(ish) aren't getting any younger. Also need some creativity in midfield desperately and unless Wickham can continue his current run of form consistently (I'm not sure) we are desperate for someone to score goals. Fletcher and Altidore have been pathetic this season.


    That is potentially a hell of a lot of money to be spent, you reckon Short will do it again?

  16. I liked his commitment, he could win a foul although sometimes I was a little embarrassed about how easy he went down even if the challenge was poor.


    Comes across as a good character. I think I'll always have a bit of love for the guy but he'd never be up there as one of our better players.



    Probably because I am from down south but I think the whole "anyone south of Durham (or wherever) is a cockney" makes people look a bit thick.


    That's gone on for decades, I remember our fans singing "We Hate Cockneys" to Barnsley fans when Keegan played for us, it was meant to be light hearted.


    Was that the same time it was "acceptable" to throw bananas on the pitch at black players?


    Obviously I am being tongue in cheek but you get the point, it just makes Newcastle fans look stupid.

  18. Reasonable chance that when all is said and done, we'll only finish 8 points and a few positions above this lot. :neutral:


    So essentially, what you're saying is....we're NORTH EAST TOP DOGS! GERRIN MARRA!!!!!11!!11lol!


    I've been celebrating all weekend!

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