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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I've just got this text too. Could this night get any worse.
  2. The commentator came out with a good saying during the second half: "The darkest hour is just before the dawn". Surely, surely, that was the darkest hour.
  3. I agree, meh. I have total apathy regarding all things football at the moment.
  4. I suppose it will do us good for attracting African talent but tbh they will all be away missing huge stretches of the season every other year for the African Nations. Leaving us with the likes of Shola and Smith to take up the mantle.
  5. Honestly, this Nigerian consortium can only be another chapter in the disaster that is Newcastle United. I mean come on, its Nigeria FFS. Bad things always happen there.
  6. I would have been there but the events off the field and the £20 entrance fee have forced me to stay away. I predict a shocking crowd with us getting dumped out on our arses. Sad, but I cant see anything else really.
  7. I agree, the silence from the club has had a pivitol role to play in our downfall.
  8. God, some people's views are mental tbh, and surely the club will have been sold way WAY before feb 1st.
  9. Havent read the whole thread so this may have been covered but how in the hell do they know it was Guthrie that broke his leg? The hairline fracture could have been casued at any point during the match in another tackle or merely through an awkward landing.
  10. Yeah that Scotch bloke said it was a fact that Ashley snubbed the Arabs to go out on the 'piss'. How the fuck would he know?
  11. Haha I thought you did good there mate, some good points, very good. Those two hosts are numpties tbh " You sound American!". Err, no he doesnt.
  12. Is anyone else getting serious brain pain after reading all this bluster about take overs and what not? I think a labotomy is the order of the day for me. Anyone else?
  13. The mental bloke Peter Lee off the radio.
  14. We have got more tickets for West Ham away (2245) than we have for Everton away (1,819). WTF is up with that?, for years now we have been taking a paltry allocation at Everton. Anyone know why?
  15. That name just sounds dodgy as fuck. Right up our street and doomed to failure.
  16. Not sure this has been posted yet but wow, what an attack: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/newcastle/article4761813.ece
  17. pedro111

    Michael Owen

    He was class on saturday. Really looked like he cared. If he goes, we WONT get anyone better than him its as simple as that, thats why we should pull out all the stops to keep him.
  18. To be fair the article did state that they were eventually let in by some big chief security guy and not simply told to fuck off home.
  19. I have mixed feelings about this after reading the statement. If only he released this statement weeks ago all this could have been avoided. Newcastle fans NEED to know what is going on at their club and the vision for it. Ashley's total silence on all things Newcastle in recent weeks and months was the biggest contributing factor in this shambolic episode I feel. I think he is a decent man, with good intentions so seeing him go if and when he does will be tinged with a little bit of sadness for me because of what might have been.
  20. I can see a thrashing on the cards for us here tbh.
  21. Cant be arsed to trawl through this entire thread so dont know if it has been mentioned but WTF were hull thinking believing they could come here and wear an all GREY strip when we play in black and white??? They should have been in their home strip ffs. Someone should be sacked tbh.
  22. Yes, but the banner just keeps what the board would like to sweep under the carpet right in everybodies attention. Believe me, If we didnt protest, they'd think it is acceptable to treat us like this and continue to do so. Thats what protests achieve. Wouldn't it have been as effective if done before/after the game? You know the SSN cameras will be there, you know there'll be chanting outside the stadium, you know the papers are going to write about it tomorrow. It would have been in everybody's attention with or without the banner but the crowd contributed to our slow start to the second half because their attention was on something else, which is why I thought it was unnecessary. Yeah but these are testing times and these things happen. I agree that the parading of the banner took the focus off the game for 5 minutes but they obviously did it to get maximum exposure which is understandable and god help us if the players are shattered by a banner not even directed at them.
  23. Yes, but the banner just keeps what the board would like to sweep under the carpet right in everybodies attention. Believe me, If we didnt protest, they'd think it is acceptable to treat us like this and continue to do so. Thats what protests achieve.
  24. I agree, the support was as good as can be expected today, if not better. It was certainly no disgrace. I applauded the banner. Too fucking right.
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