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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Why the differentiation between owner and chairman ie SJH and FS ? Same major shareholder during all of this time - AND - as we have said before, Shepherd, Fletcher and Hall Jnr appointed Keegan, NOT Sir john Hall, so you shouldn't give him the credit for it. Also, you couldn't get a better track record than Dalglish at the time, but you are right to point out our first FA Cup Final in 24 years. I still say the club should go for europe this season, I can't see why they put it off. He would look at the money spent as money to take control of the club, as an investment. And so the ambition starts from now. Or not, as the case may be. FS was not a major shareholder prior to becoming a PLC and Chairman, he was a Director of the board lead by the owner Sir John Hall who appointed FS as Chairman of the PLC board, it was FS who appointed himself as Chairman. Ashley is the owner of NUFC and Mort is the Chairman, appointed by Ashley. FS didn't appoint KK either, they recommended him to the owner Sir John Hall who eventually appointed him on their backing so yes the credit for appointing him is Sir John Hall's. FS and co get the credit for advocating KK as a possible NUFC manager not for actually appointing him. Anyway the whole point of my post was that you can't compare the current owner and chairman to the previous lot until they've had more than 6 months at the club. If people do want to compare then I think Ashley putting in over £200m of his own cash and in doing so virtually wiping out the debt is on a par with what Sir John Hall did to save the club from going bankrupt while FS as Chairman in his first season didn't spend a much as Mort has in his nor will Mort oversee a club from 2nd in the table to 13th. In short they are up on the previous mob 6 months in. Not that I care personally, I'm taking a long term view of things and will wait and see what happens before judging anyone. So far though I have been very impressed by the new guys and the club is going in the right direction for once, as opposed to the wrong direction which is where we were heading before some bloke dipped into his pockets and pulled out over 200 million quid, in doing so making FS and Co very rich men despite him never having put a penny of his own money into the club, unlike Mr Ashley who we should all be grateful to at this moment in time. Debt free almost? That's better than any Michael Owen signing... Sorry to say this, mate. Once again you let yourself down and I have to wonder at your motivation. I generally don't bother responding to your posts now due to the misrepresentation they are filled with nowadays. I'm not sure you deliberately lie so it looks like you've somehow convinced yourself that you are posting the truth, despite their being much incorrect comment in your post. The paragraph I highlighted in bold is an absolute classic that indicates your reluctance to offer credit where it's due, doing yourself no credit in return. The bit you bolded is absolutely correct and factual so what are your talking about? I did give credit too, I gave FS and Co credit for advocating KK. Re-read it! You are being completely and deliberately negative in your interpretation of events. It is quite clear that had the decision being discussed here been solely down to SJH we would never have seen Keegan appointed as manager of Newcastle United. Therefore, it is churlish in the extreme to award credit to SJH for this appointment, you're motivation is clearly a pathetic attempt to avoid giving credit to FS for anything. It's been making me laugh this evening that people are praising Mort for banging on about signing young players when this is exactly the policy the club had under the hated FS and Robson. We even talked about this policy on the forum at the time and wondered if it would blow up due to the youth and immaturity of the players. I doubt you've forgotten, although you don't really want to remember so perhaps it's gone. I think the appointment of Souness has totally twisted your understanding of the football club and has blinded you. I'm sad for you, mate. You can have the last word because that's mine. I can't be arsed with bitter and twisted people and you've joined that group for reasons known only to yourself.
  2. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been s*** for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud Where was the, "na na ni na na....." I'm sure it would fit in well after your hissy bit in bold. If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today. i dont like the beatles, i've never disputed that there's been harder times, ever, irrelevant No, the past is not irrelevant, it never is on any subject. The past provides lessons and information which only the arrogant ignore. Cheers maybe i should have clarified, i felt that what you were saying was irrelevant, not the past as a whole the fact that you and NE5 are questioning the new boards intentions and where it will take us, and yet tell us at the same time that we should ignore/forgive shepherd and co taking us backwards over the last few years because we have been worse off before is a contradiction so glaringly obvious its almost amusing haha, and you called me arrogant then ended your post with 'cheers', hahahahaha, mint So it's a fact I'm questioning the intentions of the board? Good one. I don't think I've made a comment about these remarks from Mort but don't let the truth get in the way. in which case i apologise, i didnt take the time to re-read the thread before posting that comment and thought that was your line of thinking due to what you were saying about the past etc I was picking up on your apparent disregard of the past as unimportant when in fact the opposite is true. In everything.
  3. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been shit for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today. Oh no. Not that old chestnut. not like you to jump in, out of your depth again Not sure what about that post makes me look out of depth. I'll admit to getting involved in these circle discussions before and it wasn't really worth it so I'll refrain from properly getting involved this time round. Where is Baggio nowadays by the way? Probably sitting nice and cosy right next to you....
  4. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been s*** for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud Where was the, "na na ni na na....." I'm sure it would fit in well after your hissy bit in bold. If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today. i dont like the beatles, i've never disputed that there's been harder times, ever, irrelevant No, the past is not irrelevant, it never is on any subject. The past provides lessons and information which only the arrogant ignore. Cheers maybe i should have clarified, i felt that what you were saying was irrelevant, not the past as a whole the fact that you and NE5 are questioning the new boards intentions and where it will take us, and yet tell us at the same time that we should ignore/forgive shepherd and co taking us backwards over the last few years because we have been worse off before is a contradiction so glaringly obvious its almost amusing haha, and you called me arrogant then ended your post with 'cheers', hahahahaha, mint So it's a fact I'm questioning the intentions of the board? Good one. I don't think I've made a comment about these remarks from Mort but don't let the truth get in the way.
  5. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been s*** for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud Where was the, "na na ni na na....." I'm sure it would fit in well after your hissy bit in bold. If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today. i dont like the beatles, i've never disputed that there's been harder times, ever, irrelevant Exactly, noone is doubting the past of this club, but again, why is that relevant to the modern times, world history is littered with darker times, but you cant go through life justifying present life in context to how bad it was. This concept applies to all forms of life, there will always be worse times, be a a countries history, or a governemnt, but people dont go through life, comparing the modern fallacies of these governments and countries with the ones that occured in the past. Can you imagine a Black person complaining about the Governemnts treatment of the New Orleans disaster and being rebutted by being told "you should be glad, it was worse worse in the past for you folk" Thats basically the crux of your argument. "vYou should of been here during the McKeag days..." What you have described above is not even close to what people are on about. Having made your misinterpretation you won't be able to grasp what is really being said and no amount of posts trying to explain is going to make any difference to you. You do not understand what is being posted. So goodnight.
  6. Why the differentiation between owner and chairman ie SJH and FS ? Same major shareholder during all of this time - AND - as we have said before, Shepherd, Fletcher and Hall Jnr appointed Keegan, NOT Sir john Hall, so you shouldn't give him the credit for it. Also, you couldn't get a better track record than Dalglish at the time, but you are right to point out our first FA Cup Final in 24 years. I still say the club should go for europe this season, I can't see why they put it off. He would look at the money spent as money to take control of the club, as an investment. And so the ambition starts from now. Or not, as the case may be. FS was not a major shareholder prior to becoming a PLC and Chairman, he was a Director of the board lead by the owner Sir John Hall who appointed FS as Chairman of the PLC board, it was FS who appointed himself as Chairman. Ashley is the owner of NUFC and Mort is the Chairman, appointed by Ashley. FS didn't appoint KK either, they recommended him to the owner Sir John Hall who eventually appointed him on their backing so yes the credit for appointing him is Sir John Hall's. FS and co get the credit for advocating KK as a possible NUFC manager not for actually appointing him. Anyway the whole point of my post was that you can't compare the current owner and chairman to the previous lot until they've had more than 6 months at the club. If people do want to compare then I think Ashley putting in over £200m of his own cash and in doing so virtually wiping out the debt is on a par with what Sir John Hall did to save the club from going bankrupt while FS as Chairman in his first season didn't spend a much as Mort has in his nor will Mort oversee a club from 2nd in the table to 13th. In short they are up on the previous mob 6 months in. Not that I care personally, I'm taking a long term view of things and will wait and see what happens before judging anyone. So far though I have been very impressed by the new guys and the club is going in the right direction for once, as opposed to the wrong direction which is where we were heading before some bloke dipped into his pockets and pulled out over 200 million quid, in doing so making FS and Co very rich men despite him never having put a penny of his own money into the club, unlike Mr Ashley who we should all be grateful to at this moment in time. Debt free almost? That's better than any Michael Owen signing... Sorry to say this, mate. Once again you let yourself down and I have to wonder at your motivation. I generally don't bother responding to your posts now due to the misrepresentation they are filled with nowadays. I'm not sure you deliberately lie so it looks like you've somehow convinced yourself that you are posting the truth, despite their being much incorrect comment in your post. The paragraph I highlighted in bold is an absolute classic that indicates your reluctance to offer credit where it's due, doing yourself no credit in return.
  7. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been s*** for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud Where was the, "na na ni na na....." I'm sure it would fit in well after your hissy bit in bold. If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today. i dont like the beatles, i've never disputed that there's been harder times, ever, irrelevant No, the past is not irrelevant, it never is on any subject. The past provides lessons and information which only the arrogant ignore. Cheers
  8. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years. oh you're joining in are you? i wasnt beamed into the planet 2 years ago, i have a decent understanding of our history, i still think we've been shit for the last few years, i was simply saying i dont have to take his word for it because he tends to get a bit preachy if you dont nip it in the bud Where was the, "na na ni na na....." I'm sure it would fit in well after your hissy bit in bold. If you have any understanding of the history of the club you'll know that as poor as the last few seasons have been there have been far, far worse in the memory of MANY supporters who still go to matches today.
  9. Well said that man......!!!!!! It doesn't take a genius to work this out, but sometimes you have to wonder, given how difficult this seems for some people.
  10. I take it you haven't read Morts comments about spendign in January [/astonished] You must be someone else who can't accept bare facts laid out in front of you, when they don't suit your opinions ? Basically, if the club don't act to fill glaring hole in the team, and say they won't act, what conclusion do you draw ? We haven't been s*** for years either BTW. I thought you were one of the better posters, until you said that. yeah, i've seen his comments, it made sense to me, i'm giving him a clean slate so i'll wait until the end of the season to make my judgement on how their first season in charge went, given the circumstances bare facts? we're specualting over what the club MIGHT do in january, there are no facts yet, and facts change my opinions, so, eh, what? i'm not sure if its a break down in communication but as far as i'm aware by saying years that can class as 2 years at the least, and i feel pretty assured that we've been s*** for at least two years, i dont really mind what you think of me well, I suppose if you've followed the club for 5 or 6 years, then the last 2 years could seem a long time. And if you've only supported the club since 1992, then the last few years have been comparitively not too good. But if you've supported the club longer than that, they have been a long way short of s***, and for that, you'll have to take my word for it. no i wont, there are many other sources of information, i dont have to take your word for anything, you've never said anything thats changed my views, as i'm sure i've never said anything thats changed yours, might aswell just pack it in Aye, and other sources of information will confirm that we have been a damn sight worse in previous decades than in the last couple of years.
  11. If you read what he is typing, you would realise he is not really arsed about Jan or summer, he is more bothered signing players that are better than the current players. Which once we take out some of the crap in your posts is exactly the same thing your saying. OH MY GOD, well if you read any of my f****** posts you'll realises im talking about the Jan period, do you know why? Becasuse its directly related to Morts quotes. I>E THIS WHOLE THREAD. You have to be an amazing spin doctor to be able to attribue those quotes to anything other than this immediate transfer window. AND for the 20th time, i ve openly agreed with NE5 and others that we should adress the weaknesses in our squad, ie the signing of Woodgate etc, but i dont think we should be filling the squad at this time. Seriously, some people are so stupid, ive tried to include as much generic detail, addressing as many issues as i can but it seems many people struggle at the first f****** step. Directively? What the hell is that? And what's with the gobbing off and bad language? It seems you're losing your cool, sunshine. I suggest you go and have a can of pop, or something. Grow up mate, and respond to the post. Not much point. From what I'm reading you're on automatic misinterpretation of everything put in front of you..... Go take a walk and come back later. Well said mate, really stepped up there didnt you "sunshine"! Talk about irony. Im talking about morts quotes relevant to the coming jan period, the rest aren,t yet im the one whose misinterpreting everything. Please,nforgive me for coming into a thread about Mort and his views about the coming trasfer period, are daring to talk about the relevant article. i.e Mort and the Janurary trasfer period. I agree.
  12. He's never been a goalscorer even when used up-front at Leeds so don't see why that will change. With Owen up-front I think he can get away with it, a la Heskey, but with Martins, neither are natural goalscorers. I know Martins has 7 but he's not a like Owen in that when you get one chance fall to you in the box, you're confident he'll score it. I think he chipped in with a decent number of goals when he was a young player at Leeds and given decent service. He can do that again. It's about creativity in the team and his own confidence in front of goal. It doesn't happen overnight. blueyes.gif Smith can be a very useful player to us because of the attributes that he possesses(a bit of pace, aggression, passion, some holding up ability, a 'defending from the front' attitude amongst a few other useful things). Though he's never going to be a star, he can certainly help other players like Zoggy, Emre and Owen shine. He just needs to be more consistent and needs some help from Allardyce as well. Yup, that's it, really.
  13. Couldn´t have put it better myself (God knows I tried.. ) mackems.gif You've been posting something entirely different to Apisith..... Maybe you should learn to read.. Hmm, what a terrible thing to suggest. "it's quite pityful you need to resort to abuse again.."
  14. If you read what he is typing, you would realise he is not really arsed about Jan or summer, he is more bothered signing players that are better than the current players. Which once we take out some of the crap in your posts is exactly the same thing your saying. OH MY GOD, well if you read any of my f****** posts you'll realises im talking about the Jan period, do you know why? Becasuse its directly related to Morts quotes. I>E THIS WHOLE THREAD. You have to be an amazing spin doctor to be able to attribue those quotes to anything other than this immediate transfer window. AND for the 20th time, i ve openly agreed with NE5 and others that we should adress the weaknesses in our squad, ie the signing of Woodgate etc, but i dont think we should be filling the squad at this time. Seriously, some people are so stupid, ive tried to include as much generic detail, addressing as many issues as i can but it seems many people struggle at the first f****** step. Directively? What the hell is that? And what's with the gobbing off and bad language? It seems you're losing your cool, sunshine. I suggest you go and have a can of pop, or something. Grow up mate, and respond to the post. Not much point. From what I'm reading you're on automatic misinterpretation of everything put in front of you..... Go take a walk and come back later.
  15. He's never been a goalscorer even when used up-front at Leeds so don't see why that will change. With Owen up-front I think he can get away with it, a la Heskey, but with Martins, neither are natural goalscorers. I know Martins has 7 but he's not a like Owen in that when you get one chance fall to you in the box, you're confident he'll score it. I think he chipped in with a decent number of goals when he was a young player at Leeds and given decent service. He can do that again. It's about creativity in the team and his own confidence in front of goal, as said by Apisith and is something else you haven't said. It doesn't happen overnight.
  16. Couldn´t have put it better myself (God knows I tried.. ) mackems.gif You've been posting something entirely different to Apisith.....
  17. You present your opinion as if it were a fact. I think it´s complete nonsense. Of course a player´s transfer fee needs to be weighed in when rating their signing. N´Zogbia was a very good piece of business, partly because we found him on the cheap before other people realised his potential. Would he have been a good signing if we had paid Le Havre 30 million? Didn´t think so.. You can misinterpret the "presentation" of my posts as you like. Anyone with half a brain will understand I'm offering an opinion and that like everyone else when they post their opinion, it's true I believe what I write. Why else would I write something? Are you admitting that when you post you don't actually believe what you're writing? It's a fact that I think you post rubbish, but I hadn't realised you thought so too. By the way, "good business" is a different subject. Smith can overpriced and so be poor business at £6m, but he can still be a decent player for our team. I doubt you'll understand that either. I understand it but I just don't see it. Anyway, it's quite pityful you need to resort to abuse again.. Eh? Abuse? Where's the abuse? Your sensitivity is pitiful....
  18. You present your opinion as if it were a fact. I think it´s complete nonsense. Of course a player´s transfer fee needs to be weighed in when rating their signing. N´Zogbia was a very good piece of business, partly because we found him on the cheap before other people realised his potential. Would he have been a good signing if we had paid Le Havre 30 million? Didn´t think so.. You can misinterpret the "presentation" of my posts as you like. Anyone with half a brain will understand I'm offering an opinion and that like everyone else when they post their opinion, it's true I believe what I write. Why else would I write something? Are you admitting that when you post you don't actually believe what you're writing? It's a fact that I think you post rubbish, but I hadn't realised you thought so too. By the way, "good business" is a different subject. Smith can be overpriced and so be poor business at £6m, but he can still be a decent player for our team. I doubt you'll understand that either.
  19. If you read what he is typing, you would realise he is not really arsed about Jan or summer, he is more bothered signing players that are better than the current players. Which once we take out some of the crap in your posts is exactly the same thing your saying. OH MY GOD, well if you read any of my fucking posts you'll realises im talking about the Jan period, do you know why? Becasuse its directively related to Morts quotes. I>E THIS WHOLE THREAD. You have to be an amazing spin doctor to be able to attribue those quotes to anything other than this immediate transfer window. AND for the 20th time, i ve openly agreed with NE5 and others that we should adress the weaknesses in our squad, ie the signing of Woodgate etc, but i dont think we should be filling the squad at this time. Seriously, some people are so stupid, ive tried to include as much generic detail, addressing as many issues as i can but it seems many people struggle at the first fucking step. Directively? What the hell is that? And what's with the gobbing off and bad language? It seems you're losing your cool, sunshine. I suggest you go and have a can of pop, or something.
  20. If you read what he is typing, you would realise he is not really arsed about Jan or summer, he is more bothered signing players that are better than the current players. Which once we take out some of the crap in your posts is exactly the same thing your saying.
  21. To the stats types obsessed with transfer fees....It doesn't matter that Smith cost £6m. I'll say it again. It doesn't matter that Smith cost £6m, the same as it doesn't matter that other players may have been brought in on a free. Someone not good enough doesn't become good enough because they were free. Someone good enough doesn't become shit because they cost £6m. You don't judge the quality of a footballer by his transfer fee, you judge a footballer by watching matches and determining their attributes. I didn't think I'd read anything so boring and stupid in my life as stats people judging a striker on goals scored, when that striker has been utililsed mainly out of position in midfield. As if that wasn't stupid enough, it now seems that judging whether someone is good or not is based on the transfer fee. Hilarious stuff.
  22. Aye, I thought so but I wanted it to be clear.
  23. I think everyone is being extremely harsh on Smith, and if basing judgement on the games he has played up front, means a lot here are very short sighted when it comes to analysing his performances. Scoring goals is critical as a team, but not everything when judging an individual player. Smith has never been the player to bang in 20 plus goals, someone next to him needs to do that. Anyone who has played football or understands the game can quite clearly see that when we have played Smith in an attacking role we have looked much better going forward. Against Arsenal he was immense, he wins and retains about 95% of balls punted / passed into his chest, feet, body, or winning it with his head, he holds the ball up and lays it off or retains posession until he has support. He's the sort of player that can link midfield to attack. Improving his goal tally is obviously important but that's not what his game is all about, if you expect this from him then you may as well play him back in midfield for all it's worth. Which is what I've been saying, so wondering why you're quoting me. I'm one of the few not on his back. I just want that to be clear.
  24. Please tell me you're taking the piss. No. I like the look of him when Ive seen him, but how can he be rated highly when he basically hasn't played? £6.7m was it? I'd like to see him starting, especially as he cost that much and is our only LB in the squad. I'm totally in the camp that wants him starting, and Zoggy in midfield. But, so far Enrique has barely played, hence the low rating. He's a young lad in a foreign country being eased in slowly, correctly IMO, by Sam. Give him a chance is all people are saying. As you yourself say he has hardly played but you're still happy to judge him, and by giving him 2/10 you're essentially saying you think he's shit. Patience. Wot he said.
  25. Howaythelads


    Err, quite normal as one turns from a young man into a mature man. I said ages ago that I think he has the attributes to take on a similar role as Henry did at Arsenal and I still believe it. In a couple of years he'll be an excellent player, imo.
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