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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. I have to say that the whole fat, cockney stuff is just embarrassing. It totally undermines the message.


    Probably because I am from down south but I think the whole "anyone south of Durham (or wherever) is a cockney" makes people look a bit thick.


    Get off of our board, get off of our board, you fat cockney wanker, get off of our board.




    I'm not a cockney.

  2. I have to say that the whole fat, cockney stuff is just embarrassing. It totally undermines the message.


    Probably because I am from down south but I think the whole "anyone south of Durham (or wherever) is a cockney" makes people look a bit thick.

  3. I have no doubts they will take the points off us next season, that being said we will still finish above them.


    No we won't.


    We will. We get this nonsense every time they get a new manager (even with 'absolutely nailed on to fail Di Canio' which many were lauding Short for at least making a change) but we can always count on them.


    Even if we keep Pardew and obviously Ashley isn't fucking off any time soon we will finish above them.

  4. Really annoying me how journalists are now saying well look at Guardiola he had know experience either.


    Totally ignoring the fact his recording with Barca B was absolutely outstanding and when he'd retired he went all around the globe to learn things from people such as Bielsa to help him when he started out.


    Can Rich stop fucking about with people's profiles please?


    Anyway, I completely agree Neesy :thup:

  5. Sherwood is such an epic cunt the fans would be on his back the first bad run of form we had and his arrogance wouldn't be able to take it imo. He comes across as a slightly less mental version of PDC.

  6. I'll also go on record to say that Dummet won't 'make it' at this level and i reckon Sammy Ameobi will.


    My arse could be bit big time here :lol:


    I really like Sammy, one of the few players in the squad who'll try and do something. We'll knock that out of him.

  7. How many other Champions League winners have we had play for us?


    Paddy K, Andy Cole.. Nicky Butt.

    Kevin Keegan, Frank Clark, Terry McDermott, Alan Kennedy,


    Patrick Kluivert


    Who did you think Paddy K was?.Some Irish lad from the 80s? :lol:

  8. Top scorers this season (only players we actually own)


    Gouffran - 7

    Cisse - 4

    Ben Arfa - 3

    Sissoko - 3

    Shola - 2


    You don't just go selling your 5th top scorer, we have to do whatever it takes to keep him....


    Honest question but where have Cisse's 4 goals come from?

  9. I would chew my own arm off for Moyes at the moment, it's amazing how much his stock has fallen in less than a season though. Was out with a few people on Friday and said I'd welcome him , you'd think I'd said touching kids was fine from the reaction.


    Spurs were linked with him, the fans I know were distraught as if it was Kinnear or Souness! Mental!


    They will win, and stay up. If Poyet rebuilds I think he will do canny.


    Seriously when did you turn? You only ever seem to post when you're sucking mackem cock these days :lol:


    You love Poyet like.


    Nah I just appreciate a good team and manager when I see one.

  11. Dummett has been ahead of Mbiwa & Santon recently. :lol:


    Can you imagine Ashley is happy that two players he probably earmarked as at least doubling his money on, are being wasted in this way under Pardew?


    Swings and roundabouts, on the one hand you're right on the other Ashley thinks Pardew has brought through a player who cost us nothing, Is probably on very low wages and is playing ahead of players who cost £5m+ woo!

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