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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. OK. Your first post suggested otherwise though. No problem. Cool, we're both happy with Sam aren't we? Nice one Shepherd as far as I'm concerned. I like to think I give credit where it's due and he deserves it in this instance. Lets hope he succeeds then. Not just as NUFC fans, but this time, people who are supporting this appointment can't deny it later, as its here on these pages, unlike when they supported the appointments of Dalglish and Gullit. Doesn't matter. I've seen plenty of posts claiming that it's not people on this forum who appoint the manager, that's down to Fat "Pie Eater" Fred and it's his job to get it right. Waiting for the usual "who said that" type of reply. Well, they're there, but I can't be arsed to do the search.
  2. Totally irrelevant, the point is he feigned injury on more than one occassion to get out of playing for us. I don't agree. Better being upfront and giving it your all when he played than just putting on the shirt and hiding like most of the other wastes of space did. Drawing your money and doing fcuk all is a million times more shameful than falling out with your manager, which is all he did. it is why he did it. Why do you sub the best player on the pitch ? And by then, they had clashed and he was showing him who was the boss, which is why he did it. As he's done everywhere, like when he was at Blackburn and tried to break Dwight Yorkes leg in training. don't make me laugh. He causes more confrontation than he's worth. Everywhere. Do you call Bowyer and Dyer fighting a result of the "discipline" he imposed on the club ? errr.....no he's not to blame for anything before he came to a degree, but give them good management and it probably wouldn't happen. I see it as a sign of frustration. Absolutely NE5 I had no idea so many Souness apologists posted on here to be honest
  3. Totally irrelevant, the point is he feigned injury on more than one occassion to get out of playing for us. Absolute bollocks, you think thats why he did it. He was brought in to install discipline, Dyer towed the line after his one misdemeanour, Bellend said he would, even got a 2nd and 3rd chance, but no he still couldnt help himself. And Souness was to blame pre and post Newcastle no doubt I would think its probably got more to do with themselves, certainly the latter. :bored:
  4. We need to improve all over the place. How Souness added £50m worth of players to a 5th placed team and turned it into this rubbish I just don't know, but he managed it somehow. The point is, given that we need to improve all over the field the thing to do is to target players for all positions that require to be changed and then sign quality players for those positions who become available, who are prepared to move to Newcastle and to do it within the spending budget. That probably won't be all of the positions that need to be improved on. If that turns out to be another striker to partner Owen, a quality CM to replace Parker, 1 LB and 1 experienced CB I'll be happy enough. It's summer now, I don't really care which order they're signed in just so long as the club does strengthen where possible and with the right quality.
  5. Oh well, thanks to this 'pie' idioit the thread looks like it's well and truly ruined.
  6. The real problem has been discussed many times. It is a lack of creativity, goal scoring threat and the ability to control and dictate the game. It's not specific to the defence or the 4 defenders, it's to do with how the entire team plays.
  7. Tbh, anyone who doesn't want to play for the club should be sold. That wil leave us with Pattison and Carroll Wot abooot Ameobi?
  8. Tbh, anyone who doesn't want to play for the club should be sold.
  9. You can't say I didn't try mate. I deleted my post after going through the thread but it seems HTL had already saved it to his special folder he's made for me. mackems.gif I saved it to the clipboard because although I'm apparently stupid I was seemingly clever enough to see right through you and anticipate you'd delete it. It's a joke, man. If I wasn't going to joke about it I'd have replied rather than put it on the clipboard and wait for the delete. Seems you aren't clever enough to have worked that out for yourself. You're ok dishing it out but you can't take it back. Your problem. Now why don't you stop ruining Dave's thread? I've already apologised, no doubt you're don't have what that takes either.
  10. So why does Butt want sorting out?
  11. What's up with you shorty? This maybe.... Thankfully I don't have to sit next to the old fella next to me at away games and constantly have to explain to him that the goalkeepers' four step rule was abolished years ago over and over again! So how many times exactly was this rule abolished? You're just making yourself look stupid now. Did you miss me hun?
  12. Ok, I'll hold my hands up. I started the thread on the downward spiral by having a "larf" at Geordiesned. What goes around comes around, he jumped into a thread the other day and had a good old snipe for no apparent reason. He deserves the 'p' to be taken out of him. This 'pie' person, slagging someone off for supposedly having more than one username. What's that all about? Such irony and of course, good old melanie doesn't pick up on it as usual. So, apologises to Dave, who started a good thread, and to everyone else who believed it was a good thread.
  13. Do you have to live in Newcastle to be a season ticket holder, like? No, where have I said that or hinted at that? Apologies, you didn't. I created this thead at 6.30pm, where did you imply they would not be able to get back to? Yes I misread it. Season ticket holder and have been to about 15 away games this season. Careful mate, HTL will be calling you a soopafan and sending you invites to be his msn buddy. Nowt like having a "chum", eh?
  14. No doubt Allardyce will be chuffed.
  15. Thankfully I don't have to sit next to the old fella next to me at away games and constantly have to explain to him that the goalkeepers' four step rule was abolished years ago over and over again! So how many times exactly was this rule abolished?
  16. Not only has he been shit when he's played this season it looks like his heart isn't in it and he's away. We didn't need Duff though.
  17. soopafan! Did I claim to be? I've merely followed the flow of the other posts and qualified my answer. You're really having trouble understanding that concept today aren't you old man? Forgotten to take your pills again? Or are you just trying to make yourself look superior again? Are you going to follow up your juvenile response with tales of how you once caught Hughie Gallagher's left boot when he threw it into the crowd after winning the Championship? After all, you're the only soopafan round here! Making yourself look superior = Season ticket holder and go to between 10 and 15 away games a season. As I said, soopafan...... Christ on a bike! I'm answering the fucking question! Shall I type s-l-o-w-l-y for you so you undertand the concept?? And to think you accused ME of stalking YOU! I expect you were really excited when you saw this thread 'cos it gave you the chance to brag to everybody about how many matches you see, eh soopfan? BTW You started the stalking, I'm just retaliating and isn't it fun. So there. Na na ni na na!!!!!
  18. soopafan! Did I claim to be? I've merely followed the flow of the other posts and qualified my answer. You're really having trouble understanding that concept today aren't you old man? Forgotten to take your pills again? Or are you just trying to make yourself look superior again? Are you going to follow up your juvenile response with tales of how you once caught Hughie Gallagher's left boot when he threw it into the crowd after winning the Championship? After all, you're the only soopafan round here! Making yourself look superior = Season ticket holder and go to between 10 and 15 away games a season. As I said, soopafan......
  19. we have a serious ULTRAS right here Eh? I'm over 15 I'll have you know! That's a revelation. Nobody would have guessed.
  20. Accussed of being a 'soopafan' when I say that.
  21. Actually, you're wrong about the FA Cup business being "media guff" as much as I'd like to agree 'cos I hate the media. Fact is, I remember Shearer being interviewed on 3rd Round day when he clearly stated the FA Cup is so special for Newcastle fans he thought winning the FA Cup would be better than winning the league. It's one of the things that makes me worried about him ever becoming manager of the club, he spouts shite and that was some of the worst.
  22. To compare the managerial track record of Dalglish and Souness putting them in the same bracket is mental imo. Dalglish's track record is also superior to that of SGE. Not that I'm saying Sven is shite.
  23. Aye, and football only started when the Premiership was born. Did I say it did? That's precisley the reason I sited "Premiership". Not too fucking difficult to fathom is it soopafan? mackems.gif
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