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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I checked them yesterday and they are brilliant. Good enough to be in the top 3 centre halfs at any of the top European clubs. But thats just what fm says!
  2. Does have a nice solid look to it... Aye, until injuries happen which is nailed on and then we are fucked.
  3. I wish I had Setanta Spoiled everything when they started up.
  4. So, who shall I get on the back of my Argie shirt then? Spiderman or Sideshow Bob?
  5. pedro111


    Nah in off the underside bar bouncing down into the goal and back up into the roof of the net is the best kind of goal you can score. Tony Yeboah v Liverpool being a classic example. Imo a stanchion goal is. A free kick from outside of the box lashed into the top corner always rising and then bang!, its stuck right in the stanchion. It is the ultimate was to say to the opposition that we own you, look what we can do, we can stick the ball right in your stanchion and there aint nowt you can do about it.
  6. Come on, one of the mods get one of those clocks counting down to zero on here man!!
  7. pedro111


    As soon as I saw the thread title I knew someone was going to mention balls getting stuck in them. Brilliant, the best type of goal you can score imo, seen it happen a few times in Sunday league.
  8. Spot on. My regular group of match going mates is about 6 strong and they are ALL renewing, but in some cases through gritted teeth becasue of the reasons stated in the quoted post above.
  9. pedro111

    F*ck Spurs

    Yes, FUCK Spurs.
  10. Isnt it meant to be expensive as fuck?, a new place for the prawn sarnie brigade? Steer well clear.
  11. Chill Ha ha, its just all this on off s**** does my head in when a transfer should be as simple as this: Wise: Well hello there Mr Deportivo we are looking to purchase Colocinni from you for 9.5 million pounds, so what say thee? Mr Deportivo: No, I want 10.5 million pounds for my player my good fellow. Wise: Ah I see good sir, 10.5 million pounds it is then my friend. Mr Deportivo: Good, you now have permission to speak with Mr Coloccinni. Wise: Jolly good sir. Mr Coloccini: I want £60,000 a week Mr Wise. Wise: 60 grand you say?, how about £50,000 a week plus a lifetimes supply of free steak bakes from Greggs? Mr Coloccinni: Deal. Wise: So Mr Deportivo, we have agreed personal terms with Mr Coloccinni are you happy to confirm the deal? Mr Deportivo: Without question Mr Wise sir. Simple innit?
  12. The same has just happened with my mate. Clueless fuckers.
  13. Fucking hell, pay the extra million or so and get the cunt in FFS! If this deal is called off over another million pounds I dont know what I'll do.
  14. If this one goes tits up and we dont sign him I am going to be seriously pissed off to a degree that I have rarely reached before.
  15. pedro111

    Barton or Bowyer

    Nah he wasnt s*** mate, while not the greatest ever, he was our best midfielder on the park on more than a number of occasions. One of the most disappointing players we've had over the last ten years IMO, given what we were supposed to be getting. I never expected big things from him anyway, its not like we signed him when he was world player of the year or something and he flopped, he was much like Barton in the fact no one really wanted to touch him , so we brought him in for next to nowt and he did a decent job.
  16. pedro111

    Barton or Bowyer

    Nah he wasnt shit mate, while not the greatest ever, he was our best midfielder on the park on more than a number of occasions.
  17. pedro111

    Barton or Bowyer

    Bowyer, hands down. Gave some really good performances for us, always looking committed and chipped in with a few goals. I hated him when he played for leeds and remember the dogs abuse I dished out to him when we played leeds around 01-02ish season but he sort of won me over when he came here. Barton on the other hand has done almost nothing of note in his albeit much less time here so far.
  18. Like already said we have been punching BELOW our weight recently, well below. NUFC is as big as Arsenal and Chelsea, the only difference is they have competed on the pitch for years whereas we have not. Its simple.
  19. pedro111

    Taye Taiwo

    I signed him for £18 million on FM08. Hes THAT good. Must not go to Sunderland at all costs!
  20. Thought it deserved a thread of its own tbh as the other has no relevance to this . Ok mate.
  21. Its tragic, but being discussed in the other thread mate.
  22. "Nice arse barnacles held on by some beautiful arse vegetation........."
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