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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Why are keepers so pally with each other?


    They're the nerds of football. Every kid wants to be a striker but the worse they are the further back down the field they end up. Goalkeepers are those who didn't quite make it but were stupid enough to throw themselves on the floor no matter what the conditions are. They have some mutual loser respect for each other.

  2. It was a good goal tbf to him, I just wish it was anyone else that scored it.


    I don't think it will earn him a new contract, that decision will have already been made one way or the other but we could do with other players having a bit of a confidence boost.

  3. All the best Jim.


    Thomson, the lasses mother went through breast cancer. Certainly wasn't nice at the time but she is fit as a fiddle and back to her old self now. It's not great but things do get back to normal :)

  4. Imagine we score, yeah I know that it's a tad far fetched,  and nobody in the crowd cheers or celebrates.  There's a message that the national press or FCB couldn't ignore.


    Or everyone boos and walks out :lol:

  5. What's wrong with a Subway anyway? Good healthy food usually.


    Depends what you have really, it is certainly no McDonalds/Burger King but I can't imagine much in there is that healthy.


    That said he clearly isn't overweight and having some crap food every now and then is probably better for you than constantly eating clean.


    I don't have a problem with him being out at 3am either, it is 2 days before a game, he could well be sober and it's not like he works a 9-5 job, more 4.45-4.55.

  6. Why does nobody want us? :( Surely we would be more profitable than someone like Villa (no offence Brummie), we could get 10,000 a week more through the gates for a start.


    If we had more ambitious owners and a manager to reflect them I think 'The Entertainers' hype would come back, we would be on tv more and we would pack the ground out every week.


    Would love owners willing to back the manager, doesn't have to be silly money like Chelsea/City etc.. just what you would expect a club our size to spend. Chuck Keegan into the mix and we would be so far away from our current selves I would probably wake up every morning having to wash the spunk off my bed sheets.



  7. He doesn't seem to understand what a "big side" is. As opposed to a rich man's plaything.


    OTOH, it looks like Abramovich is going to play by the (FFP) rules, unlike Sheik Bottomless Pockets.


    Is he? Pretty sure their current loanees cost about as much as the squad we own. Let alone players like our best striker for a good few years barely getting a game.

  8. Just read the worst thing I think I ever have on Facebook, that includes 'professional mummy' and 'give soldiers footballers wages!!!11'.


    To be fair football is money no object these days hence the whole financial fair play system that at present a few sides seem to massively struggle with but TBH any big side will find loop hole, in the system that's what they do & is why they are a big side.



    :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish:


    :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:


    Chelsea fan btw, shock!

  9. I'd sign De Jong, despite him not showing much so far i think he has something about him.

    It amazes me that anyone would advocate NUFC signing him. He hasn't done anything to deserve a permanent contract. Yes he is playing in a team with no confidence but he is also supposed to be trying to impress. Surely it is easier to impress in a s*** team as it shouldn't take too much effort to stand out? Luuk de Jong has blended in with our poor, out of form team. He should be busting a gut to try to impress NUFC (or other teams if NUFC don't want him). He needs to impress to escape the disaster of his Borussia Mönchengladbach move.


    It amazes me that some are so quick to right off players when I bet the same that do are shitting themselves Debuchy might be off in the summer. Bump his thread from this time last season and I bet there are very similar comments to those on de Jong.


    I wouldn't sign de Jong on the prices quoted but would be happy to give the lad a bit more time if we could arrange another loan.

    Quick to write him off? He hasn't been in form since leaving FC Twente in July 2012. The fact that Borussia Mönchengladbach were happy to loan out a player they paid €15 million less than two years ago says something. Not to mention they have agreed to sell him for around £7m if his loan goes well.


    I wouldn't sign Luuk de Jong for the following reasons: -

    He hasn't been in form for two seasons.

    He hasn't scored.

    On the rare occasion he has had a shot at goal they have usually been very weak.

    He hasn't had much influence on games.

    He doesn't have pace.

    Apparently he would cost £7m to £8m. I wouldn't want NUFC paying £4m for him.


    If Luuk de Jong ends up in a decent league next season, plays well and starts scoring again I won't be upset that NUFC didn't sign him because, based on logic, all signs pointed to him not being a success.


    Some players just don't work out at some clubs, even in the same league. Given we will have 1 forward and 1 who never gets to play there in the summer if we could get LDJ on a season long loan for a proper look I wouldn't be adverse to it.

  10. Xiscos career since speaks a lot about his ability. We signed a dud.



    the club can take a lot of flack for Xisco's poor career and ability too.



    Not sure why, he was here under enough different managers/coaches to be given a chance if he deserved one. Not like he spent the whole time being ignored by Pardew because of poor work rate.

  11. I'd sign De Jong, despite him not showing much so far i think he has something about him.

    It amazes me that anyone would advocate NUFC signing him. He hasn't done anything to deserve a permanent contract. Yes he is playing in a team with no confidence but he is also supposed to be trying to impress. Surely it is easier to impress in a s*** team as it shouldn't take too much effort to stand out? Luuk de Jong has blended in with our poor, out of form team. He should be busting a gut to try to impress NUFC (or other teams if NUFC don't want him). He needs to impress to escape the disaster of his Borussia Mönchengladbach move.


    It amazes me that some are so quick to right off players when I bet the same that do are shitting themselves Debuchy might be off in the summer. Bump his thread from this time last season and I bet there are very similar comments to those on de Jong.


    I wouldn't sign de Jong on the prices quoted but would be happy to give the lad a bit more time if we could arrange another loan.

  12. We have had some right dross over the years. Xisco, Guivarc'h, Luque etc. The list goes on. Hopefully De Jong can turn it around although looks lightweight and slow to me.

    Don't really see how we can decry Xisco as dross when he played all of two games for us, mind. Yes the circumstances we signed him under were shitty but as a player for us he literally never got anything remotely resembling a chance.


    Not this again :lol:

  13. It's actually scary how they come across though, it's like they were born on their own island away from the rest of the country, the island of Sundo.


    Sundo, twinned with Wembo and Kosovo.

  14. Class player, easily one of the top 10 the PL has seen.


    Henry, Shearer, Ronaldo, Rooney, Lampard, Gerrard, Keane, Scholes, Giggs, Hibbert, Vieira, Suarez, Cantona, Bergkamp - probably missed a few. There's been quite a few defenders worthy of a place as well.


    Very good player, but not in the top 10, imo. He was a cheating twat as well.


    Henry :lol:

  15. Didn't Rob McDonald come from a Dutch club? I remember him being shite. Think he scored for us too. Andreas "Pamela" Andersson was another.



    Jesus, he was weaker than piss him.



    Dalglish:  "We've scouted over 100 strikers".  End up with him ffs.


    A 100 :lol: really ?


    Initially but we realised there weren't many about so went a bit younger.

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