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Everything posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. Tom_NUFC

    Copa América

    Argentina are waking up a bit now - it's taken them long enough, full strength side as well and the Yank side is weakened.
  2. Tom_NUFC

    Copa América

    colombia were bloody awful there like
  3. That Leicester game I think is the most memorable match I've seen, certainly the most nervewracking, not sure about the best though. ONE of the best I've seen was NUFC v Spurs in May 1995. Quite a warm evening, and both sides just went for it and attacked each other for 90 mins. It ended 3-3.
  4. Tom_NUFC

    Copa América

    the colombian keeper's positioning has been awful on both those goals, and Santacruz is just waltzing past with no one stopping him
  5. hmmm, I'm not sure. The new one isn't that bad, but I'm not sure it's 'right'.
  6. Taken from another site, I'm adapting it for NUFC. You take one letter of the alphabet and use only past and present NUFC players whose surname begin with that letter to try and make the best starting XI as possible. I was thinking G would be good, what with Given in Goal. I thought of a cracking midfield of Keith Gillespie, David Ginola, Paul Gascoigne and Tony Green and Hughie Gallacher up front, then I got stuck thinking of a second striker, and the best I could come up with was Alan Gowling..... and as for the defence, Goma? Griffin? oh dear. So can anyone do better than me with 'G' or any other letter for that matter? I also thought of M - Macdonald and Milburn up front, and there's the likes of Bobby Moncur, Bobby Mitchell, Bill McCracken, but again I can only get so far.
  7. I'm not going to make too much of a prediction, but we should be looking at a Top 6 finish. I would accept Top 8 - for now. And, unfortunately, I don't see the Mackems getting relegated.
  8. Nicky Butt. I think Taylor may well have the makings of Captaincy material, but not yet.
  9. NUFC.com have a article from a Nigerian website, claiming that Martins is lying about the shooting incident. www.nufc.com Lagos lunacy: Shot blast From the Nigerian website This Day, Friday - an alternative version of the recent Obafemi Martins gun drama: A new vista has emerged in the Obafemi Martins’ assassination attempt saga with the Nigeria Police insisting that the Super Eagles striker lied about the incident alleging that no such thing happened. The Newcastle United star had told the international media of his lucky escape from an attempted assassination in Lagos, when his vehicle was shot at by gunmen at about 9 pm on Monday. According to the former Inter Milan star, the incident happened at a petrol station close to his Victoria Garden City (VGC) residence, where he had stopped to buy fuel for his generator along with two of his friends, when three men approached the car and without demanding for the keys suddenly opened fire. But shedding light on what actually happened on Monday night, Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Lagos State Command, Mr. Olubode Ojajuni, said at about 3 am on Tuesday, the police in Ajah, Lagos, got a distress call from one Mr. Remi Onipede on phone that he was receiving treatment at an hospital on the Lagos Island after an attack by some gunmen. The Superintendent of Police, said on getting to the hospital, Onipede explained to the police that at about 1am that same Tuesday morning, he went out in search of diesel oil with a friend in a Mercedes Benz Jeep with registration number BD 900 BDG. "Onipede told the police that while trying to enter into a filling station close to Alesh Hotel, Ajah, suddenly, a vehicle hit him from behind. He (Onipede) claimed to have come down to find out what was happening, when suddenly, some armed men alighted from the other vehicle and pointed their guns at him. One of them shot him on his hand while he was trying to escape. He said he succeeded in escaping with the car keys and went to the hospital." Ojajuni said VGC police went all out for the criminals and that it was during their hunt, that they recovered the vehicle. "The driver, Onipede, told the police that the vehicle belonged to Martins. Ajah Divisional Police Officer (DPO) headed straight to the international footballer's house early on Tuesday morning and on getting there he met his mother, who informed the DPO that her son was still sleeping. The DPO gave his telephone number to Martins' mother and left a message that once Martins woke up, he should call him. "At about 10 on the same Tuesday morning, Martins called the DPO to thank him for recovering his vehicle and also apologised for not seeing him earlier in the morning. Martins even told the DPO that he was travelling that same morning and promised to see the officer when next he came to Nigeria. “So why then did the footballer tell the international media that he was robbed? If he was involved in the armed robbery attack as he claimed, why did he not inform the police? His driver told the police that Martins was not in the vehicle but one of his friends. Obafemi Martins lied against himself.” Ojajuni promised the readiness of the police in unravelling the mystery behind the Super Eagles striker's claim. The original report in the Sun contained the following quotes from Oba: "They shot indiscriminately and tried to kill all the occupants of the car. They weren’t there to rob me but to finish me off. “I thought I was going to die. They executed it like professional hired assassins. "They didn’t say anything to me but just started shooting at the car. It was hell. I was dead in my heart and soul. It all happened like in the movies.” “I didn’t know their mission but they looked scary and mean. My nerves were completely dead when I saw the guns.” “If you are attacked by armed robbers, they only threaten you and take whatever they want but these guys were only after my life. “How I managed to escape is still shocking and unbelievable. “Maybe someone up there loves me more than I could imagine because only he could explain what happened. “But my mother is scared they could come back again. “She almost passed out when she saw the car. She just kept asking who wants me dead. “I don’t feel safe in Lagos any more and don’t think I want to return so fast. "I was born in Lagos, I am a Lagosian. But when I don’t feel safe in my hometown then something must be wrong. “I am not running away from armed robbers but people who want to take the life of Obafemi Martins. "It’s a great thing to play for your country, put smiles on the faces of people and also feel safe among your family and fans. “But when the situation gets out of hand, I don’t think coming home is something I can even contemplate.” PS - it's unconfirmed whether Arsenal have any interest in signing Martins, or if he just wants to play for a team nicknamed the Gunners.....
  10. NUFC.com has us down to play either Juventus or Dortmund at home on July 29.
  11. Aye, I remember that one. Brilliant. It wasn't Mick Lowes though. John Cairns was the NUFC commentator Radio Newcastle back then. Mick Lowes used to work for Metro radio with Mick Martin didn't he? Yeah, but not that far back I don't think. It was a bloke called Charles Harrison who did NUFC's commentaries for Metro in those days. I used to listen to Radio Newcastle or Metro commentaries back then.
  12. Tom_NUFC

    St James' Park

    It's should always be St James' - lets not sell out. It's our history. The whole likening SJP to a Cathedral is an uber-cliche, but it's as important to me as some church. You'd never get the Church (Catholic or Protestant selling out). You'll never see the Coca-Cola St Mary's Cathedral or the Pepsi Cathedral of St Nicholas - why, because it would be a disgusting insult to those who hold them and their beliefs dear. I hold NUFC dear to me and I would find any re-naming a disgusting, degrading insult to the NUFC cause. If other clubs want to sell out, let them. It's easy for the new-stadium brigade because although they're not all of the cloned, bland, stuck on a retail park on the outskirts of wherever - they're soulless arenas devoid of tradition and history. In time, they will build that up, but when you finish a new stadium, it's easy to call it something like the Aldi Arena. With a stadium like SJP, which has had the same name for over 130 years - outdating even NUFC itself, it's so much harder because it's a landmark, stepped in history and memories - it's people's second home, they're attached to it, you can't go wiping that away for a few quid. Aside from that, you hear the names of these places and they sound comical and fake. I find myself devaluing the relevant club, as if they've sold themselves like a cheap whore.
  13. Radio 5 are saying that the clubs themselves are exonorated from any irregular payments that went on - ie, the clubs themselves did nothing wrong.
  14. When we went in Feb we got off the bus and started watching a Rugby game for a couple of minutes. Everyone was shouting "HANDBALL!" Not particularly original, but it pissed off the locals for a couple of minutes until we were bored and went to find the pub. that has been a good side to Wigan away the past two years actually. Especially nicking the ball. However the stadiums on a poor excuse for a retail park and the staff at the pub couldn't cope with the amount of fans in there. been there every time so far, they need to learn to get more staff I was thinking on similar lines. Looking down the list, the only teams that I found myself worrying about were the top four. When we went in Feb we got off the bus and started watching a Rugby game for a couple of minutes. Everyone was shouting "HANDBALL!" Not particularly original, but it pissed off the locals for a couple of minutes until we were bored and went to find the pub. that has been a good side to Wigan away the past two years actually. Especially nicking the ball. However the stadiums on a poor excuse for a retail park and the staff at the pub couldn't cope with the amount of fans in there. been there every time so far, they need to learn to get more staff When we went in Feb we got off the bus and started watching a Rugby game for a couple of minutes. Everyone was shouting "HANDBALL!" Not particularly original, but it pissed off the locals for a couple of minutes until we were bored and went to find the pub. that has been a good side to Wigan away the past two years actually. Especially nicking the ball. However the stadiums on a poor excuse for a retail park and the staff at the pub couldn't cope with the amount of fans in there. been there every time so far, they need to learn to get more staff Aye, you're right. It took us over 20 mins to get served. The place was jammed.
  15. Yeah, I'd go along with that theory. That way if the decision goes Sheff U's way they can merely swap them and West Ham around, rather than redo all the fixtures.
  16. 16. Which Newcastle manager within the last 20 years has had two spells as manager of The Magpies? 17. Newcastle United joined the Football League alongside which other two current Premiership clubs? 18. Which player signed for Newcastle in 1982 before moving on just a few hours later? 19 . Against which side did Newcastle feature in the first Football League game to be played under floodlights? 20. Who was Newcastle's chairman immediately before Sir John Hall?
  17. When we went in Feb we got off the bus and started watching a Rugby game for a couple of minutes. Everyone was shouting "HANDBALL!" Not particularly original, but it pissed off the locals for a couple of minutes until we were bored and went to find the pub.
  18. TOUGH F*CKING SH!T I know its rubbish really. In addition, Tyneside police now request that we don't play Sunderland, Middlesborough or Man Utd, whoare pretty muc the only teams who havent blacklisted us. Thus we play away. If this is true, it's a disgrace. You shouldn't be able to pick and choose your fixtures like that. You play where you're told and if you've got Dynamo Mars away at 10 am on Boxing Day then tough f*cking luck - that's how it goes.
  19. I'm not going. I'm never setting foot in the JJB ever again after trecking down to the shithole that it is in the previous two games, expecting us to win comfortably only to see us underperform and get done over 1-0 Bloody horrible place, plastic stadium, with a piss poor support and those that do turn up are like a bunch of Monks and only cheer when the scoreboard tells them to. Horrible little Rugby loving town. The Pies at Wigan are nice but I'm not going to Wigan just to have a nice pie.
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