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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Was that NDiaye playing for Betis yesterday the same one as what played for Derlando? He looked excellent yesterday against Barca.

    Aye, same bloke.


    Was that the one hounded out after less than 90 minutes?

  2. He's not unlucky.


    I've been very critical of the lad for quite a while now but I think he did a lot better with the chances he had than he has previously. He forced some good saves rather than making it difficult not to save which he has done in the past.

  3. These cheating c***s not been punished appropriately yet ?


    We've been fined. Months ago. For a clerical error.


    Has Poyet expressed his opinion on it yet?  :whistle:


    Something along the lines of 'I can't believe we weren't docked points' I think



  4. These cheating c***s not been punished appropriately yet ?


    We've been fined. Months ago. For a clerical error.


    Has Poyet expressed his opinion on it yet?  :whistle:

  5. Just seen Gosling over HBA :lol: couldn't be arsed to even comment when people mentioned it before as it was too ridiculous.


    So glad we are safe and I know we have no ambition because I can laugh at this stuff.

  6. I don't think that Pardew has managed him reasonably well at all.


    He was for a while imo but now it has gone from "Ahh look at Fred West getting up in the middle of the night to soothe his crying child" to "Buried in the fucking garden!?".

    I'm guessing you mean when he wasn't playing him during the season we finished 5th? Obviously cannot be arsed to reignite that debate but surely after another year of the same shit it's pretty clear what was going on back then, and it wasn't Pardew trying to ease Hatem back in gently, he just flat out didn't want to play him.



  7. I don't think that Pardew has managed him reasonably well at all.


    He was for a while imo but now it has gone from "Ahh look at Fred West getting up in the middle of the night to soothe his crying child" to "Buried in the fucking garden!?".

  8. The Tevez/Mascherano stuff is just nonsense to me. For one Mascherano was made for Pardew's cowardly defensive tactics, secondly they wouldn't be the first players who took a while to settle into a new league especially at that age. Half a season of settling in makes sense with some players, even Debuchy a French international right back at 26/27 took that time to adapt so I don't know how any Newcastle fan can still bang that tired old drum.


    That said the Ben Arfa situation is absolutely ridiculous. I don't rate him as highly as some but there is no way he shouldn't be playing. I have no doubt he can be difficult, he seems to have been even from youth level but with the creativity we have in this squad now (not to mention Remy missing) it is moronic he isn't starting every game even if he doesn't perform a miracle in every one.


    Agree on both counts. The Tevez/Masch thing doesn't mean anything IMO.


    On Ben Arfa, it's a mystery to me. Pardew has managed him reasonably well in the past, no idea why he's suddenly such a problem. Surely Pardew's whole philosophy depends on a match winner to play ahead of his solid, hard working unit? On theory he should want to utilise Ben Arfa to put the finishing touch onto his system.


    I know Ben Arfa is a complex person and it can't be denied that his personality and approach might be part of the problem as well. Basically nobody knows, but it's fucking annoying he isn't playing all the time.


    Pardew can't help fucking about with things, HBA was playing on the right, tracking back and still playing some brilliant football then Pardew decided to change things up. Suddenly HBA wasn't doing what he was before and somehow got the blame.




    You're ignoring his track record at West Ham with Mascherano and Tevez then? I'm sure there are convenient excuses for that too that he's trotted out which people will buy into. Those two players kept them  up once this fool was sacked.


    Tevez was definitely a player he should have been playing.


    But even at Liverpool it took Mascherano quite a while before he looked like a Premier League player. He was right to use him sparingly.


    :lol: nah man, not when you're  west ham and you're looking like you'll be relegated


    Wasn't that long ago Simpson was better than Debuchy on here :lol:

  10. The Tevez/Mascherano stuff is just nonsense to me. For one Mascherano was made for Pardew's cowardly defensive tactics, secondly they wouldn't be the first players who took a while to settle into a new league especially at that age. Half a season of settling in makes sense with some players, even Debuchy a French international right back at 26/27 took that time to adapt so I don't know how any Newcastle fan can still bang that tired old drum.


    That said the Ben Arfa situation is absolutely ridiculous. I don't rate him as highly as some but there is no way he shouldn't be playing. I have no doubt he can be difficult, he seems to have been even from youth level but with the creativity we have in this squad now (not to mention Remy missing) it is moronic he isn't starting every game even if he doesn't perform a miracle in every one.

  11. Linked with Everton in the Telegraph


    A damning indictment of how much we suck now.


    A news paper story that's 99% certain to be total bull is a damning indictment?, this forum man :lol:


    and Everton are some tinpot club :lol:

  12. http://i62.tinypic.com/2n8pvut.png


    Matt Le Tissier




    Richard Taylor (CH5 - It Takes A Thief To Catch A Thief)


    Who gives a f*** if he celebrated? Am sure there was no noise from the crowd about him at all to prompt it  :rolleyes:


    Some people are too childish to accept a decent back up considerably better than our current ones, i am sure Ashley will come through for you though and sign some to your liking to fill the squad out :thup:


    Yeah it's mega childish to not want average Mackem players on our books, behave man.


    :lol: if he's Ronaldo I don't, but it's jack f***ing colback. Have a look through the thread in RTG and they can't wait to bin him off. He's turgid, often goes missing and basically offers nothing.


    Would much rather see bigi play, abeid back. Colback FFS :lol:


    He's better than those you mention. He tends to keep it simple but I wouldn't say he goes missing just doesn't catch the eye very much. I reckon he'd look much better playing more advanced.


    Have you honestly seen enough of either to be so certain of that? Fair play if you have, you must have seen more of them than me :lol:

  14. He was a massive nob well before Ashley arrived. If rumours are to be believed anyway.


    I've heard this as well.  He had that court case that James Beaumont and Ross Gardner took against him in 2002.


    Its scary that was 12 years ago!

  15. Ronaldos right tbh, the majority of Barton's time here was a waste. He had a short spell where he managed to find Carroll in and around the box but that was about it.

  16. A fit Carroll can be absolutely deadly.  Shearer, Les, Drogba, CRonaldo.. there's not that many strikers that you could say has the potential to match them in the air but he is one.


    His aerial ability alone would earn us more points than Shola has in his entire career.


    I don't know what it is about the long haired freak, but I can't help but feel happy when he's doing well, even after he tried to con us playing for Pool.  Remember begrudgingly grinning like a cheshire when he scored at Wembley for England.


    I'm absolutley convinced he hasn't once tried to score a goal against us b/c he clearly doesn't want to.


    I know he's a bit of a partier, but everything I've heard is that he's a cracking lad. I do get a rush of pride seeing him bully defenders man - the way he attacks headers is a work of art as well.


    Still bit pissed Nolan and Carroll are gone - esp Nolan. Top leader man.


    I would have had a lot more respect for him if he scored and just didn't celebrate like a dick. He tried to get a player sent off and they probably still would have scored if the ref fell for it.


    If he really didn't want to score he should have just pretended to try and smash it in an hoof it way over the bar/wide.


    He chose the worst option possible and knew exactly what he was doing. That'll never sit right with me.

  17. Sticking around where you're emphatically told you're not wanted always works out well.


    He'd just signed a 5.5 year contract worth over £10m, what were the club going to do? Stick their best forward in the reserves and let him run the contract down? :lol:


    Fuck knas with that lot, they were mad-keen to get their 35 million quid and everything we know about them implies they're a nasty, horrible set of cunts.


    Not saying he didn't do well out of it, money-wise.


    I have no doubt Ashley spunked for a week solid when that offer came in but Carroll had a choice.

  18. Remy not wanting to play for us is the key difference.


    We're talking about the lad who fucked off at the first chance :lol:


    Whether that's accurate or not, it's irrelevant because we both know who'd far rather be up front for us next season.


    Do we? If we match Carroll's wages then he probably would prefer to play for us. Carroll would need to prove his fitness to be worth those wages though which he hasn't got time to do.

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