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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Just had a look at the league top scorers in that division on Live Score. They've scored 66 (5th highest in the league), and only have 2 players in the top 45 scorers (Marwood 10 & Maddison 8), so clearly have goals in them from every department. :lol:


    So when their top scorer is out it doesn't mean they just stop scoring? Seems a little weird iyam!

  2. He's a fucking workhorse, man. He had a better game than a hit and miss little pussy like Navas, so what?


    Shouldn't be anywhere near the England first Xl.




    Depends on the opposition, horses for courses and all that.


    I would rather Milner working his arse offer covering others than someone like Wilshere/Gerrard playing deep where they won't be as effective.


    Milner wouldn't make my first choice 11 either but he can be a very useful player to have in the squad.


    Very useful is overstating it.


    Sorry, forgot who I was replying to.


    He will be 6.734687 out of 10 useful, if he is carrying any sort of a knock that could go down to 6.734583 but if he is feeling really confident that could go up to 6.737689.


    Now feel free to post "A very useful player :papiss:" every game he plays for the rest of his career  O0

  3. Jokes aside, forgetting the cup run, Poyet has done every bit as poorly as Solskjaer in the league.


    24 points in 25 games.


    Wonder how many they'd have now if Di Canio stayed. At least he called it right with their players not caring/being twats. He would have probably been jailed by now with all the squad feuds.



    Poyet was on a hiding to nothing taking that shower of shit over mid-season. I don't think he's the right man for the job anyway, I can't see him being motivated in a dump like that in the lower divisions. He didn't do his career any favours going there.


    I begrudgingly rate him. He'll have them somewhere near the top of the Championship next season. They'e not going to attract anyone better and no bigger clubs are about to take a risk on him. This is a good opportunity for all parties.


    I do feel Di Canio is partially vindicated, though. The players are to blame for the mackem's current plight. However, PDC is still a cunt who hasn't a clue on how deal with these sorts of players without resorting to being a nightmarish dictator. He made the situation worse rather than better.


    Didn't he sign most of them?

  4. He's a fucking workhorse, man. He had a better game than a hit and miss little pussy like Navas, so what?


    Shouldn't be anywhere near the England first Xl.




    Depends on the opposition, horses for courses and all that.


    I would rather Milner working his arse offer covering others than someone like Wilshere/Gerrard playing deep where they won't be as effective.


    Milner wouldn't make my first choice 11 either but he can be a very useful player to have in the squad.

  5. Milner man. He is mint, when used properly. Totally showed up Navas for the one trick pony that he is.


    Would actually start him if England are going to play some variety of 4-2-2-2 (Similar to what City usually play) at the World Cup.


    He's very unfashionable though. He isn't quick, isn't flashy, isn't a "box of tricks" so is deemed poor or just not good enough.


    He doesn't really have any outstanding attributes, maybe workrate but he is an effective player with quality around him.

  6. Should be able to revel in the SAFC demise, as they undoubtedly would if things were reversed, but our lot won't even let us enjoy that because there's every chance we'll be joining them or even swapping divisions again next summer. Suppose  i'll worry about that when it's nearer happening and seek temporary solace if/when SAFC go down.


    No offence but I absolutely hate this attitude, it is basically my lass and life in general "I should be looking forward to x but I may get cancer and die so I will just whinge about that".


    Fucking revel in it man! Them going down is pretty much happening, worry about the negatives when the time comes!

  7. It's taken the press far too long tbh. Our recent form is nothing new, nor are the pathetic excuses. Why wasn't this done last season when he was doing his best to relegate us?


    They weren't banned then?

  8. Gouffran has been terrible for ages now and gets a free ride. All you have to do to get in Pardew's team is play left wing and look busy for a little while, then pack it in knowing you'll get picked.


    Gouffran is played out of position and never gets a rest. Genuinely galling that Cisse has played shite for pretty much 2 seasons now but is still getting excused because he played a handful of games out wide whereas Gouffran is constantly played out of position and gets shit for not performing every game. Especially a few months after being voted our best player :lol:

  9. It is depressing seeing pretty poor players at pretty poor clubs scoring goals yet when Remy is out Pardew contrives to get the team failing to score.


    We have players capable of getting goals but he either plays them out of position or just not at all. The dickhead.

  10. Yaya out for the season apparently. Time to shuffle up the fantasy teams. Will make a decent lost once I'm back from the pub at my computer. Happy Sunday and gorran Swansea !


    I still have Cisse, van Wolfspenis and someone else up front in mine :lol:

  11. Aye and whole squad today set them back £150m :lol: (and that counts Gerrard as £0).


    Around £8m per player, not that much tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if City/Chelsea's benches cost that much.

  12. I dont blame the twat.


    It was always obvious we'd regret only loaning him and I have no idea why we didnt buy him. Idiots.


    The potential of a long prison sentence which probably put everyone else off?


    He's a famous footballer, let's just say the odds were against that. I know thats easy to say in hindsight.


    Still too big a gamble to risk for £9m imo which is why we were the ones picking him up on loan.

  13. I had dinner at the Masters last night with Guy Roux - just me and a colleague and him and his son who works in golf. Roux is one of the most famous French Managers ever, winning the title with Auxerre.  As you guys know, without being a Pardew apologist, I think a lot of the criticism of him is misplaced and that the issue is the owner, lack of investment and a team that has played the second half of the season basically without Cabaye and Remy. With both those players and the same manager, we looked a bloody good team before Christmas. If you ask football people in France and Holland for example, they will tell you that players like Tiote, Anita (yes really), Goffran and Sissoko were not true, top-drawer players when they played in those leagues.


    Anyway, didn't mean to rant, just trying to be balanced. Despite the above, Guy Roux said that Ben Arfa would always be on his teamsheet before Remy..he also said that Remy will always be injury-prone because of some sort of injury he suffered when he was wrong. He also talked fondly of Laurent Robert, who he managed.


    When Remy went to QPR he was quoted as saying if he didn't feel right he wouldn't play or something like that didn't he? I remember a lot (probably myself included) laughing about it.

  14. I dont blame the twat.


    It was always obvious we'd regret only loaning him and I have no idea why we didnt buy him. Idiots.


    The potential of a long prison sentence which probably put everyone else off?

  15. He is a horrible turd...pushing shit that everyone knows is complete bollocks.


    The worst thing is any other supporters would see a manager desperately trying and failing to keep his job with this nonsense but we all know Pardew could put his feet up and let this shit happen a long time ago.

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