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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Milner is the ****ing reason the team is underperforming. Okay, a bit harsh, but Milners way of playing is not affected by what the rest of the team is doing. He still only knows how to do one thing: run and then put a terrible cross in. Why does he think that he should take corners and freekicks?


    Maybe a touch huh!

  2. I can only think the problem with Milner is a knock-on effect of the low confidence in the team as a whole. That or the effect of the transfer deadline day badness.


    He was absolutely excellent for us last season, our best player by a mile, he's young and highly promising and will only get better. Duff is a quality player, too. These aren't players who have suddenly got shit, they're players who are playing badly and not being motivated by the manager to do any better.


    Getting shot of the players isn't the answer (much as I'd like Milner back), getting shot of the manager is.


    Spot on. I know its what he does for us that counts but some people fail to see he actually has a lot of quality and this was proved by his stint with your lot!

  3. Solano actually did better defensively than Carr did all game.

    i'd play steven hawkins before i played stephen carr, tbh


    The extra movement would probably confuse the other defenders!

  4. the replacements are beating down the door as we speak


    everybody wants to play for the Toon and their wonderfull fans


    Are you a fan because you don't seem to grasp what's actually going on here. Are you playing "devils advocate" because if you are you're doing a pretty bad job of it.


    all I can see is a lot of people happy we have yet another injury


    sure he's shite, but so are most of the team, and from today it's obviously because they now actually think they're shite, something not helped by the well wishers


    like I say, who would want to play in an atmosphere like this?



    They all come onto this message board then I take it?








  5. We were infinitely better when he went off.  Hope he stays off forever.


    I always think people are stupid for wishing injury on a player but I must admit when he went down I was hoping that would be the last we would see of him before he is sold or exchanged for something more usual like boot polish!

  6. Is he part of our disability in the work place quota or what?


    THAT free kick where he watched their striker have a free header!


    Running into players when the ball is in the air, how many times does he have to do it to realise he doesn't get away with it?


    Fat, slow, shite, midget, monkey looking tit!


    Pretty much whole team was shit but his inability confuses me every week!

  7. Will prove to be a great player IMO. Both he and Nugent at Preston will be in the Premiership shortly. Villa are after Eastwood apparently.


    Nugent was in the Main Stand at Goodison on wednesday night.


    Rumours that Leighton Baines was there as well but I'm not sure about that one. Nugent was defo there though.


    Would be two quality signings for you  bluesigh.gif


    I'd have mixed feelings on spending millions on Baines, we let him go from our academy to Wigan in the first place.


    Quality player is a quality player, we have been there  :lol:

  8. Will prove to be a great player IMO. Both he and Nugent at Preston will be in the Premiership shortly. Villa are after Eastwood apparently.


    Nugent was in the Main Stand at Goodison on wednesday night.


    Rumours that Leighton Baines was there as well but I'm not sure about that one. Nugent was defo there though.


    Would be two quality signings for you  bluesigh.gif

  9. not being racist hear but the guys got gypsy heritage can you imagine him coming to sjp for talks in one of those horse carriage thingys and stealing all our silverware (laughs)


    Might be able to lift the curse though...??

  10. One of the reasons Shola's playing tomorra is he's bloody scared incase he drops in the pecking order.

    He's a crap player but when you've got a boss who loves you to bits-Roeders admitted it- he'll try an play him whatever and whenever.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that IF Shola was that good why hasn't any club come in for him at all??? all these shola fans think on that eh? no one wants him at all cos he's total crap! He'll never be a bloody footballer never mind striker as long as he's a hole in his arse!


    As one poster has remarked-it shows you how much we've gone down when Ameobe's classed as our top striker!!  how true.

    Shola's an insult to our strip and to keep playing him is ludicrous-get rid of him and take Roeder & FS too.

    If it wasn't for the stupidity of the managers of this club we would have had a top striker now in Chopra, who was never given any chance what so ever-just because Shola's face fitted more.


    sorry if some ameobe fans think this is awful .........no I'm not.


    You say Shola is scared he will fall down the pecking order then claim Roeder loves him to bits..... right!


    How do you know no-one has come in for him? Apparently Spurs did a couple of years back with an offer of £4m, now it looks a very good offer to me but it sort of bins your argument.


    Complete knee-jerk on Chopra who never really looked like he could make the step up and has scored a similar amount of goals this season as Robert Earnshaw, Andy Gray, Jamie Cureton and Rasiak (let me guess the typical "All better than Shola" responce that you were so desperate for).



  11. It depends on what the opinion is, Gemmill makes a good point in regards to player movement. The camera follows the ball so you don't always see's the runs (or lack of that a player makes) but if you were at the game you would pick this up.


    Also works in the sense that with the camera views closer to the action people watching at home will see certain things better than someone at the ground.

  12. The guy would be nothing but a problem, worse than Bellamy! I'd say he would so bad with his attitude that he would start an argument with his own shadow, so no thanks!


    110% bullshit, the only similarity between the 2 players mentioned is they both have huge passion on the field! As mentioned Smith doesn't even drink when out, don't think he has ever been reported for any bother and seems like a very professional person.

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