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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Soccer Aid

    Just seen the highlights of this. Did anyone else hear Shearer shout "I'll take you for a drink on Thursday" when Craig David was being interveiwed?
  2. Apparently England is the only country in the world where highlights of the national teams games are not available on terrestrial TV or for free. How true that is I do not know. One thing I do know though, is that it is a disgrace of a situation.
  3. Listen, forget all the bluster, there ARE loads of mega rich people out there looking to buy clubs and we will be top or near as damn it on most of their lists. The current crisis can do nothing but stir them up to make their move. Lets see what the next 6 months bring eh?
  4. The only way back that I can see for Ashley now is if somehow we go on a good run between now and January and he manages to hang on to the club untill then and then invests heavily with two or three £8 million+ signings in the transfer window. What has happened at Man City has had a huge factor on how we fans (me included) have viewed this whole situation imo.
  5. Chanting against the board during the match should be considered.
  6. Really I am not that arsed about Keegan being re-instated, I just wasnt Ashley out of the club and a mega rich owner in charge who is going to make us challenge for stuff. Plus, people are forgetting ONE HUGE FACTOR HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>. If Ambani takes over the Balti pies at the match will be exceptional, plus he might even bring in Madras/Vindaloo ones aswell.
  7. It is up to the fans to demonstrate and protest so much at the Hull game and others after it if need be to leave no doubt in Ashley's mind that he HAS to sell up. We as fans have a huge part to play in this if we really want it.
  8. Lets be honest. The Newcastle United way is to continually fuck everything up and if we dont get some people in who are ready to seriously invest in the team then we are going to be posting on this forum in 10 or 15 years time and we will still have won fuck all and probably be languishing in mid table mediocrity or worse. At least this guy will give us a fighting chance of being the best.
  9. Yeah, but Hull have sold their allocation of 3,000 and are planning to buy thousands of tickets in the home areas. Thay could probably bring 6-7,000 for this one I reckon.
  10. The only problem with this is that Ashley wont be attending, it was known even before KK quit. Hopefully the fans will protest so much that news will swiftly reach him. A couple of the rags are carrying stories of us being bought out tomorrow
  11. Even murmers of an Indian takeover on SSN's just now We have got to get this bandwagon rolling!
  12. Exactly, this is what I think. He will never be able to attend a match again without getting pelters. Selling is THE only option. I just hope he does it with respect and doesnt fuck us over financially before he leaves.
  13. I agree, Ashley's apparent indifference to the Keegan situation and the fact he didn't seriously invest in the team over the transfer window. In fact if some sources are to be believed he actually made a profit from transfer dealings. Something is going to happen, please god let it happen soon. I like the cut of your jib sir.
  14. The more I think about it the more I think that it is nailed on that Ambani or some other mega rich group will seriously try and take us over. I mean, Ashley's position is totally untenable now, if he ever sets foot in Newcastle again he will get lynched. Bring it on I say and fuck stability, I want fucking trophies god damn it, Ive had it up to here with mid table mediocrity. (That last sentence was feulled by 5 cans of lager I might add).
  15. This is probably spot on, and infact heart breaking.
  16. You know, the only thing stopping me from hating Ashley and Wise completely is that although they have failed to bring in any star signings, the ones they have brought in have been a definate improvement with Colocinni and Gutierrez being outstanding. That is the only thing.
  17. The fact is, Newcastle has some reletively deprived areas in very easy reach of SJP which inturn leads to these people you see on SSN. Sad, but it is a fact.
  18. What exactly did you expect them to do when there were hundreds on the steps, etc? Let them be on the steps. I love it how SSN reported that fans "scaled the walls of the stadium and ended up outside the boardroom." In reality, they walked up the stairs next to the box office and hung around on the landing.
  19. How exactly does this lighten the mood???
  20. Did I just see a huge crowd outside SJP chanting "Shoes off if you hate Ashley"? A new low. Brummie cursed us the other day with his comments, cursed us, I tell thee.
  21. The Ambani campaign should be started with immediate effect. Unless Ashley has something stunning up his sleeve, there can surely be no way back for him.
  22. The Hull game is going to be mental, total anarchy.
  23. Totally, utterly gutted. The sad thing for me in all of this is that Kev was potentially only five or six games away from a carling cup win and immortality. He could then have walked away, job done, mission accomplished, statue erected. But no, this is Newcastle United and it ALWAYS ends in tears.
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