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Everything posted by Menace

  1. We've got some toxic fans like, they don't even want us to progress they just want to be right. Fuck off man.
  2. I would've kept him for another year tbh, we don't exactly have the bodies in midfield.
  3. Please not like last year, we got absolutely barebacked.
  4. On my way to Bali, hopefully it gets wrapped up by then.
  5. Just in case the takeover falls through?
  6. So we only have 1 striker on the books now? I don't understand who's making the decisions.
  7. This is happening, the stars are all aligning. Will buy champagne once the confirmation arrives.
  8. Could still do a job for some prem teams tbh.
  9. KYC = Know Your Client/Customer iirc
  10. It's all happening lads. Mbappe #7 in August.
  11. Menace


    Big Don really bought these fuckers with their own money then sold them a year later for major profit. What a lad.
  12. Someone lock this shite until/if there is updates
  13. Absolutely horrendous manager
  14. Poor guy is looking for work already
  15. Takeover I'd imagine in a few years we'd be better off then fighting relegation every year.
  16. 100 pages in 2 days, fuck me
  17. Maybe I've been missing out, but I don't really see why people are saying this. I mean, nobody really knows anything, he's just reporting from his sources.
  18. Luke Edwards has had an absolute shocker through all this
  19. I bet you they end up pulling out cause of the media nonsense
  20. Press in this country are a joke, imagine being Sheikh Khaled and reading the bullshit these guys put out. No money, was at a fraudulent company etc etc. Fucking pathetic man.
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