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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Unbelievable that Hatem's career here would be summarised in a little more than two threads. :anguish:


    I can't see him ever fulfilling his real potential. That isn't taking away any blame from Pardew who royally fucked up but HBA seems to have been self destructive even from him youth days. Something not right in that otherwise brilliant head of his.


    Ben Arfa is flawed, I don't think many would argue on that score. Forget tracking back, even going forward he has a tendency to hog the ball and that would see most top clubs steer clear. But we aren't a top club and some of the players starting ahead of him in a team which struggles to score goals aren't fit to be on the same pitch. That's the issue.


    I don't disagree with any of that, there is absolutely no reason why he shouldn't start games when he isn't injured.

  2. "I watched him at 17 years of age at Wembley for Denmark and I rang [Tottenham chairman] Daniel Levy the day after and said that he needed to sign this boy - £10 million later he is finally here, so that is all good news." - Tim Sherwood, April 2014


    "I’ve never played at Wembley." - Christian Eriksen, March 2014


    Christ! Didn't want him because he was a smug/arrogant/smarmy prick like Pardew but it turns out he has Kinnears 'qualities' in the mix as well :lol:

  3. Imagine being told your sacking is probably coming within 24 hours. Just sack him if you're going to  :lol:


    I'd guess (hope) he'd be more in the know that Sky Sports. If he is getting the boot I would imagine he has already cleared out his desk.

  4. The absolute perfect time to manage Man Utd, they will still have a fuck load of money available (probably more than before) and Moyes has taken all the post-Ferguson flack.


    If I was a manager I would be desperate to go there, you would have to be really shit not to be seen as a success now, top 4 finish with their squad and further funding next season and you have 'turned it around'.

  5. I just want to see the back of Pardew, then I might think about who I would want to replace him with.


    We've been here before too many times now.

    We've been where?


    Just accepting someone who might be marginally better.

    We've only got 3 games to go before the season is over and we would have a better chance of upgrading, sack Pardew now and wait is better for me as potential managers would make noises if they knew we were looking.


    Apologies, misunderstood you. Yep I would get rid now. We would give the new manager a few games to get to know the squad or start working on who we want next.

  6. I just want to see the back of Pardew, then I might think about who I would want to replace him with.


    We've been here before too many times now.

    We've been where?


    Just accepting someone who might be marginally better.

  7. People aren't advocating Sherwood here, just as a straight choice. Don't think there's a single person that actually wants him.


    Why are we even discussing Sherwood? How about hiring a proper manager for one of the biggest clubs in the world? We've become the fan version of Reek from Game of Thrones, with Ashley as Lord Roose Bolton.


    The bit in bold means nothing to me but the rest I agree on. Even with this unambitious twat at the helm I would still prefer to go for someone who might be marginally better. Reminds me of Downing in the summer because he was better than Jonas.


    Have we really sunken this low as a fanbase? Even if it is unrealistic we shouldn't settle for shit like this!


    Well yes, that's the point. It should be said that there's nothing other than press speculation linking us with Sherwood, Pulis or any other lower league standard manager, but it's depressing that we aren't shot of Pardew yet and people are considering the merits of Tim Sherwood.


    Sorry I meant I would prefer to go with someone who isn't just marginally better.

  8. Unbelievable that Hatem's career here would be summarised in a little more than two threads. :anguish:


    I can't see him ever fulfilling his real potential. That isn't taking away any blame from Pardew who royally fucked up but HBA seems to have been self destructive even from him youth days. Something not right in that otherwise brilliant head of his.

  9. People aren't advocating Sherwood here, just as a straight choice. Don't think there's a single person that actually wants him.


    Why are we even discussing Sherwood? How about hiring a proper manager for one of the biggest clubs in the world? We've become the fan version of Reek from Game of Thrones, with Ashley as Lord Roose Bolton.


    The bit in bold means nothing to me but the rest I agree on. Even with this unambitious twat at the helm I would still prefer to go for someone who might be marginally better. Reminds me of Downing in the summer because he was better than Jonas.


    Have we really sunken this low as a fanbase? Even if it is unrealistic we shouldn't settle for shit like this!


    He can go on like a complete freak and his football is very, very tactical, but he definitely brings something to the league, love him or hate him.


    No it is not. This is the most irksome thing about the Mourinho love-in. That he's some type of tactical genius. He's not. He's great at making decisive substitutions but tactically if the sit deep and counter at pace approach doesn't work he's stuck.


    I still don't understand why some people bold an entire post :lol:

  11. Fair points mate. I just look at the extremely limited pool of managers that Ashley will pick from and wonder. Perhaps it would be better to have someone starting their career over someone who's career ended 20+ years ago?


    Yeah that's fair too, I just really don't like Sherwood :lol:


    I think there would be plenty of other managers who would try to score goals. I know we are in a desperate situation but you don't need to give someone aids to try and cure their cancer.


    Very bored now of going from shit manager to shit manager, I know we won't be willing to pay another club for their good manager or give a top manager wages that reflect his ability but there must be someone! Every time it comes back to Ketsbaia for me, he seems to fit every criteria. Wish Speed was still alive :(


    Like Dave says though, Sherwood's only been in the job for 20 matches. Bit harsh writing him off as 'shit' imo.


    For me, if he can make a group of players 1% better than the sum of their parts, he's a better bet than Pardew.


    He might not be shit, he just comes across as a massive cunt and unless he has a great deal of ability about him I couldn't get behind him. He hasn't shown enough about him in the admittedly short time he has had for me to get over how much of a tosser he is.


    I know expectations have been lowered, I desperately didn't want Pardew to be sacked as I was certain Kinnear was his ready made replacement so I am hypocritical but I really don't want to go from one dickhead to another when I am sure we can do better.


    Maybe Sherwood will go on to be a good manager but his general demeanour at the moment really puts me off.

  13. I think there would be plenty of other managers who would try to score goals. I know we are in a desperate situation but you don't need to give someone aids to try and cure their cancer.


    Very bored now of going from shit manager to shit manager, I know we won't be willing to pay another club for their good manager or give a top manager wages that reflect his ability but there must be someone! Every time it comes back to Ketsbaia for me, he seems to fit every criteria. Wish Speed was still alive :(

  14. I like Mourinho, obviously he is a massive wind up merchant wanker but he doesn't pretend he isn't.


    Would also love to see them fail though, it would only ramp up his mentalness and their fans really don't deserve to win what they do.

  15. :lol: TBH, I haven't been on RAWK since that whole Kenny business kicked off. Banning anyone who dare criticise Kenny, FFS. It was ridiculous.


    Forums banning people because they don't agree with a popular opinion :anguish:

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