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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Dismissed:




    Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has rejected talk linking the club with a move for Tottenham's Aaron Lennon.


    Widespread reports over the weekend suggested Chelsea were lining up a mega-money bid for the England international.


    Lennon has established himself as one of the brightest prospects in England in the last 18 months.


    The former Leeds youngster showed his class in scoring Tottenham's winner against Chelsea on Sunday.


    Despite his impressive showing against Chelsea Mourinho insists he has no plans to try and sign the jet-heeled winger.


    "No, completely not interested," said Mourinho when asked of the Lennon speculation.


    "The boy is good, but we have no interest in buying or changing anything.


    "Our interest is to keep Shaun Wright-Phillips - who was supposedly involved in any deal. No way. It's not true."


  2. He is a great defender,but not as great as Cannavaro and we could use his services.Dont judge him just because his spanish.


    Im not being funny but why do you keep on going on about Cannavaro like we ever had a chance of signing him?


    Thierry Henry is great but I wouldn't keep going on about how we could use his services if we signed a different striker!

  3. Newcastle must accept times have changed


    By Alan Hansen

    Last Updated: 12:26am GMT 06/11/2006

    Having played in Palermo in the Uefa Cup on Thursday night, they could have moved the game back to Sunday, but they decided to take the television money, despite the fact that Sheffield United hadn't played for a week. In my opinion, if it was a choice between three points and the TV money, the points are 100 times more important, but that was Newcastle's decision.


    If I were a betting man, I would still back them to stay up because they will probably just go out and buy another No 9 from somewhere, but if things continue as they are they will face major problems.


    what retards are there at boardroom level in newcastle!!!!


    You really need to ask?

  4. Nah you lot still consider yourself as part of the top 6 sides in the country and no less will do.


    Its just not on for us to expect to beat teams like Charlton (who were as bad as I have seen for a long time!), Sheffield United etc.. at home!


    Its not just the fact we are losing, its the shit like the transfer window just passed, broken promises and a manager who has been showing a complete lack of anything close to tactical knowledge!


    All in all its fair to expect changes, Since Shepherd has been in charge we have had ONE manager who could even come close to being classed as a success! Thats just not good enough!

  5. I hope he comes out and tries to defend himself in the next few days or at least the next time he does an interview they question him on it.


    The whole Rice thing just made me cringe! How old are these people again? Im sure if Wenger could have picked up the ball and gone home with it before FT he would have tried!

  6. If this has been discussed elsewhere please delete/merge.


    What a pathetic showing last night from a fantastic manager, acted like a great big kid and even after he had time to calm down refused to shake Pardew's hand and even Pat Rice looked like he had been told not to and was very uneasy looking when he did!


    Lost a bit of respect for ARSEne, Pardew apologised after which fair play to him for but he really shouldnt have! I would have been very p*ssed off personally and let the media know exactly what I thought but respect to Pardew for trying to do what he thought was the best thing.

  7. Has he got a proven track record for getting teams promoted? If so, hire him!


    Got the sack from a Championship club, trumps Shepherds about to get sacked by a premiership club trick!

  8. less votes in here than the sell poll  blueconfused.gif


    Maybe because both polls give you exactly the same answer so people arent going to bother with both?


    I wholeheartedly disagree


    How do they not?



  9. Not to worry, we've got the sequel.

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back into St James - Disaster Manager II.........


    Not sure about that title, sounds like someone who can manage a disaster which Roeder can't!

  10. they are diametric polls designed to highlight who is rated and who is hated. One poll would not show both extremes.


    I'll edit it though for the challenged people...


    Well they "should" both show the exact same answers anyway!


    Plus im sure every player has "the right price"

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