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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Thought Harps was magnificent in Shay's absence and is IMO the best deputy keeper in the country and if Man U's no. 3 keeper gets inn the England squad,well, Stevie Harper should be in ahead of him.Well done Stevie and get well soon bonny lad.


    To be fair Man U's no. 3 keeper is a very good keeper and it would be stupid for McLaren to pick a player for his squad who was certain to be sitting on the bench for the rest of the season as soon as Shay was back.


    Kieron Richardson and Shaun Wright-Phillips tell me that McClaren picks regular reserves in his squads.


    I bet they have played a hell of a lot more games than Harper over the last few years.


    I don't think Richardson should be in the squad anyway as he is dogshit BUT you can get away with some outfield squad players being a little rusty but to take a goalkeeper who has played maybe 20 games in the last few seasons when there are players who are (imo) as good if not a little better is madness!


    Yes club football you would have to put up with a little rustyness when your main keeper is out but with the options you have at international level its just stupid!

  2. Thought Harps was magnificent in Shay's absence and is IMO the best deputy keeper in the country and if Man U's no. 3 keeper gets inn the England squad,well, Stevie Harper should be in ahead of him.Well done Stevie and get well soon bonny lad.


    To be fair Man U's no. 3 keeper is a very good keeper and it would be stupid for McLaren to pick a player for his squad who was certain to be sitting on the bench for the rest of the season as soon as Shay was back.


    ye and maybe Foster is younger but Harper is much much better...


    I wouldn't go that far, Foster has been good this season and was apparently great last season. Black and White tinted specs?

  3. Thought Harps was magnificent in Shay's absence and is IMO the best deputy keeper in the country and if Man U's no. 3 keeper gets inn the England squad,well, Stevie Harper should be in ahead of him.Well done Stevie and get well soon bonny lad.


    To be fair Man U's no. 3 keeper is a very good keeper and it would be stupid for McLaren to pick a player for his squad who was certain to be sitting on the bench for the rest of the season as soon as Shay was back.

  4. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=429872&CPID=8&clid=4&lid=&title=Harper+set+for+surgery


    Newcastle chief Glenn Roeder has revealed that keeper Steve Harper is likely to need surgery in the near future.


    Harper was pressed into action in September when Magpies number one Shay Given suffered a perforated bowel against West Ham.


    The keeper performed solidly in Given's stead, but he suffered a groin injury shortly after taking over the gloves and was forced to play through the pain barrier.


    Given returned against Arsenal on Saturday and after the game Roeder confirmed Harper is likely to head under the surgeon's knife.


    "Steve Harper was unfortunate not to play today," Roeder told Sky Sports News. "He has done really well for us.


    "He has carried an injury for five or six weeks and unfortunately he will probably need some surgery soon."


    With youngster Tim Krul in the treatment room with a knee injury, veteran Pavel Srnicek is likely to be asked to act as cover for Given.




    I know he wouldn't have played much now anyway with Given being back but it is typical of us as soon as he gets a chance he is hampered by injury.


    Is there any more specific news on Krul? Completely forgot about his injury :oops:

  5. Thing is we are playing him as a striker and he is a midfielder, if we use Dyer in the middle alongside Parker then it leaves Scotty to be the holding DM, tough on Emre but Dyer creates much much more than Emre does.


    Butt is a better holding midfielder than Parker.




    I hoped Butt would settle down after leaving Manu, and am now glad he is still here.




    Was thinking ealier how he is actually quite a useful player for us now, didn't want him back from Brum but he is a decent squad player and can do a good job when called upon. Does seem to add a better balance to the midfield.

  6. He does have the ability to drop deep and come forward with the ball and not lose it which is something we missed. Despite yesterdays excellent finish he still lacks end product but is still a talented footballer who when fit brings a positive to the team.

  7. Chopra has found his level tbh




    I could understand it if Chopra went to a lower prem club and had knocked a few goals away but he is in the CHAMPIONSHIP, players like RASIAK have scored as many goals as him!


    Fact is when he was here at the end of last season the majority thought he wasn't good enough, now he has scored a few goals in the championship it seems most people think we shouldn't have let him go!

  8. Chopra is crap. Its easy to score in the lower leagues and he never made the big step up and scored in the premier league.


    He might have done given half the opportunities Shola has had. Could anyone see Ameobi scoring as many goals in that Cardiff side? I can't.


    I don't think anyone is saying Chopra is good enough for our first team, but it's a shame he wasn't given a chance to prove himself when we were giving countless starts to someone who was, and clearly remains, nowhere near the standard required.


    But why was shola given the chances ahead of chopra? Unfortunately for the Shola knockers the old "because he is a Geordie" excuse can't be used in this instance! So why wasnt he? His style of play looks more suited to Shearer than Shola's was, could it just be he wasn't as good?


    I could see Shola scoring in that league tbh.

  9. Sound like a cracked record, but look at Earnshaw, Rasiak, Gray, Blackstock...all strikers who couldn't hack it in the Premiership, scoring goals regularly in the Championship.




    Rasiak is on the same as Chops now, don't see many going on about how he would do a job here.

  10. Except it perpetuates myths - like the myth that we peddled Chopra when the fact was that the lad ran out of patience waiting for a chance in the first team! I'm sure every one of us would rather see Chopra here instead of Rossi but at the end of the day that was Chopra's decision...





    Could have done better than give a 23 year old only a 1 year extension though.


    Im in the "Chopra has become hugely overrated since he left" camp tbh.

  11. Even if we DON'T get a replacement in, Bramble shouldnt be granted a new deal, no way.


    We should keep Sib, he's a great squad player to have.... how exactly is he "not good enough" for us I don't know, has not disapointed when played, and we must stop thinking some players are not worthy.


    Sibi does "ok" in all honesty we shouldnt need players like that.


    Bramble has good games now and then (like yesterday) so why should we think he isnt worthy as a squad player?

  12. Top3 fave current Newcastle players: Parker, N'Zogbia and Luque


    Interesting choice, can't see it catching on though  bluebiggrin.gif


    Join the Luque appreciation club tbh. :D Fourth favourite after Zoggy, Shay and Solano.


    Why?  :lol:


    He gets the sympathy vote.


    So should Ameobi  bluewink.gif  :lol:

  13. Taylor was clumsy yesterday, but the criticism is over the top. He's not thick in the slightest, he's inexperienced and just clumsy with youth. He's not the greatest of the younger defenders, and he doesn't have the potential of the likes of Micah Richards, etc - but he's a competent player with a big future in a black and white shirt ahead of him. The incident with Henry yesterday was silly, and with his inexperience - he just flung his arm out in an attempt to keep up with the most mobile striker in the Premiership.


    The ball wasn't going to go out, and Henry would have got there, so Taylor's foul was a little cynical, but mainly just clumsiness and largely down to inexperience. If we had a decent coach and some class defenders in the squad, Taylor would come on in leaps and bounds; same goes for Ramage.


    Taylor had a decent game yesterday, and is miles better than Stephen Carr.


    Yup, kids still very young!

  14. Femi for me


    I loved that wee trick he kept skinning clichy with yesterday. It made it more memorable as I highly rate clichy as a wingback, better than ashely cole imo.


    Not by a long way yet imo

  15. Top3 fave current Newcastle players: Parker, N'Zogbia and Luque


    Interesting choice, can't see it catching on though  bluebiggrin.gif


    Join the Luque appreciation club tbh. :D Fourth favourite after Zoggy, Shay and Solano.


    Why?  :lol:

  16. dyer was man of the match  by a mile  how can the motd commentator  go over the top about givens  saves god they were all  just about straight at him... harper would of done exacatley the same saves ...the only decent shot was the free kick were if he had stood in the middle of the goal he proberly would of saved it .... i have the upmost respect for given but lets not get carried away


    Aye average saves, right  :roll:

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