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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. I really don't think Upson will be as cheap as people are making out, he still has 18 months left on his contract, is their star player and as we saw in the summer they don't just let people fuck off for pennies!

  2. I don't think Martins came here to play. I think he came to sit, "injured", and get paid a lot of money. He is not the only person - indeed not even the only Nigerian - at this club that i suspect came here for that.


    I doubt a 21 year old professional footballer is going to leave a club to sit in the treatment room, why not just stay in Milan!!

  3. If he needs to improve his crossing then he simply isnt good enough.


    We dont need players who might get better sooner or later.


    He runs, he gets cornered and panic crosses to no-where and no-one.






    and N'Zogbia is the finished article?

  4. IMHO, Milner is one of our brightest players! I don't know why people are even thinking about selling him!!! Look at his age and the potential!!! However if a business treat me like the club has treat him I would WANT to leave!!!

    Because he is pure shite and we need money to spend on other areas. We have at least 5 wingers that are better than Milner (Duff, N'Zogbia, Dyer, Solano, Alan O'Brien), surely that's enough cover


    He isnt pure shite though, he is a talented YOUNG player with a lot of potential, played some excellent football with Villa last season and has come back and been very average along with the players you have mentioned! Honest question has Duff put in more good games than Milner since he arrived?


    You say Alan O'Brien is better, have you seen anything of him or are you chatting shit again?

  5. The guy would be nothing but a problem, worse than Bellamy! I'd say he would so bad with his attitude that he would start an argument with his own shadow, so no thanks!


    110% bullshit, the only similarity between the 2 players mentioned is they both have huge passion on the field! As mentioned Smith doesn't even drink when out, don't think he has ever been reported for any bother and seems like a very professional person.


    Incorrect iirc.


    Unless he was telling a lie in the interview i saw he said he doesnt drink and he drives his mates about on nights out.

  6. strange how this thread has gone down the pan, since macbeths monkey swiftly followed by Kluiverthino decided to enter the fray, avoiding the main question though   :lol:


    The threads go down the pan when the:


    "Still havent answered the question I see"


    "I have can't you read"


    "no you haven't, I can read, you can't"


    "No, I can read, you can't answer the question"


    "where were you when..."


    :lol: "


    " :lol: "


    " :lol: "


    "so when are you going to answer the question?"


    "I have answered it, can't you read, answer my question"


    "avoiding the question again, probably because you werent there right?"


    "I have answered the question, cant you read?"


    " :lol: "


    " :lol: "


    "so when are you going to answer the question on page xx?"


    "Still can't read I see, when are you going to answer my question"


    and so on and so on and so on way into double figure pages!

  7. In the shit:




    Mike Newell's future at Luton Town has been thrown into considerable doubt after the club's board requested a meeting with him for what they perceive to be "sexist" and "completely unacceptable" criticism of assistant referee Amy Rayner.


    The Luton chief made the headlines for all the wrong reasons at the weekend after describing the appointment of Rayner to officiate his side's game with QPR as "tokenism, for the politically-correct idiots".


    A rankled Newell went on to offer frank criticism of his chairman Bill Tomlins and now, after a board meeting, the club have come out to totally disassociate themselves from their manager's comments.


    Newell will be summoned to explain his outburst in front of the club's board, with Luton's officials clearly not sharing the views of their manager.


    "The board of directors met today to consider the comments made by the manager, Mike Newell, in the press conference after Saturday's game against QPR," read a statement on the club's official website.


    "The club disassociate itself totally from the sexist comments made by him, we have no place in this club and are completely unacceptable.


    "Representatives of the board will be meeting the manager as a matter of urgency to ask him to explain his comments and other criticisms.


    "Until this meeting has taken place, the club will make no further comment."




    Watch Luton sack him and claim its down to the sexist comments when really Tomlins has just got in a strop over the criticism he got from Newell!

  8. Top and bottom of it is, they're only a strike force better than us.


    You are absolutely s**ting me. Thats the funniest thing i've ever read on these forums.


    ........ don't change the fact we have better fans.  bluewink.gif




    50,000 Topless Geordies can't be wrong..........


    Glad you agree. We got scarves at the weekend,does liverpool hand out stereos or........


    Just through shit around...







  9. Slagging off his board, slagging off women officials, it's as if he's trying to get the sack because he's been sounded out by his closest friend in football to join him at a Premiership club in a few weeks or so.  :winking:


    Have thought of that  :lol:


    Done a good job at Luton though although he rarely turns up at the training ground!

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