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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Martins will definitely come good.  He has the tools, he just needs to learn how to use them in the most effective way.  I am very confident of that.


    :thup: Can't believe how quickly some will jump on a player. He is starting in a new league and has just turned 22, for the money we paid he was very unlikely to hit the league banging them in left right and centre as soon as he set foot on the pitch. The glimpses of ability he has already shown for us and some of his amazing work he did at Inter I think it will be £10/11m well spent!

  2. Why do people rate Upson so highly by the way?


    He had 18 good months with Birmingham, but he never established himself at Arsenal (okay, that maybe harsh considering the competition he had...although Wenger obviously rated Cygan more highly  blueconfused.gif), and he's been plagued by injury ever since. I got slated when I suggested Dunn as a cheap, squad member because of his injury record, Upson's just as bad the past 2 years.




    IMHO Cunningham helped him out a hell of a lot also!

  3. How much for Diop then? (I must admit that I had him priced higher but brought him down to stay within £25m)


    I reckon double that at least, we saw how Coleman plays ball with Boa Morte and IMO Diop is a much better and more influential player.

  4. Second week running Ghaly "wins" a penalty.Some one ought to point out to him that rolling 4 or 5 times doesn't do him any favours!


    yes you loser but they were both penalties. ok we'll tell ghaly not to roll around so often no more :roll:, and iklgizmo due to your ridiculous nickname i have descided not to reply to you.


    He does roll around like a cunt though tbh, can't deny that!

  5. All i know is that he is scum.


    He's an average player with above average pace, who is far too injury prone to be a worthwhile player for us.


    Get rid as soon as we can - if some mugs give us £3m for him, i'd take their ****ing hands off.


    Not that I disagree with your comments but he did shag your missus didnt he?




  6. Speed, another player most were happy to see go but are desperate to come back.


    I was seriously pissed off that we sold him. He was a significant part of the spine of our team. When we sold him and 'replaced' him with Butt, the organisation of our midfield capitulated big time.


    And he's been immense for Bolton this season and last. He'd improve our squad significantly... he should never have left.


    Not many were saying that at the time, most were happy we actually got a fee for him and "immobile" and "being carried through games" were regular comments. People even tried to blame Speed for Jenas's poor games as he had to "do the work of 2 players" although the Jenas haters would reverse that comment.

  7. Gejon why don't you confess you're a loyal royal!! You keep trying to tempt our players away.We'll have to keep an eye on you on 6/12/06. Surprised you haven't mentioned Shorey.


    You have a few good players  bluebiggrin.gif


    Shorey the right back? Captain yeah? Go on we will take him aswell  tongue.gif

  8. We need a target man- Kevin Davies


    Left back - Leighton Baines


    Right Back - Ashley Young


    Centre Back - Sylvan Distin


    Centre mid - Kevin Nolan


    There are others, more high profile, however i believe these are realistic, with Emre and Luque going elsewhere


    If Milner goes we will loan SWP


    Would probably prefer to stay up front, however Luke Young could be an option for Right Back  bluewink.gif

  9. I was mong-like. Thought he was a midfielder. :roll:




    Ah right, no he does play a fair few games in midfield tbh but he is also a very solid CB from what I have seen and is also commanding and good on the ball.


    I'd have him as a right-back, but thats about it.


    I think he is miles better than anything we have at CB but everyone has their own opinion  bluebiggrin.gif

  10. I was mong-like. Thought he was a midfielder. :roll:




    Ah right, no he does play a fair few games in midfield tbh but he is also a very solid CB from what I have seen and is also commanding and good on the ball.

  11. Bridge - £5m

    Neill - £3m

    Distin - £3m

    Sidwell - £2m

    Jagielka - £5m

    Viduka - £1m

    Doyle/Eastwood/Nugent - £5m


    Roeder - £1m (payoff)



    Two midfielders... who would you sell, Jon?


    I would play Jagielka at CB.





  12. Bridge - £5m

    Neill - £3m

    Distin - £3m

    Sidwell - £2m

    Jagielka - £5m

    Viduka - £1m

    Doyle/Eastwood/Nugent - £5m


    Roeder - £1m (payoff)



    Two midfielders... who would you sell, Jon?


    I would play Jagielka at CB.

  13. according to the NOTW, if milner goes to villa we want steven davis from them in exchange


    that would be a good deal IMO, hes a good little player, but so is milner its a tough one


    I rate Milner but I really rate Davis, doubt they would be up for it tbh!

  14. Thought Harps was magnificent in Shay's absence and is IMO the best deputy keeper in the country and if Man U's no. 3 keeper gets inn the England squad,well, Stevie Harper should be in ahead of him.Well done Stevie and get well soon bonny lad.


    To be fair Man U's no. 3 keeper is a very good keeper and it would be stupid for McLaren to pick a player for his squad who was certain to be sitting on the bench for the rest of the season as soon as Shay was back.


    ye and maybe Foster is younger but Harper is much much better...



    100% in agreement.Harper should be in England squad.


    Im sorry but that must be blind bias  bluebiggrin.gif

  15. I am not to sure that Parker knows what role Glenn wants him to play, I think if he is told to say back and hold the midfiled then he will do, but Emre does that too so when they are together in the middle its like neither of them are sure which one should be pushing on and who should be holding.

    Where as Dyer does not have that holding part in his game, he is all about getting forward and taking people on.

    Its not very offten Parker does that, Emre will now and then but Dyer will look to do it as soon as he gets the ball.


    there is something wrong with Newcastle's central midfield.


    Parker and Emre don't get forward enough, or gel properly. Butt and Parker is too defensive but good for certain games ie yesterday.

    Butt and Emre would be similar to Parker and Emre. And Emre is a homer.


    What bothers me more than anything, is that despite being aware of the fact it isn't good, Parker still ends up on his arse far too much. And as partnerships, they just don't appear to be working at their flaws ie dovetailing, which they must be aware of.


    We spend too much time giving the ball away and defending because of our weakness in midfield and up front. There is too big a gap between the midfield players and the front men. When did you last see Emre get into the box ? Yet he is supposed to be the most attacking player of the two ? He should be consistently looking to support his front players and running past them as well.




    Steve Sidwell would be worth a look in January as he will only have 6 months left on his contract or we could start giving Pattison more games if he is ready.......or we could go for someone who isn't ginger, im not fussed :D

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