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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I'd agree with the sentiment behind that reply, but to use Goma (£3.5m) and Cort (£2m) as examples of 'not even fringe players' but then include Ambrose in the list of players bought is not really fair. Read it again mate. I'm not using Cort and Goma as 'fringe' players. "The only other fees I can find record of was £150,000 for Stuart Green and £150,000 for David Beharall when they left the club. Nobody else left for a fee during that time." The sales of Cort and Goma were the start and end of that period, they were the significant sales before and after we entered a long period of bringing in a lot of players.
  2. Hate to say this, but I understand what the boiler is on about, can't be arsed to vote though.
  3. Question from Mick, my full reply below" Post #155 <snip> For 32 months from March 2001 through to Jan 2004 the only players who left the club were fringe players, many new players were brought in to boost the team and also to boost the squad. In fact, the players who departed weren’t even fringe players imo. There was an incoming transfer fee in March 2001 of £3.5m for Goma, the next significant incoming transfer fee was £2m for Cort in Jan 2004. The only other fees I can find record of was £150,000 for Stuart Green and £150,000 for David Beharall when they left the club. Nobody else left for a fee during that time. During that same time period ~£45m was spent on the following players: O’Brien, Bellamy, Robert, Distin (loan fee), Jenas, Viana, Bramble, Woodgate and Ambrose. Bowyer also joined the club a few months later for nowt. These 10 players all draw wages, of course, increasing the wages/turnover ratio etc. I make that a deficit of £43.7 million in 32 months, but this propelled the club into achieving those 3 top 5 finishes, positions where many of you claim we belong although we actually don't, it has to be earned. I think this expenditure was well controlled, proven by the consolidation period of summer 2003. Don't forget that Woodgate, Ambrose and Bowyer all signed earlier that year, those signings could have been left to the summer to keep some of you happy, but they were brought in sooner for the greater benefit of the team, rather than later to satisfy the desire of some to sign a big name every summer. <snip> Wouldn't it be good if others would debate? Remember, we don't have to agree, just give it a shot at disputing this information without spit and bile. Given this expenditure tell me why the club is automatically slated for not bringing in more players in summer 2003, perhaps it really was a time for prudence, a time for consolidation. Think about that against the recent beating up of the Board regarding the latest financial report. The source for this info was nufc.com, if it's incorrect then I'm happy to be told about it.
  4. bluelaugh.gif Bump Question Repeated
  5. Bloody strange then that on matchday the majority on here name them as a pair in their favoured XI.
  6. You think identifying Fat Fred as the architect of our club's slow demise is "anti-Newcastle shite"? And you expect me to take you seriously? When you make a statement and someone replies with a comment backed up with solid fact I expect you to be adult enough to take part in a debate. I realise your anti-Newcastle stance makes it difficult for you to answer the question, being as how to answer it truthfully would show your previous comment to be total bollocks.
  7. I can't see any evidence that the absence of the Halls would mean FF would make better decisions, though there are undoubtedly goings-on at the club that we don't know about. Aye, but it doesn't stop you trying to make out you know everything that's going on, like. The reality is you don't know squat.
  8. I was right, you're definitely confusing me with Leazes the Parrot. Having problems answering the question I asked you, mate? Nope. And we know why. Zero credibility. bluesleep.gif http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,31684.msg611878.html#msg611878 You made a post, I made a reply, like in a debate. Take part by trying to intelligently back up your comment, or take your moaning anti-Newcastle shite elsewhere is my advice.
  9. Was going to say the same thing. Once a bandwagon jumper always a bandwagon jumper eh..... It's losers like you posting shite like that who drag the forum down and turn it almost into a waste of space. Just jumping on your bandwagon, mate. Oh, I see, you were talking about yourself. Sorry, "mate". gay.gif When do you start on about your obsession?
  10. I was right, you're definitely confusing me with Leazes the Parrot. Having problems answering the question I asked you, mate? Nope. And we know why. Zero credibility.
  11. I was right, you're definitely confusing me with Leazes the Parrot. Having problems answering the question I asked you, mate?
  12. Was going to say the same thing. Once a bandwagon jumper always a bandwagon jumper eh..... It's losers like you posting shite like that who drag the forum down and turn it almost into a waste of space. Just jumping on your bandwagon, mate. Try debating, try answering some questions instead of spouting shite and you'll be taken more seriously. I know it's difficult, since you don't have an original football related opinion in your head, like.
  13. Was going to say the same thing. Once a bandwagon jumper always a bandwagon jumper eh.....
  14. Having problems answering the question I asked you, mate? Fat Fred Fan Club? You obviously don't understand the link in my sig' either, assuming you've bothered to read and try to understand it. It seems you're childishly attempting to misrepresent my opinion on the basis you don't have the intelligence to debate and answer my question. Good one. It's losers like you posting shite like that who drag the forum down and turn it almost into a waste of space.
  15. Question posted earlier for OM Just in case you missed it while spitting bile.....
  16. You very much doubt it? After finishing 7th in the Premiership we attract a Man City reserve on a free, a Rangers regect after the transfer window has closed and a Man U kid on loan and you doubt it. You need a reality check. fail to mention £10mil on Martins and £5mil on Duff. They don't count. Didn't you realise?
  17. I'm only going to address one point in your post, as it's not directed toward me. The point about not buying in summer 2003 has been brought up LOADS of times and I've responded to it LOADS of times, I may be wrong but I think you've posted this comment before and I've replied to you before. You could have the decency to at least make an effort to address my response to your comment. Here it is again... <snip> This has already been done to death. The facts show the club speculated to move from the Gullit mediocrity to a CL qualifying place by spending nearly £50m quid net in the 32 months prior to summer 2003, it's also a fact the club lashed out millions in January 2003 on Woodgate, something that is always ignored by those who babble on about summer 2003. From Jan 2001 ( ish ) through to summer 2003 the wage bill increased massively as well because we'd speculated by bringing in nearly a dozen players in 32 months under Robson, with only 2 reserve players leaving the club for very small fees. <snip> Thanks in advance Where does this net figure of £50 million in 32 months come from? I've just added up the figures which came to £38.2 million and that included Woodgate. nufc.com. Just add up the players in and subtract the players out. It's not difficult. It comes to about £45m. I posted it in more detail elsewhere, so it's on the forum in a post buried someplace. Hope that helps.
  18. So what is it to be? You appear to agree with macbeth and mick most of the time when they beat up the Board over poor financial management. Has it not crossed your mind that the amount spent in transfer fees in the previous 32 months, added to the fact the squad was now much larger causing an increase in the wage bill, might have resulted in it being necessary at that time to consolidate for a year or so? We did bring in 3 players in 2003, 2 of them very good quality, proven PL players. We don't have to agree and that's ok, there is no consistency to your points, just moaning on and on and on and on........
  19. I'm only going to address one point in your post, as it's not directed toward me. The point about not buying in summer 2003 has been brought up LOADS of times and I've responded to it LOADS of times, I may be wrong but I think you've posted this comment before and I've replied to you before. You could have the decency to at least make an effort to address my response to your comment. Here it is again... <snip> This has already been done to death. The facts show the club speculated to move from the Gullit mediocrity to a CL qualifying place by spending nearly £50m quid net in the 32 months prior to summer 2003, it's also a fact the club lashed out millions in January 2003 on Woodgate, something that is always ignored by those who babble on about summer 2003. From Jan 2001 ( ish ) through to summer 2003 the wage bill increased massively as well because we'd speculated by bringing in nearly a dozen players in 32 months under Robson, with only 2 reserve players leaving the club for very small fees. <snip> Thanks in advance
  20. That's probably the best draw we could get if we want to win the thing. Better to play them at home now than either in the final or the semi.
  21. I'll be surprised if we get anything from this match.
  22. I don't recall anyone saying signing players like Owen is what only shit clubs do. The signing of Owen was great for the club but so far its failed spectacularly, his injuries are just plain bad luck and nobody without the benefit of hindsight could have predicted what happened next, people talk about his signing as 'putting all our eggs in one basket' but that wasn't really the case as we bought Luque only days earlier, a signing that really does seem bizarre looking back at things. I think people question the wisdom of signing him now because of the financial loss that was announced, that could have been avoided though by not signing Luque. Again, that's me looking back in hindsight. Well Souness apparently signed a proper player for the left side when he signed Luque. One of the problems has been that the player he booted out was our most creative player, disliked because he didn't do twirls and/or run around like a headless chicken. Luque of course does neither of these things, in fact he does very little so yes, very bizarre. I recall people being excited about that one though, at the time many wanted rid of Robert so not many were complaining.
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