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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Women can't run properly with their arms all flapping about everywhere so she probably wasnt in line with play. There it is because she is a women that she can't do her job.


    Newell is right!


    nice try!  :lol: but men can't get the decisions right because they can't cope with multitasking or decision making   :winking:


    How can they watch the game, the line, where the ball is and run at the same time? and then make a decision when there's no women around? no wonder there are so many bad decisions made!







  2. Women can't run properly with their arms all flapping about everywhere so she probably wasnt in line with play. There it is because she is a women that she can't do her job.


    Newell is right!


    I'm keeping out of this one, but I hadn't thought of their arms as a particular problem......



  3. Women can't run properly with their arms all flapping about everywhere so she probably wasnt in line with play. There it is because she is a women that she can't do her job.


    Newell is right!

  4. Considering the number of appalling performances by women per game refereed/lines-personed, I think Newell has it bang on.

    And - whatever happened to freedom of speech ?

    Remember the woman referee last year that gave a goal when it hit a back post or somesuch ? Wendy-something - she managed something that has not been done by male referees EVER !




    Considering the number of appalling performances by men, Poll & Renny in particular spring to mind, I think that men should not be allowed to referee any more matches.  :winking:


    Considering the sheer stupidity of the idea that women can't referee just because of their sex, which always is spouted by males, then men should not be allowed an opinion.  :winking:


    The woman referee last year who gave that stupid goal consulted with the lines-man because she did not have a clear view of the goal. It was a stupid decision, but she was following the rules by consulting with the assistant who was the one who said he did have a view of it.


    They were both wrong and rightly banned, but the man was wrong as well, more so because he had a better view.


    As usual, don't let facts get in the way of a good sexist rant though.  :roll:


    oh, but you're probably only joking.  :lol: ah ... hilarious.


    Quiet dear, men talking.

  5. Im not taking the piss or looking for an argument but don't you people get bored of having the same argument day in day out?


    If we still had the boards from 3 years ago I bet there would still be pretty much exactly the same arguments going on for pages and pages...


    Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue?


    I said "people" not HTL, why do you always assume every post is directed solely at you?


    FFS, just because I replied doesn't mean I think a post is directed SOLELY at me. Are you mental, or something? You said 'people' and I'm a person.




    Your reply was very much a "why are you having a go at ME!? He started it"


    Get a life, man. It was nothing like that at all. Talk about making shit up as you go along.......



  6. Im not taking the piss or looking for an argument but don't you people get bored of having the same argument day in day out?


    If we still had the boards from 3 years ago I bet there would still be pretty much exactly the same arguments going on for pages and pages...


    Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue?


    I said "people" not HTL, why do you always assume every post is directed solely at you?


    FFS, just because I replied doesn't mean I think a post is directed SOLELY at me. Are you mental, or something? You said 'people' and I'm a person.




    Your reply was very much a "why are you having a go at ME!? He started it"

  7. Im not taking the piss or looking for an argument but don't you people get bored of having the same argument day in day out?


    If we still had the boards from 3 years ago I bet there would still be pretty much exactly the same arguments going on for pages and pages...


    Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue?


    I said "people" not HTL, why do you always assume every post is directed solely at you?

  8. Im not taking the piss or looking for an argument but don't you people get bored of having the same argument day in day out?


    If we still had the boards from 3 years ago I bet there would still be pretty much exactly the same arguments going on for pages and pages...

  9. The cross in the Palermo game  from  Milner was spot on but if you have it to watch again you wills ee he slips as he hits the ball, had he hept his footing it probably would not have been a decent cross.


    Thats just desperate  :lol:

    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif

    Its fact :D, his only decent cross for ages came about because of a slip. :D


    Ok obvious solution, stick him in ballet shoes from now on and we are laughing!

  10. Upson would do us a decent job IMO, and he'd be pretty cheap with Birmingham being a league below. Importantly, I think he'd be desperate to come here.


    Not sure, people were saying he was out of contract at the end of the season then it came out he still had 18 months left. They were hardly raped over Heskey and Pennant either!

  11. What has happened to him?

    Will become our Harry Kewell?


    I thought his arrival would mean we'd have 2 good left wingers, instead both look poor.


    I was thinking how funny it would have been if Liverpool signed him as his replacement for Kewell recently  bluebiggrin.gif bluesigh.gif

  12. I don't think he's as shit as some make out, and he's actually had matches where's he's been very good for us--but they've been few and far between. Taylor's at least as good defensively, quicker, and better in the air. Not much of a crosser but much better getting forward and supporting the attack in general.


    I am probably one of his biggest critics but do admit to when he has had a good game. Unfortuantely thats not very often!

  13. The cross in the Palermo game  from  Milner was spot on but if you have it to watch again you wills ee he slips as he hits the ball, had he hept his footing it probably would not have been a decent cross.


    Thats just desperate  :lol:

  14. oh FFS


    we won't have any ****ing players left soon!


    So Carr is good enough?

    No, he is not. But he is not as bad as you lot say he is. I would be very happy to have Carr as our back-up RB after Luke Young.


    Yet you say Milner is the reason the whole team are playing bad....  blueconfused.gif

    I did also say that that statement was an exaggeration.

    About the Carr not being good enough, that is for a side that should be around 5-6 in the table. For a 8-10, he is good enough, but that's not where we want to be.


    I doubt a relegation battling side would be happy with Carr, oh wait!

  15. milner is quite a decent player but we need a manager to get the absolute best out of him

    It is not the managers fault that he cannot cross.


    He could at Villa, whats changed? Maybe if he actually had anything to aim at it would be a start!

  16. oh FFS


    we won't have any ****ing players left soon!


    So Carr is good enough?

    No, he is not. But he is not as bad as you lot say he is. I would be very happy to have Carr as our back-up RB after Luke Young.


    Yet you say Milner is the reason the whole team are playing bad....  blueconfused.gif

  17. oh FFS


    we won't have any ****ing players left soon!


    So Carr is good enough?


    who is good enough? the team being shite has nowt to do with personal ability anymore, it's gone way beyond that


    people calling for this player or that player to be drummed out have completely missed what's going on


    I want Roeder and Shepherd gone too.

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