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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. 5 mil + some combination of Djourou+Hoyte+Cygan+Lauren+Alladiere etc.=sold


    At least 10 mil if we're going for straight up cash. But I'd rather have players. God knows FFS will just blow the 10 mil on Nugent or something.


    Then again, dare I hope that we could cut a shrewd deal for him and not just hand one of our best prospects to Arsenal on a silver platter?



    Djourou signed a 6 year contract in the summer and Cygan makes our current CB's look competent!


    Cygan doesn't play in Arsenal, he's in Villarreal...


    Another good point  bluelaugh.gif

  2. As much as I think he did a good job for the role he was given and the way he was playing I would have liked to see him chase a few more things down instead of walking around the pitch half the time. I don't expect Parker type harrasment but given the fact the ball wasn't in their half all that much it would have been nice to see him chase a couple of balls down.


    Credit where its due though, he did have some nice touches and in the first half looked to have a little more strength than I thought he had.

  3. 5 mil + some combination of Djourou+Hoyte+Cygan+Lauren+Alladiere etc.=sold


    At least 10 mil if we're going for straight up cash. But I'd rather have players. God knows FFS will just blow the 10 mil on Nugent or something.


    Then again, dare I hope that we could cut a shrewd deal for him and not just hand one of our best prospects to Arsenal on a silver platter?



    Djourou signed a 6 year contract in the summer and Cygan makes our current CB's look competent!

  4. Works hard but his final delivery is consistently crap. The cross for Luque's goal was totally out of character for him. I think he may have the ability, just needs a brain transplant. Perhaps we could get the op done two for the price of one and get Titus done at the same time


    His delivery has been poor for us but was a completely different story for Villa last season.


    A lot of his good performances that I have seen have been down the left unfortunately form him!


    That's exactly what I said earlier in anotherv thread. I'd like to see him play down the left tommorow and stick Duffer down the right


    Also hurts teams to have your wingers crossing over and considering both can do a job in either wing its worth using.

  5. Works hard but his final delivery is consistently crap. The cross for Luque's goal was totally out of character for him. I think he may have the ability, just needs a brain transplant. Perhaps we could get the op done two for the price of one and get Titus done at the same time


    His delivery has been poor for us but was a completely different story for Villa last season.


    A lot of his good performances that I have seen have been down the left unfortunately form him!

  6. I'm not sure anyone rates him to do any of that. The fact is he's scored most of our goals and we can't sign anyone else until January. Therefore him being out is a bad thing.


    Only very, very marginally more bad than him being IN, though.


    Worse is worse.

  7. Anyone else notice when the commentary went completely and you could just about hear a bloke say to another bloke if he was involved in a fight or something? :lol:


    One of those guys was John Barnes


    I did think so, imagine the headlines tomorrow "JOHN BARNES, FOOTBALL HOOLIGAN"  :lol:

  8. first i thought that matt upson would be crap but my fellow toon fans persuaded me he wud be gud. but did'nt roeder say he did'nt want him because of the ammount of injuries he gets. distin is linked with villa and pompey 2


    I'm not sure on whether or not he's injury prone, but he's injured at the moment so Roeder is probably put off by that.


    He has had his fair share of injures!

  9. http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/72336186.jpg?v=1&c=MS_GINS&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19390335F8FA9CA92A6239E781152F3F64A4EF3EA9A178B7582


    Good to see



    He fell over tbh  bluecry.gif

  10. Not watching a 3min comp when i have the goals on WMP, the first one was a clear header, very well taken, the second he beat the defender and it looked to come off his head but even if it did come off the shoulder he still beat the defender got something on the ball and scored a goal!


    This pointless nit picking at every little thing just screams of someone desperate for an excuse to knock a player. Fact is Shola's goals won us that game, I bet you weren't moaning at the time (actually you probably would have prefered a 2-1 defeat rather than shola scoring 2)


    Look at that compilation and tell me I'm nit picking. He's ****ing horrendous.


    Yet our best bet for scoring goals at the moment. I don't know how you can continue to argue against that point!


    And that is why we are in desperate relegation trouble and one of the lowest scorers in the league because he is/was our main threat! The guy is no better than chopra was IMO


    Chopra is being amazingly overhyped at the moment! Probably by the same people who turned their noses up at Earnshaw who I bet will finish the season outscorer Rocky "Pele" Chopra!

  11. Not watching a 3min comp when i have the goals on WMP, the first one was a clear header, very well taken, the second he beat the defender and it looked to come off his head but even if it did come off the shoulder he still beat the defender got something on the ball and scored a goal!


    This pointless nit picking at every little thing just screams of someone desperate for an excuse to knock a player. Fact is Shola's goals won us that game, I bet you weren't moaning at the time (actually you probably would have prefered a 2-1 defeat rather than shola scoring 2)


    Look at that compilation and tell me I'm nit picking. He's ****ing horrendous.


    Yet our best bet for scoring goals at the moment. I don't know how you can continue to argue against that point!

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