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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Not watching a 3min comp when i have the goals on WMP, the first one was a clear header, very well taken, the second he beat the defender and it looked to come off his head but even if it did come off the shoulder he still beat the defender got something on the ball and scored a goal!


    This pointless nit picking at every little thing just screams of someone desperate for an excuse to knock a player. Fact is Shola's goals won us that game, I bet you weren't moaning at the time (actually you probably would have prefered a 2-1 defeat rather than shola scoring 2)

  2. I personally dont think Ameobi is good enough for the premiership. I think he is the reason players like Chopra and Lua Lua arent with us anymore, 2 players who would score more than ameobi over a season. See Chops got 2 against the mackems last night!!!!


    Aye if only Shola would score 2 against the Makems  :roll:


    Did the ball ricochet off Chopra and just happened to go into the net?


    Werent both Shola goals well timed headers?


    You're right. They weren't.


    Er yes they were actually.


    Errr, one was an attempted header and it actually came off either his shoulder or back, if you just check them out and then come back with a humble apology.


    I have just watched and BOTH were very good headers!

  3. I personally dont think Ameobi is good enough for the premiership. I think he is the reason players like Chopra and Lua Lua arent with us anymore, 2 players who would score more than ameobi over a season. See Chops got 2 against the mackems last night!!!!


    Aye if only Shola would score 2 against the Makems  :roll:


    Did the ball ricochet off Chopra and just happened to go into the net?


    Werent both Shola goals well timed headers?


    You're right. They weren't.


    Er yes they were actually.


    Commentary from the game:


    "Once again he scores from a towering header"



  4. I personally dont think Ameobi is good enough for the premiership. I think he is the reason players like Chopra and Lua Lua arent with us anymore, 2 players who would score more than ameobi over a season. See Chops got 2 against the mackems last night!!!!


    Aye if only Shola would score 2 against the Makems  :roll:


    Did the ball ricochet off Chopra and just happened to go into the net?


    Werent both Shola goals well timed headers?

  5. Rasiak, Blackstock, Earnshaw & Gray are also scoring goals for fun in that league...still not Premier League material.


    Exactly, people are getting a little too excited about the lad  :lol:


    He scored 5 in one game about 2 or 3 years ago in the championship.


    I think Chopra scores 4 in one game for Watford,not 5.


    Watford win in this game 7:4 (Chopra on loan).


    Oh yeah, sorry memory going at 24  :lol:


    Maybe it was 5 goals in 2 games and the Watford game was the second.

  6. I personally dont think Ameobi is good enough for the premiership. I think he is the reason players like Chopra and Lua Lua arent with us anymore, 2 players who would score more than ameobi over a season. See Chops got 2 against the mackems last night!!!!


    Aye if only Shola would score 2 against the Makems  :roll:

  7. Rasiak, Blackstock, Earnshaw & Gray are also scoring goals for fun in that league...still not Premier League material.


    Exactly, people are getting a little too excited about the lad  :lol:


    He scored 5 in one game about 2 or 3 years ago in the championship.



    In fact, I find it absolutely funny as **** how anyone can defend Shola Ameobi and laugh at Albert Luque in the same post :lol: It's almost cringeworthy.


    Let's get one thing straight, Albert Luque has failed here because we're too ****ing stupid of a club to manage him properly and get the best of him. That's the single reason why. How can anybody hold anyone other than the club responsible? It's inconcievable. The way some 'fans' are blind to some of the ****ing stupid things this club does and just accept them as normal is damn right disgusting. Aye, so Luque is a bad player because he was just pretending to be a good one in spain :lol: And Shola REALLY is our best bet :lol:


    Rafa benitez would have him producing by now, I think many would agree. Luis Garcia didn't set the league on fire in his first match. Did rafa say "Adios Luis!" No! Did Garcia say "Hola reserves!" Fuck no!


    Well if we get a manager that will get the best out of Luque then aye let him play ahead of Shola, the FACT is we don't have anyone and Shola was the one producing the goods. Him being injured will not magically make the club play Luque to the best of his ability so your argument is completely void!




    So you think Shola's "form" of being let off with offside goals and his luck when balls bounce in off the top of his back when he attempts headers is what we should rely on? You are confident that he has the ability to constantly produce this and that he hasn't been a slight bit fortunate in a lot of his goals? Well I ****ing hope Bramble gets a game up front and the ball accidentally twats him in the head and goes into the net. We can then call him 'our best bet' up front cos he will have the best goal/game ratio whilst playing as a striker and it doesn't matter if it was a fluke, as long as he scored he can then be relied on constantly.


    End of the day a goal is a goal, shola can be the luckiest c*nt in the world and get a deflection every other game but as long as he is scoring (which i dont know if you have noticed but we are ****ing strugling to at the moment) then i dont give a shit.


    Fact is AGAIN, he is the only person since Roeder took over who has consistantly found the back of the net (toenail, arse, face, back off head whatever!) so how anyone can be so blind as to be rubbing one out when he get injured is beyond me.


    Ok so you think after scoring a few clearly fortunate and fluked goals, that gives you the confidence in him to produce the goods when his gaurdian angel hasn't thrown the ball into the net for him?


    Well its better than not getting any goals at all isnt it!?


    The only "better" option who you can come up with is Luque, someone you say the club arent using him to his true potential. Why the hell play him then? We are clearly playing ugly, long ball, scrappy penalty box whack it in the box and hope someone gets something on it which is clearly not Luque's game. We arent suddenly going to change tactics because Shola is injured!


    My opinion was more that "not getting the best out of him" is more down to him not getting an extended run of games as opposed to our tactics. So don't put words into my mouth.


    Its obvious for all to see Roeder wont use him anyway as long as we have Sibi and Rossi fit, Martins will be back soon and Roeder clearly would rather a midfielder (Duff or Milner) up front so again its an invaild argument.


    Good, and I hope all off his 3 shit striker signings get injured too. It'll teach the stupid thick clueless bastard a lesson. Martins has looked just as ****ing poor as Luque barring one game against some nobodies in Europe. THROW HIM IN DA RESERVES GLENN! Erm, no, cos that would be unfairly victimising your own signing instead of Souness'! Couldn't have that could we!


    I hope we get relegated and go bust, that will teach the fucking Glenn Roeder and Fat Freddie Shepherd.


    Genius  :thup:

  9. If only eh  bluesigh.gif bluesigh.gif bluesigh.gif


    Why do we do it  :confused:


    Get rid of talent


    We didnt have much choice, we offered him a new contract and he refused. To be honest he hardly set the world alight the few game she did get and players who have failed in the premiership will probably score more than him in that league this season anyway!

  10. In fact, I find it absolutely funny as **** how anyone can defend Shola Ameobi and laugh at Albert Luque in the same post :lol: It's almost cringeworthy.


    Let's get one thing straight, Albert Luque has failed here because we're too ****ing stupid of a club to manage him properly and get the best of him. That's the single reason why. How can anybody hold anyone other than the club responsible? It's inconcievable. The way some 'fans' are blind to some of the ****ing stupid things this club does and just accept them as normal is damn right disgusting. Aye, so Luque is a bad player because he was just pretending to be a good one in spain :lol: And Shola REALLY is our best bet :lol:


    Rafa benitez would have him producing by now, I think many would agree. Luis Garcia didn't set the league on fire in his first match. Did rafa say "Adios Luis!" No! Did Garcia say "Hola reserves!" Fuck no!


    Well if we get a manager that will get the best out of Luque then aye let him play ahead of Shola, the FACT is we don't have anyone and Shola was the one producing the goods. Him being injured will not magically make the club play Luque to the best of his ability so your argument is completely void!




    So you think Shola's "form" of being let off with offside goals and his luck when balls bounce in off the top of his back when he attempts headers is what we should rely on? You are confident that he has the ability to constantly produce this and that he hasn't been a slight bit fortunate in a lot of his goals? Well I ****ing hope Bramble gets a game up front and the ball accidentally twats him in the head and goes into the net. We can then call him 'our best bet' up front cos he will have the best goal/game ratio whilst playing as a striker and it doesn't matter if it was a fluke, as long as he scored he can then be relied on constantly.


    End of the day a goal is a goal, shola can be the luckiest c*nt in the world and get a deflection every other game but as long as he is scoring (which i dont know if you have noticed but we are ****ing strugling to at the moment) then i dont give a shit.


    Fact is AGAIN, he is the only person since Roeder took over who has consistantly found the back of the net (toenail, arse, face, back off head whatever!) so how anyone can be so blind as to be rubbing one out when he get injured is beyond me.


    Ok so you think after scoring a few clearly fortunate and fluked goals, that gives you the confidence in him to produce the goods when his gaurdian angel hasn't thrown the ball into the net for him?


    Well its better than not getting any goals at all isnt it!?


    The only "better" option who you can come up with is Luque, someone you say the club arent using him to his true potential. Why the hell play him then? We are clearly playing ugly, long ball, scrappy penalty box whack it in the box and hope someone gets something on it which is clearly not Luque's game. We arent suddenly going to change tactics because Shola is injured!


    My opinion was more that "not getting the best out of him" is more down to him not getting an extended run of games as opposed to our tactics. So don't put words into my mouth.


    Its obvious for all to see Roeder wont use him anyway as long as we have Sibi and Rossi fit, Martins will be back soon and Roeder clearly would rather a midfielder (Duff or Milner) up front so again its an invaild argument.

  11. At the end of the day the manager has decided to play a Man City reject and even a winger up front in place of Luque. What does that tell you about how well Luque has impressed him?


    Luque could have a shit on the bonnet of his car and he'd still have no right picking Shola ahead of him. Shola has NO ability. That's why Lua Lua was sold, because he was the promising one and clubs actually wanted him, whilst we got stuck with a reject piece of shit that nobody wants, yet everybody in the world of football barring Newcastle staff and a handful of fans can see that he's not up to professional football.


    Spurs apparently bid £4m for Shola but it was rejected. Personally I think we should have taken it but thats not the argument, the argument you seem to completely miss!


    No-one has claimed Ameobi is the greatest striker to have ever played or for that matter no-one has really claimed he is good but at the moment he is the best we have and to have him out isnt a good thing and certainly isnt something someone with any sense would be fucking happy about!  :roll:

  12. In fact, I find it absolutely funny as **** how anyone can defend Shola Ameobi and laugh at Albert Luque in the same post :lol: It's almost cringeworthy.


    Let's get one thing straight, Albert Luque has failed here because we're too ****ing stupid of a club to manage him properly and get the best of him. That's the single reason why. How can anybody hold anyone other than the club responsible? It's inconcievable. The way some 'fans' are blind to some of the ****ing stupid things this club does and just accept them as normal is damn right disgusting. Aye, so Luque is a bad player because he was just pretending to be a good one in spain :lol: And Shola REALLY is our best bet :lol:


    Rafa benitez would have him producing by now, I think many would agree. Luis Garcia didn't set the league on fire in his first match. Did rafa say "Adios Luis!" No! Did Garcia say "Hola reserves!" Fuck no!


    Well if we get a manager that will get the best out of Luque then aye let him play ahead of Shola, the FACT is we don't have anyone and Shola was the one producing the goods. Him being injured will not magically make the club play Luque to the best of his ability so your argument is completely void!




    So you think Shola's "form" of being let off with offside goals and his luck when balls bounce in off the top of his back when he attempts headers is what we should rely on? You are confident that he has the ability to constantly produce this and that he hasn't been a slight bit fortunate in a lot of his goals? Well I ****ing hope Bramble gets a game up front and the ball accidentally twats him in the head and goes into the net. We can then call him 'our best bet' up front cos he will have the best goal/game ratio whilst playing as a striker and it doesn't matter if it was a fluke, as long as he scored he can then be relied on constantly.


    End of the day a goal is a goal, shola can be the luckiest c*nt in the world and get a deflection every other game but as long as he is scoring (which i dont know if you have noticed but we are ****ing strugling to at the moment) then i dont give a shit.


    Fact is AGAIN, he is the only person since Roeder took over who has consistantly found the back of the net (toenail, arse, face, back off head whatever!) so how anyone can be so blind as to be rubbing one out when he get injured is beyond me.


    Ok so you think after scoring a few clearly fortunate and fluked goals, that gives you the confidence in him to produce the goods when his gaurdian angel hasn't thrown the ball into the net for him?


    Well its better than not getting any goals at all isnt it!?


    The only "better" option who you can come up with is Luque, someone you say the club arent using him to his true potential. Why the hell play him then? We are clearly playing ugly, long ball, scrappy penalty box whack it in the box and hope someone gets something on it which is clearly not Luque's game. We arent suddenly going to change tactics because Shola is injured!

  13. In fact, I find it absolutely funny as **** how anyone can defend Shola Ameobi and laugh at Albert Luque in the same post :lol: It's almost cringeworthy.


    Let's get one thing straight, Albert Luque has failed here because we're too ****ing stupid of a club to manage him properly and get the best of him. That's the single reason why. How can anybody hold anyone other than the club responsible? It's inconcievable. The way some 'fans' are blind to some of the ****ing stupid things this club does and just accept them as normal is damn right disgusting. Aye, so Luque is a bad player because he was just pretending to be a good one in spain :lol: And Shola REALLY is our best bet :lol:


    Rafa benitez would have him producing by now, I think many would agree. Luis Garcia didn't set the league on fire in his first match. Did rafa say "Adios Luis!" No! Did Garcia say "Hola reserves!" Fuck no!


    Well if we get a manager that will get the best out of Luque then aye let him play ahead of Shola, the FACT is we don't have anyone and Shola was the one producing the goods. Him being injured will not magically make the club play Luque to the best of his ability so your argument is completely void!




    So you think Shola's "form" of being let off with offside goals and his luck when balls bounce in off the top of his back when he attempts headers is what we should rely on? You are confident that he has the ability to constantly produce this and that he hasn't been a slight bit fortunate in a lot of his goals? Well I ****ing hope Bramble gets a game up front and the ball accidentally twats him in the head and goes into the net. We can then call him 'our best bet' up front cos he will have the best goal/game ratio whilst playing as a striker and it doesn't matter if it was a fluke, as long as he scored he can then be relied on constantly.


    End of the day a goal is a goal, shola can be the luckiest c*nt in the world and get a deflection every other game but as long as he is scoring (which i dont know if you have noticed but we are fucking strugling to at the moment) then i dont give a shit.


    Fact is AGAIN, he is the only person since Roeder took over who has consistantly found the back of the net (toenail, arse, face, back off head whatever!) so how anyone can be so blind as to be rubbing one out when he get injured is beyond me.

  14. 14 goals in all competitions this season so far and last season combined.


    Of those I remember two vs Sunderland, which basically bounced unintentionally off different parts of his body as Shola attempted headers. I remember one in which he was clearly offside and it wasn't given.


    Do you really think goal ratios can be worked out over such pathetically low numbers :lol:




    When we are scoring as little as we do and Shola has scored 14 goals in about 30 games then yes I do think its worth pulling your head out your arse for.


    Do you think capital letters in pretty much every post are helping you look a little less stupid btw?  :lol:


    Over 40 games, you'll find. Also you seem unable to comprehend that "we are scoring as little as we do" BECAUSE SHOLA IS PLAYING AND NOT SOMEBODY WITH ABILITY.


    Fuck me :lol:


    and you seem unable to comprehend we don't have a player with ability and Shola is out best bet, oh sorry forgot about Luque :lol:


    Shola has played 40 games under Roeder? Are you sure...?


    When I saw 14 goals, I assumed you meant from the start of last season. In which case, Shola has scored 14 times under Roeder, are you sure?

    Why laugh at Luque? ****ing hell I'm sure it's people with your mentality that drive the club to failure.


    Aye people like me, but people who wish injury on our most prolific players at the moment are driving us to success  :thup:


    You are the one who came up with 14 goals, from the start of this I have been talking about under Roeder as its the only relevant time we need to be talking about!






    The word 'prolific' in a post defending shola and it wasn't even proceeded by "isn't"


    :lol: Sorry, but **** off Gayjon.


    More signs somone is losing their argument, pathetic  :lol:

  15. In fact, I find it absolutely funny as **** how anyone can defend Shola Ameobi and laugh at Albert Luque in the same post :lol: It's almost cringeworthy.


    Let's get one thing straight, Albert Luque has failed here because we're too ****ing stupid of a club to manage him properly and get the best of him. That's the single reason why. How can anybody hold anyone other than the club responsible? It's inconcievable. The way some 'fans' are blind to some of the ****ing stupid things this club does and just accept them as normal is damn right disgusting. Aye, so Luque is a bad player because he was just pretending to be a good one in spain :lol: And Shola REALLY is our best bet :lol:


    Rafa benitez would have him producing by now, I think many would agree. Luis Garcia didn't set the league on fire in his first match. Did rafa say "Adios Luis!" No! Did Garcia say "Hola reserves!" Fuck no!


    Well if we get a manager that will get the best out of Luque then aye let him play ahead of Shola, the FACT is we don't have anyone and Shola was the one producing the goods. Him being injured will not magically make the club play Luque to the best of his ability so your argument is completely void!



  16. 14 goals in all competitions this season so far and last season combined.


    Of those I remember two vs Sunderland, which basically bounced unintentionally off different parts of his body as Shola attempted headers. I remember one in which he was clearly offside and it wasn't given.


    Do you really think goal ratios can be worked out over such pathetically low numbers :lol:




    When we are scoring as little as we do and Shola has scored 14 goals in about 30 games then yes I do think its worth pulling your head out your arse for.


    Do you think capital letters in pretty much every post are helping you look a little less stupid btw?  :lol:


    Over 40 games, you'll find. Also you seem unable to comprehend that "we are scoring as little as we do" BECAUSE SHOLA IS PLAYING AND NOT SOMEBODY WITH ABILITY.


    Fuck me :lol:


    and you seem unable to comprehend we don't have a player with ability and Shola is out best bet, oh sorry forgot about Luque :lol:


    Shola has played 40 games under Roeder? Are you sure...?


    When I saw 14 goals, I assumed you meant from the start of last season. In which case, Shola has scored 14 times under Roeder, are you sure?

    Why laugh at Luque? ****ing hell I'm sure it's people with your mentality that drive the club to failure.


    Aye people like me, but people who wish injury on our most prolific players at the moment are driving us to success  :thup:


    You are the one who came up with 14 goals, from the start of this I have been talking about under Roeder as its the only relevant time we need to be talking about!





  17. 14 goals in all competitions this season so far and last season combined.


    Of those I remember two vs Sunderland, which basically bounced unintentionally off different parts of his body as Shola attempted headers. I remember one in which he was clearly offside and it wasn't given.


    Do you really think goal ratios can be worked out over such pathetically low numbers :lol:




    When we are scoring as little as we do and Shola has scored 14 goals in about 30 games then yes I do think its worth pulling your head out your arse for.


    Do you think capital letters in pretty much every post are helping you look a little less stupid btw?  :lol:


    Over 40 games, you'll find. Also you seem unable to comprehend that "we are scoring as little as we do" BECAUSE SHOLA IS PLAYING AND NOT SOMEBODY WITH ABILITY.


    Fuck me :lol:


    and you seem unable to comprehend we don't have a player with ability and Shola is out best bet, oh sorry forgot about Luque :lol:


    Shola has played 40 games under Roeder? Are you sure...?

  18. 14 goals in all competitions this season so far and last season combined.


    Of those I remember two vs Sunderland, which basically bounced unintentionally off different parts of his body as Shola attempted headers. I remember one in which he was clearly offside and it wasn't given.


    Do you really think goal ratios can be worked out over such pathetically low numbers :lol:




    When we are scoring as little as we do and Shola has scored 14 goals in about 30 games then yes I do think its worth pulling your head out your arse for.


    Do you think capital letters in pretty much every post are helping you look a little less stupid btw?  :lol:

  19. Bit harsh picking up on a typo from GeJon.


    You know when someone is losing an argument when their only come backs are picking up on typo's or cliches like "he would struggle to get into a pub team" etc...


    Where the **** have I even picked on a typo?





    Im not the one spouting bullshit, check his stats and tell me how his goal ratio is "much poorer than i state"

  20. I couldn't give a **** whether Ameobi's Geordie or not, fact is he's scored lots of goals under Roeder. Luque, on the other hand has looked total shit, and completely uninterested. I'm not sure where you get this idea from that he'll burst into life and start banging them in.


    I don't particularly agree with the way Roeder has treated Luque, but to use that as a way of justifying being happy our current top goalscorer is crocked is mental.


    The fact that he's our top goalscorer tells it's own story when you consider how ****ing toothless we are with him up front ffs. He's part of the ****ing reason that we don't score anymore!


    This whole "Luque has looked disinterested" shit is something I'm not buying either. Everytime I've seen him play he's looked like he's trying. But let's pretend he's not trying cos he doesn't fly into tackles like ****ing Scott Parker.


    Ameobi has scored 'lots' of goals under Roeder is ****ing bullshit. He's scored a few, mainly goals that any other striker would have scored had he been playing, as well as more probably.


    The idea that Luque 'will burst to life' isn't a certainty. But he's certainly PROVED before that he's capable, unlike Shola, and where the **** is the logic in dropping him because he didn't make an instant impact?


    I'm pleased that Shola is injured, because it's (hopefully) giving a more able player a deserved chance, afterall, Shola had plenty of undeserved ones.


    He has scored a goal every over game under Roeder and got a few assists aswell, what more do you want? Thats pretty good for someone who "wouldnt get into a pub team!"


    Its like being excited that your old Fiesta has broken down because now you can bike the 27 mile round trip to work!


    Now lies to back up your arguments?


    Some i meant other, what is his goal to game ratio under Roeder then?


    Can't be arsed to check. Though I promise it's much poorer than you state.


    Too busy spouting off shit to check the facts huh!?


    Has got 5 from 9/10 this season and scored in the games against West Brom (h), Smogs (a), Spurs (h), Liverpool (h), Bolton (h), Villa (h). Thats 6 goals in 19 games we played and he missed a few of those games through injury etc..


    End of the day he is our top scorer and now and has been since Roeder took over, are you denying this fact?

  21. aah rights. nice of the referee to make it so clear for us all.


    What do you expect him to do?  The Lampard caution wasn't caught on camera, do you expect him to walk up to the commentary boxes to tell them it was actually Lampard?


    ****ing hell.




    Maybe they can run around with those number boards but specially designed ones with letters instead and show the name up of every player who has been booked just so the fans at home and commentators don't get excited!

  22. I couldn't give a **** whether Ameobi's Geordie or not, fact is he's scored lots of goals under Roeder. Luque, on the other hand has looked total shit, and completely uninterested. I'm not sure where you get this idea from that he'll burst into life and start banging them in.


    I don't particularly agree with the way Roeder has treated Luque, but to use that as a way of justifying being happy our current top goalscorer is crocked is mental.


    The fact that he's our top goalscorer tells it's own story when you consider how ****ing toothless we are with him up front ffs. He's part of the ****ing reason that we don't score anymore!


    This whole "Luque has looked disinterested" shit is something I'm not buying either. Everytime I've seen him play he's looked like he's trying. But let's pretend he's not trying cos he doesn't fly into tackles like ****ing Scott Parker.


    Ameobi has scored 'lots' of goals under Roeder is ****ing bullshit. He's scored a few, mainly goals that any other striker would have scored had he been playing, as well as more probably.


    The idea that Luque 'will burst to life' isn't a certainty. But he's certainly PROVED before that he's capable, unlike Shola, and where the **** is the logic in dropping him because he didn't make an instant impact?


    I'm pleased that Shola is injured, because it's (hopefully) giving a more able player a deserved chance, afterall, Shola had plenty of undeserved ones.


    He has scored a goal every over game under Roeder and got a few assists aswell, what more do you want? Thats pretty good for someone who "wouldnt get into a pub team!"


    Its like being excited that your old Fiesta has broken down because now you can bike the 27 mile round trip to work!


    Now lies to back up your arguments?


    Some i meant other, what is his goal to game ratio under Roeder then?

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