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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Aye, Villa's away support was so bad it was unbelievable and to think they were playing to go into 3rd place. Taken from villa's post match thread: "Milner is a total waste of space - he's our most expensive palyer in our history, he can't cross, can't shoot, has no pace and rarely beats players. So we've bought a player than can't do about 75% off what he should be able to do."
  2. Told you. I can tell a player after watching them for 10 minutes. I knew after watching him for 5 that he was top drawer.
  3. I will have Jonas's babies if only someone will let me. Villa fans doing their absolute nuts in!! :colo: :colo: mackems.gif mackems.gif :clap: :iamatwat: http://www.villatalk.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=45793&postdays=0&postorder=asc
  4. I seem to recall Liverpool bringing out 2 DVD's of BOTH of our 4-3 defeats against them called 'Kings Of The Castle' or something. The North London Mackems have just brought out a DVD of their DRAW with Arsenal the other night aswell.
  5. Oh great, seems like having a go at NUFC fans is all the latest craze. Sure there are some nob heads that go to every match but then show me a club that doesnt have these? NUFC players who get slagged off and/or booed do so for good reason. We pay good money and all we ask is that our players dedicate their entire lives to performing well on the pitch and act as professional, respectful and decent people when off it for the EXTREMELY short time most of them are here. What we dont want is players picking up in a week what alot of us will take 10 years to earn and then tossing it off on the pitch and then going out picking up some local slag and shagging her rotten whilst making her wear an NUFC top with said players name and number on the back. Dont give us a reason to boo you and you wont get booed. Its as simple as that.
  6. The tables still very congested though, should we win on teusday it is possible to haul ourselves way out of trouble for the time being.
  7. Ah, that explains why he supports the Mackems & Scotland. And Hibs.
  8. Aye he's blind. Always has a pop about us without fail. Mondays legends should be interesting.
  9. I reckon we'll get new owners but they will be a rag tag bunch of dodgy bastards who have fuck all bar a couple of million to spend. Sad to say, but its on the cards. This is after all NUFC, where disaster strikes with alarming regularity.
  10. I thought they both looked good when they came on. Had they done so 15 mins earlier we may have won the game.
  11. Its a fucking saturday afternoon, I am sick as a pig, the weather is shit and I am stuck in the house rotating slowly in my own juices in a darkened room contemplating a 12 hour shift tomorrow where I will have to face up to about 6 Mackem cunts who will be in full piss take mode all day. Not good at all.
  12. pedro111

    Joe Kinnear

  13. pedro111

    Joe Kinnear

    This is the fucking typical Glenn Roeder Syndrome. Gets a couple of half decent results, declares his interest to take over full time, people in charge think its a good idea, he is given the job full time and then fucks it up. Same old shite every fuckin time, get the fuckin club sold and get someone proper in charge ffs. Man alive.
  14. -Why was N' Zogbia not playing? -Why werent the subs made 15 minutes earlier?????? - Why wasnt the time wasted for the Ried substitution added on at the end??????????? FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
  15. I think you're right but it isn't just about football, they know we have a better city. I was arguing with the Everton fan at work today about how it's a much bigger rivalry than the Merseyside, Manchester or North London derbies because it's not just about football, not in a bad way like the Old Firm and their religious rubbish but in a good way about civic pride. I work on the Quayside and when walking towards the Tyne Bridge today with the sun shining behind it, I could feel that pride and the will to better them tomorrow surging through me. Newcastle is and always will be the greatest city in this area and the fact that our football club is bigger and better just enrages the inbreds even more. I always love to point out that those I know attend one of our 2 universities, and that most of them live in our city. It really gets on their tails. I saw some cow wandering round Morrisons in a mackem shirt the weekend after they beat Boro and we lost at West Ham with the smuggest look on her face, tittering to her boyfriend about all the dirty looks she was getting, I thought "what the f*** have you got to be smug about love, the fact that you support a team from such a shithole that you've chosen to come and live in a real city?" Same with arseholes who walk round the toon in red and white. Why don't you just wave a flag above your head saying "I'm here because sunderland town centre's a hovel" and have done with it? kid of about 8 years in Byker Morries the other week with a mackem top on. Was funny as f***, 40-50 year old blokes quite openly having a dig at him. Im only 25 and find myself getting more and more furious when I see random kids walking around Tyneside in any other football shirt but a Newcastle one. I cant help it. Sad I know.
  16. I think you're right but it isn't just about football, they know we have a better city. I was arguing with the Everton fan at work today about how it's a much bigger rivalry than the Merseyside, Manchester or North London derbies because it's not just about football, not in a bad way like the Old Firm and their religious rubbish but in a good way about civic pride. I work on the Quayside and when walking towards the Tyne Bridge today with the sun shining behind it, I could feel that pride and the will to better them tomorrow surging through me. Newcastle is and always will be the greatest city in this area and the fact that our football club is bigger and better just enrages the inbreds even more. Spot on.
  17. I think that's why I'm so relaxed about tomorrow. Normally they don't really think they have a chance of beating us, whereas this time they all seem so cocky and confident about it. Would be the sweetest derby win of my lifetime anyway. Agreed.
  18. Ive noticed that almost every paper has called this the 'north east derby' Stupid fuckers its the 'Tyne/Wear derby' ffs or even in this instance the 'Wear/Tyne derby' just to satisfy the mackem fuckers. It amazing how little coverage this game gets in the press, most are oblivious to what is imo the biggest derby in England. Certainly the one with the most hatred for the other. I guess its our isolation up here tucked away in the North East and the fact we are two shite teams at the moment.
  19. The mackems at work are salivating at the thought of beating us. They are so confident they are going to thrash us tomorrow. Hope we beat the fuckers just to see their faces. I will be shitting a brick tomorrow though!
  20. Didnt realise Norwich were in the Champions League this year.
  21. Wear a small jacket with your Toon top over it! Used to do it when I were a young un but im 25 now ffs!
  22. Its a funny time of year. Shall I wear a big coat tonight or just a small jacket?. Decisions.
  23. pedro111


    I agree to an extent but having taken many many corners in my lifetime (in slightly lesser leagues ) it is a fine line between taking the perfect corner and over/under hitting it. Thats why so many hit the first man.
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