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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Can't believe some if the negative comments unless people truly believe he's Cabaye's replacement


    Really?  You can't believe the negative comments about this c***:




    Who also happens to be a s*** player we're going to waste our time and money on.  And he's a c***.


    But that wouldn't be his fault and we should welcome the lad if he signs.


    Aye, welcome with open arms.  Get to f***.


    The way we played that day we deserved to have the piss taken out of us. He didn't exactly go nuts when he scored, a little shhh was the least we could expect after the shit that had been hoyed at him.


    Let's just judge him on performances.


    Fucking hell :lol:

  2. He was excellent up here, if he can find consistency he'll be a decent addition. Can't believe some if the negative comments unless people truly believe he's Cabaye's replacement - if he is then we're royally fucked. But that wouldn't be his fault and we should welcome the lad if he signs.


    I agree


    That might be the case but a signing a turncoat Geordie who goes round doing this?


    Nah, he can fuck off along with his dickhead of a manager (current or future).

  3. We really aren't in a position to be choosy like.


    Remy will more than likely leave and Cabaye has already gone. Those two scored more than half our goals and Cabaye only played half the season. The rest have managed 19 between them ffs!


    If Ba wants to come back I'd be over the moon.

  4. Replacements for Gosling -






    Maybe even






    Ginger bollocks (Colback, not Newton) can go and shove those 3 fingers up his arse.

  5. Tiote and Cisse will be gone in my opinion


    Cisse was a risk for someone before. Now that he's crocked he's a huge risk. Hardly an ideal time to be flogging him for MA.


    I think we'll be stuck with him.


    On the bright side we could get another goal out of him next season.

  6. Worth pointing out that Martinez has achieved what he did while losing one of Everton's best performers last season in Fellaini, as well as their best defender in Jagielka. He's also brought through Barkley and Stones, who you can't say were guarantedd stars, but both have featured heavily. Let's not pretend he just threw in Lukaku on top of this outstanding team okay?


    Jagielka's played 36 times this season, like.


    :lol: oops.

  7. Rewind ten months, then who? It's easy to say Martinez now.


    I picked Martinez.


    I'd have probably gone Moyes at the time, he had proven he was capable to getting a side competing for Europe while Martinez despite the attractive football looked a little frail in his defensive set up and never progressed Wigan further than Jewell or Bruce.


    Kaka (or whatever he is called now) will be all over this btw :lol:


    Mitre Tactic as well, not even a Mitre Delta. :lol:


    Those Mitre balls were the best.


    Unless you're a goal keeper. Was like diving around after a bowling ball


    Weren't Mitre Ultimax's like £60? Remember seeing one in JJB on the Team Valley which was kept up a height and being in awe.








    Look at the state of that ball ffs! :lol:

  9. Wouldn't blame him, at all.  Are outgoing players still getting the "greedy cunt" treatment or not?


    If he went to somewhere like QPR because they were offering him ridiculous wages I'd say yes :lol: I don't think he's like that though. Krul comes across as someone who plays for the right reasons.

  10. Not sure how much playing ability impacts coaching ability tbh. Beardsley would be producing shit loads of quality youth players if it played that big a role. Shola comes across as a pretty intelligent lad as well tbf.

  11. Burnley is an absolute shithole.


    Proper football town though, you don't think of anything else when you think of Burnley, it's football, football, football there.


    Really pleased for them


    I like Dyche, ideally they do really, get above their stations so sack him for a 'better' manager (someone like Redknapp) and we pick him up.


    That would mean Pardew being here for a while longer though  :undecided:

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