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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. It's all long term. We need a short term fix. Either we keep him or tell Barca that he's only available to buy.


    Although, I guess a takeover before the end of January would kinda change my mind.


    We don't really too much option, we can either sell in January for probably a pittance or loan him and try and get something close to his true value. We all know Roeder is only going to play him is 3/4 our squad go down with a tropical disease!

  2. Makes sense if he goes there on loan in January


    no it dosen't! we need bodies or the money.


    It does in the sense that they will pay part of his wage and a player looking good playing for a big club will be easier to sell for a good fee than a player who sometimes doesnt even make the bench at a struggling club!

  3. 3/4 years ago he was one of Barca's top targets. Depor refused to sell him to Barca...unthinkable apparently. Not so sure now, but I'm sure after a few months in Spanish footie he would start getting back to his best.


    Someone made a good point on here before about if Joe Cole went to Spain and flopped there would still be plenty of clubs in England willing to take him back so why wouldnt it be the same for Luque? He was a good player in that league and if we had any sense we would realise this and not take the pittance that is first offered to us which we will most likely do!

  4. £25m, like the sound of that.


    £10m on a striker/s, £15m on the defence :thup:


    After today I think we need an attacking midfielder, to play cm unless we use dyer there.


    Think Sidwell is out of contract at the end of the season, not strictly an out and out attacking mid but would do a nice job  :thup:

  5. You.




    I didn't see any of the game so i can't really argue against your comment but it does seem that pretty much every other poster who did see the game thinks the exact opposite  :lol:


    Martins may not of had much end product (which most wouldn't have one their own) but lazy? Whta a load of shite!


    did he chase all over the pitch like dyer did?! and obviously since everyone else who saw the game disagrees with me im wrong?! as for much end product?! try none


    It does tend to sway my thinking a little when its like 40-1  bluebiggrin.gif

  6. good performance, good result to match. Hopefully Babayaro will get fit soon so we have some balance at left back


    Aye, and drop Bramble for Ramage. :wink:


    Did you watch the game today?


    As much as i hate to say it Bramble was outstanding.


    Dyer and Martins were also outstanding.


    Another one who hasn't read the rules, Bramble and Ameobi CANNOT have good games, they may appear to have had a good one but really they were shit and with a pub team footballer on the pitch instead we would have done better!

  7. It says, "Ameobi has revealed that the problem has become so severe that his career could be under threat if he does not have surgery immediately."


    So is that why he is playing two more ****ing matches?



    Because his career will be seriously under threat if he spends enough time on the sidelines for even Roeder to get a decent striker.


    So playing one more game when you are going to be out for xx months anyway is going to stop that? Don't buy it myself.

  8. Don't you need some that can hold the ball up, head it and has a bit of strength?


    Not another fast, short arse supporting striker like Martins and Owen? Though I suppose if you keep spending £10m on those players one of them will work out ;)


    I wouldn't say 5ft 11 is exactly "short arse"


    Bent is a good player who scores goals and I think would work well with any of our strikers. I would gamble the £9m as long as we had enough to sort out the defence aswell.

  9. Shola, I believe there is a good reason why he was constantly picked over Chopra even when most of the time Chopra' style would have been more suited to playing with Shearer.


    Amazing what a few goals in the championship can do though, people will be calling for us to sign Andy Gray in January I assume?

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