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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Eh? Think he's refering to the arsenal goal.. ...what about the reward? That's what I'm on about.
  2. You beat me to it, Alex. Listing those players shows quite clearly that the bloke has no grasp of the team concept.
  3. No, but how many decent, experienced players does he actually have to choose from? he's got a whole countries worth. a country which had very high hopes of wining the last world cup and next years euro tournament. so, enough. You forgot to mention that the very high hopes were due to media hype and that the players are vastly over-rated..... robinson, cole, ferdinand, terry, neville, gerrard, cole, lampard, beckham, rooney and owen. that team could have won the world cup if managed correctly. greece won euro 2004 with significantly less. How easy it is to fall into the trap of believing the media hype. After saying that, it's not media hype that should tell you that what matters is the TEAM. That's common sense.
  4. Not quite. A manager is still governed by the attributes of the players who have sufficient quality to compete at international level. For example, if it was me I may prefer England to play with loads of width in a 4-4-2 by using outright touchline hugging wingers and 2 holding players....but we don't have players of sufficient quality so I'd be forced into the selection of players more able to play a narrower 4-4-2. I may prefer a 4-4-2 with one of the strikers of a Beardsley or Sheringham type, who dropped deep and linked play, but if we don't have this type of player I might be forced into a Shearer/Ferdinand type of thing and an entirely different way of playing. I may want to play 3 at the back and if I had the right players I could do it, if I don't have the right players then I can't do it because you can't force square pegs into round holes. You must adapt the system you want to play and use players to their strengths. Just because someone may be the manager of a national team doesn't mean the players are there for all of these ways of playing. I'd suggest 3 at the back as a classic example for England. So he's right of course. so from a whole countries worth a talent you couldnt find the one or 2 players needed to make your system complete? not buying that at all. That's the gist of it, yes. Can't say I'm fussed what you're buying or not buying, tbh.
  5. But they participate in teams packed with foreigners.
  6. No, but how many decent, experienced players does he actually have to choose from? he's got a whole countries worth. a country which had very high hopes of wining the last world cup and next years euro tournament. so, enough. You forgot to mention that the very high hopes were due to media hype and that the players are vastly over-rated..... I don't know anybody (any England fan) who believed England had a hope in hell of winning the World Cup and everyone I knew thought the Euro qualifying group wouldn't be the walk in the park the media seemed to believe.
  7. Errr.... Fully fit. Different manager. Different tactics. Different team-mates. Any number of obvious reasons, really.
  8. Not quite. A manager is still governed by the attributes of the players who have sufficient quality to compete at international level. For example, if it was me I may prefer England to play with loads of width in a 4-4-2 by using outright touchline hugging wingers and 2 holding players....but we don't have players of sufficient quality so I'd be forced into the selection of players more able to play a narrower 4-4-2. I may prefer a 4-4-2 with one of the strikers of a Beardsley or Sheringham type, who dropped deep and linked play, but if we don't have this type of player I might be forced into a Shearer/Ferdinand type of thing and an entirely different way of playing. I may want to play 3 at the back and if I had the right players I could do it, if I don't have the right players then I can't do it because you can't force square pegs into round holes. You must adapt the system you want to play and use players to their strengths. Just because someone may be the manager of a national team doesn't mean the players are there for all of these ways of playing. I'd suggest 3 at the back as a classic example for England. So he's right of course.
  9. Duff isn't past it. He's been injured, you know. He's been injured on and off for that long it's impossible to say what he's like now. I can't see it having made him any better though. I agree with that bit. Glad you can see that yourself. How can you say for certain that he's not past it then? I'm basing this on his woeful performances in our colours up to this injury. It'd be great if he comes back and plays as well as his Blackburn days, and I appreciate him coming back gives us options, but I just can't see it happening. Quite obviously, I can't. The same as people can't say he's over the hill. What I do know is that on his ability pre-injury he's a damn sight better than Milner so if he comes back and is just as good as Milner I'll be gutted, because it'll mean we've lost something from the team and squad.
  10. Duff isn't past it. He's been injured, you know. He's been injured on and off for that long it's impossible to say what he's like now. I can't see it having made him any better though. I agree with that bit. Glad you can see that yourself.
  11. Both sensible. Well maybe Ashley can have a word with Blatter about the 4-4-3 just in time for the game? Agree with the line ups in principle. Smith should NEVER EVER play in midfield again!! Good spot. Glad it was just the title though.
  12. Duff isn't past it. He's been injured, you know.
  13. Aye. I would. The toss-up would be Cacapa or Taylor. I'd pick Rozenhal every game. He'll have some dodgy moments as he adjusts to the league, but he looks a good player to me and I have patience with players like him.
  14. Depending who's fit of course.... 4-4-2 Given Beye Taylor Rozenhal Enrique Milner Faye Barton Zog Martins Smith 4-4-3 Given Beye Taylor Rozenhal Enrique Barton Faye Emre Martins Smith Zog
  15. Whats so "funny"? I dont understand, me and you truly are on different wavelengths, i genuinely cannot understand where you're coming from no matter how hard i try. That's because you don't understand much at all. Just keep the laughs coming...
  16. Gay jibe? Ok, you don't get it so I'll give up and won't bother attempting a joke with the likes of you again. Run along now .....
  17. He has ability, far more than Milner. So it's worth giving him the chance to prove whatever it is you think he has to prove.
  18. i've seen little to suggest that n'zogbia will be much of an improvement on milner. we'd be going back to 2005/6 to see any form in that position. compare that with what brummie would say about milner's time at villa ? Duff's hasn't done anything to warrant a place over Milner or Zog yet either. If we signed Drogba I wouldn't be surprised if you blurted out he's done nowt yet to deserve a place ahead of Smith or Viduka. Duff is a better footballer than Milner. It's as simple as that and I'm not a great supporter of Duff, as anyone who remembers back to Robert might recall. I've always seen Duff as a player who blows hot and cold but he's still better than Milner. Again, for those sensitive types like someone yesterday, this is just my opinion. I hope people don't get upset about me disagreeing with them about Milner.
  19. i've seen little to suggest that n'zogbia will be much of an improvement on milner. we'd be going back to 2005/6 to see any form in that position. compare that with what brummie would say about milner's time at villa ? Madras, Sorry mate but I frankly don't give a damn what some brummie person would say about Milner playing for a different club. Zog is a much better player than Milner right now and also has the potential to improve to a greater level than Milner will ever reach. Imo.
  20. Does he live near you, Dave? Huh? He seems to like the blokes and you are a bloke, aren't you?
  21. I can't believe how blind some can be. Why do some people have their favourites and then can't get the head out of their arse? I have no favourites, just the TEAM. This is a repeat of the Parker and Jenas thing all over again. Both fantastic individual players according to some, because they "liked them." Parker and Emre, a great combination according to some, because they "liked them" for some odd reason. Even Ameobi, reckoned by people on here to be international class 'cos when he scored a couple of goals in Europe and they "liked him." The overall game of James Milner is average. Very average. When Duff is fit the two wide players should be Zog and Duff with Milner as backup, we will have a better first XI in that situation than we do right now.
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