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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Obviously struggling for viewers. I hope they go bust, tbh.
  2. Not being funny, but what if Fred had said that bit in bold? I reckon World War III would have kicked pretty quickly with people on here banging on about him interfering in team affairs and talking about stuff that's nothing to do with him. Which would be true of course and which apply to Mort in this instance. Whether or not we need new players is one for the team manager to decide, not for Mort to decide. i agree, but as you've said yourself, the board don't seem convinced by allardyce as he wasn't their appointment, so should they entrust him with big funds? we made that mistake with souness who blew £50m, very little of it spent wisely, which set us back in football terms as well as financially (decreasing future funds and increasing debt which ashley had to pay off so he has effectively paid the money for the likes of Owen). you could read mort's comments as saying 'it doesn't matter how much we let him spend, if he can't get the team playing well it will be money down the drain' - mort is perhaps suggesting tht the problems are down to Allardyce rather than the quality of the squad. i'm not saying we don't need more players, we're short when it comes to creativity and also lack a bit of athleticism/pace, but the question is, do you let Allardyce have the funds to sort it out in january or do you wait till the summer and a possible new manager? i could well see mort and ashley give allardyce little backing in january then when they get a new managfer in the summer, give him a big kitty. the quotes in the papers today seem eerily like the dreaded 'vote-of-confidence', when mort was asked if he backed sam he said words to the effect of "i'd like to" not "i already do". so if allardyce doesn't turn it around quickly he could be out sooner than we think. Aye, decent post. As I've said already, I don't think Allardyce is the right man so I wouldn't give him the money to waste. I'm not getting carried away with the quality of the players at the club. I do think we could do better with a better manager but we still need players.
  3. Not being funny, but what if Fred had said that bit in bold? I reckon World War III would have kicked pretty quickly with people on here banging on about him interfering in team affairs and talking about stuff that's nothing to do with him. Which would be true of course and which apply to Mort in this instance. Whether or not we need new players is one for the team manager to decide, not for Mort to decide.
  4. Agreed. The thing is as well, the media can bang on all they like about impatient supporters and some supporters can bang on all they like about being embarrassed if the club sacks another manager, but if the players have lost confidence in the manager the powers within the club WILL know it. In this situation they must make the change. It's as simple as that.
  5. Not like you to be down to just two words.... Keegan spent that much money?! Aye, but £15m was on a "trophy player."
  6. Not like you to be down to just two words....
  7. The dedication and faith I've had for this football club over nearly 4 decades now means I don't have to feel bad about thinking Allardyce is out of his depth. I've seen worse teams but they were all under a regime that wasn't trying to win anything, it's different for this bloke. I feel well justified in my comments about Allardyce because frankly, the likes of Cox and Lee would have given a lot to have had even a fraction of the backing this bloke has had in his few months at the club. Both of these managers operated at a time when there was no chance of success yet both made a good fist at the attempt, making the most of what they had, unlike Allardyce. I'd take both of them as manager over this bloke any day of the week.
  8. I'm not sure why this is still such a big debate. All you have to do is consider that Allardyce was not appointed by Ashley, which means he's under closer scrutiny than if he'd been Ashley's choice. Then put yourself in Ashley's shoes and ask yourself whether you've seen enough from Allardyce to believe it's worth allowing the bloke to spend a wad of potentially millions in January and maybe again next summer. If he stays it can't be for anything he's doing that translates to performances in football matches, that's for sure.
  9. I'd like to see Allardyce out and it's nothing to do with raised expectations since Ashley arrived. I've seen nothing to suggest Ashley is going to back the manager as well as the previous board, and to be honest, I don't blame him because Allardyce is not his choice. I wouldn't give him my money. I've never seen Allardyce as the right man because I think he's a small club man, I think he's out of his depth here. The signs are there, just as they were there with previous managers. Ashley has some big decisions to make in the coming weeks because we need players and they must be better than we have now, not squad players. This will cost a lot of money, Allardyce is not his appointment but it's his money. I know what I'd do if it was my money. I hope people get to throw this post back at me at some point in the future when FS has us challenging near the top of the league.
  10. 50,000 idiots who don't deserve what? s*** football, you're right. its fair enough mate, you've got your concerns about the way we're playing, so have i. i just dont think that the way that our 'supporters' react to bad times is condusive to success, at all, even when we win i leave the ground frustrated at all the negativity around. i'm starting to think that many years of false dawns have changed the fans mindset beyond repair @bobbydazzla - spot on mate maybe the amount of season ticket holders doesnt help things. people turn up out of habit and because they have to. not because they actually want to be there. so they are in the wrong frame of mind before the game has even kicked off. a load of people jacking in their season tickets and being replaced by paper ticket buying punters who are at the match because they want to be there might be just what we need to lift the attitude of the crowd. And another
  11. I can't recall an example of when the home fans booed a home player and his response was to up his game and suddenly deliver a blinding performance for the remainder of the match. if you get booed by the home fans when you're away from home, then in many cases it will drive you to up your game. Especially if you possess the footballing talent of Mr S Gerrard. and my issue with booing gerrard is the reason he was booed. He had a shitter for england, so f****** what ! it has nowt to do with a game in which NUFC are playing LFC. these days the fans inside the ground are more arsed about where they can direct their negative abuse, rather than singing their hearts out and getting behind the side. it is like a f****** pantomime. couldnt agree more, 50,000 idiots, we dont deserve it as many others have said before me, I'd rather have 30,000 in the ground who have come to get behind the side than the current 50,000 where many seem to delight in ridiculing our staff and side. and if we weren't getting 50,000 a week then maybe we could finally rid ourselves of the delusion that we are a "big" side and align our expections accordingly, therefore allowing us to rebuild the team in a positive environment rather than under the cloud of over-expectation and negativity that has followed us around for the last 10 years.....
  12. Shite. "Fans are to blame". Aye, its the fans fault that the team played like a bunch of clueless schoolkids. Look, nobody's expecting miracles overnight, but if, as a fan, you're spending good, hard-earned money week in week out and getting served up with shite like that to watch, all the while knowing that these gutless arseholes are earning as much in a week as some people earn in a couple of years...and on top of that, you've had to endure pitiful performances like today's, you do have to start wondering how fans haven't actually had a full scale fucking riot. I mean, most of them didn't even look interested. Do you think FS has lost the dressing room?
  13. Bring what into this thread? The lies and misreprentation? Talk to your mates, Indi, I'm sure they'll turn up to wreck this one soon because we're talking about performances and they think I (and others) are blaming the fans when I'm not. If they post that tripe in here I'll just have to tell them they're spouting shite again. The performances are shite because the manager hasn't got a clue what he's doing and that's the end of it, reaction of the supporters or not. People don't have to agree with me and that's the nature of a forum, but I don't lie and misrepresent.
  14. Good post, It is really fucking me off how negative he has been. SA seems to be playing for a 0-0 draw with the hope that we can somehow nick a goal, Against the top 4 i can understand those tactics but he went to Derby for a 0-0 FFS. What makes it more annoying is the fact that Liverpool werent all that good today yet they should of scored atleast 6 or 7, They were there for the taking imo. Yup, that's about it.
  15. Out of interest, the other thread was dragged down by some people deliberately (they surely couldn't be that dumb) misrepresenting the criticism of those who applaud the opposition to mean the fans were directly to blame for the poor performance today. Nobody said that of course, but sticking with the truth isn't important to some.
  16. Yep, it was all the fans fault. Get a fucking grip. He's not saying that. Get a f****** brain, soopafan.
  17. Honestly pal, just ignore them. They'll grow up one of these days and realise how ludicrous they once were. mackems.gif
  18. That's twice in recent times you've babbled on about people laughing at our own players. First Smith, now Martins. You must sit among some genuine mongs who definitely aren't supporters of the club, despite for some reason being at the match. Since you seem to think it's ok why do you bother going? http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=45922.msg1060853#msg1060853 Oh dear. You don't reply to too much do you The mong bothers in full swing again I see. Hi soopafan.
  19. It's plain to see the result and performance today has been painful for all of us, and is being reflected in this thread. What I can't stand is the likes of twining old women like NE5 banging on about pointless issues, having a go at us for something which really makes no difference what so ever in terms of the way our team plays. If by "US" you mean people at the match then you are spouting tripe. The reaction(s) of the us (the crowd) does make a difference.
  20. Which of course should tell a number of people (not you) that the main problem wasn't the defenders at all, but has been mainly down to the players in front of the defenders and our inability to control football matches. People don't listen though, even though this is really easy stuff.
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